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How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 1
Oracle DBA
Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR2 (12.2.1)
Installation on Oracle Linux 7
This document is showing how to install oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR2 on oracle Linux
7 on virtual box . I assume Oracle Linux 7 64 bit (OL7) was already installing in virtual machine
and this example .I picked the "Desktop" option for the OL7 installation and the "Server with
GUI" option for OL7, so It have a graphical interface installation will be 64-bit. Login your OL7
with tool which you are familiar with such as putty , secure CRT or Xschell For me I used
Securte CRT . Login your system as root user
1. Installation Prerequisites
Login in as root user and make sure the "/etc/hosts" file contains correct entries for both the
"localhost" and real host names. Assign IP address and fully-qualified-machine-name>
For example: ol7-wls12.localdomain ol7-wls12
- Create the new groups and user oracle and set password of oracle
#groupadd -g 54321 oinstall
#useradd -u 54321 -g oinstall oracle
# passwd oracle
- And using this command setenforce Permissive or restart the server
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 2
Oracle DBA
- Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed.
#mkdir -p /home/weblogic/oracle/product/12.2.1
#mkdir -p /home/weblogic/oracle/config/domains
#mkdir -p /home/weblogic/oracle/config/applications
#chown -R oracle:oinstall /home/weblogic
#chmod -R 775 /home/weblogic/
- Append the following entries into the "/home/oracle/.bash_profile" file.
#export PATH
#export ORACLE_BASE=/home/weblogic/oracle
#export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/12.2.1
#export WLS_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver
#export DOMAIN_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/config/domains
#export DOMAIN_HOME=$DOMAIN_BASE/uiappdomain
#export JAVA_HOME=/home/weblogic/oracle/jdk1.8.0_111
#export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
- Install the JDK.
Download jdk from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-
downloads-2133151.html and copy that jdk into OL7 server using WinSCP in to
path for example : /home/weblogic/oracle
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 3
Oracle DBA
# su C oracle
$ tar -xvzf jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz
Run the installer as the "oracle" user.
# su C oracle
Download fmw_12. from oracle website and load into OL7server
using WinSCP in to path /home/weblogic/oracle/jdk1.8.0_111/bin
Unzip the files
Using this command
$ unzip fmw_12.
$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar fmw_12.
Note: in this step you may meet the problem with startx , before run jar file , make sure you have install
Xmanager and using command
$export DISPLAY=YourIP:0.0
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar fmw_12.
Or you can remote into virtual machine by using tigervnc make sure you have install tigervncserver in
you OL7
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 4
Oracle DBA
If this is is the first installation on the machine you will need to specify an inventory location.
Enter the inventory location, like "/u01/app/oraInventory" and click the "OK" button.
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 5
Oracle DBA
- Click Next
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 6
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 7
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
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Oracle DBA
Click on Next and choose weblogicserver --- Next
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 9
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 10
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 11
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 12
Oracle DBA
3.Create Domain
Launch the Configuration Wizard with the following command.
$ $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/config.sh
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 13
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 14
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 15
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 16
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 17
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 18
Oracle DBA
Go to part :
$cd /home/weblogic/oracle/config/domains
And starting weblogic server
$ ./startWeblogic.sh
Once the server is started we can access the administrator console using the
"http://hostname:port/console" URL. Log in using the username and password provided in
the previous step.
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 19
Oracle DBA
How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7
Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 20
Oracle DBA
Finish !

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Oracle WebLogic Server_OL7_Sovann

  • 1. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 1 Oracle DBA Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR2 (12.2.1) Installation on Oracle Linux 7 This document is showing how to install oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR2 on oracle Linux 7 on virtual box . I assume Oracle Linux 7 64 bit (OL7) was already installing in virtual machine and this example .I picked the "Desktop" option for the OL7 installation and the "Server with GUI" option for OL7, so It have a graphical interface installation will be 64-bit. Login your OL7 with tool which you are familiar with such as putty , secure CRT or Xschell For me I used Securte CRT . Login your system as root user 1. Installation Prerequisites Login in as root user and make sure the "/etc/hosts" file contains correct entries for both the "localhost" and real host names. Assign IP address and fully-qualified-machine-name> <machine-name> For example: ol7-wls12.localdomain ol7-wls12 - Create the new groups and user oracle and set password of oracle #groupadd -g 54321 oinstall #useradd -u 54321 -g oinstall oracle # passwd oracle - And using this command setenforce Permissive or restart the server
  • 2. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 2 Oracle DBA - Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed. #mkdir -p /home/weblogic/oracle/product/12.2.1 #mkdir -p /home/weblogic/oracle/config/domains #mkdir -p /home/weblogic/oracle/config/applications #chown -R oracle:oinstall /home/weblogic #chmod -R 775 /home/weblogic/ - Append the following entries into the "/home/oracle/.bash_profile" file. #export PATH #export ORACLE_BASE=/home/weblogic/oracle #export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/12.2.1 #export MW_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME #export WLS_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver #export WL_HOME=$WLS_HOME #export DOMAIN_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/config/domains #export DOMAIN_HOME=$DOMAIN_BASE/uiappdomain #export JAVA_HOME=/home/weblogic/oracle/jdk1.8.0_111 #export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH - Install the JDK. Download jdk from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8- downloads-2133151.html and copy that jdk into OL7 server using WinSCP in to path for example : /home/weblogic/oracle
  • 3. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 3 Oracle DBA # su C oracle $ cd $ORACLE_BASE $ tar -xvzf jdk-8u111-linux-x64.tar.gz 2.Installation Run the installer as the "oracle" user. # su C oracle Download fmw_12. from oracle website and load into OL7server using WinSCP in to path /home/weblogic/oracle/jdk1.8.0_111/bin Unzip the files Using this command $ unzip fmw_12. $ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar fmw_12. Note: in this step you may meet the problem with startx , before run jar file , make sure you have install Xmanager and using command $export DISPLAY=YourIP:0.0 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar fmw_12. Or you can remote into virtual machine by using tigervnc make sure you have install tigervncserver in you OL7
  • 4. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 4 Oracle DBA If this is is the first installation on the machine you will need to specify an inventory location. Enter the inventory location, like "/u01/app/oraInventory" and click the "OK" button.
  • 5. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 5 Oracle DBA - Click Next
  • 6. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 6 Oracle DBA
  • 7. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 7 Oracle DBA
  • 8. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 8 Oracle DBA Click on Next and choose weblogicserver --- Next
  • 9. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 9 Oracle DBA
  • 10. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 10 Oracle DBA
  • 11. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 11 Oracle DBA
  • 12. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 12 Oracle DBA 3.Create Domain Launch the Configuration Wizard with the following command. $ $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/config.sh
  • 13. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 13 Oracle DBA
  • 14. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 14 Oracle DBA
  • 15. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 15 Oracle DBA
  • 16. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 16 Oracle DBA
  • 17. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 17 Oracle DBA
  • 18. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 18 Oracle DBA Go to part : $cd /home/weblogic/oracle/config/domains or $cd $DOMAIN_BASE And starting weblogic server $ ./startWeblogic.sh Once the server is started we can access the administrator console using the "http://hostname:port/console" URL. Log in using the username and password provided in the previous step.
  • 19. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 19 Oracle DBA
  • 20. How to install Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2(12.2.1) on OL7 Prepared by VOEURNG SOVANN Page 20 Oracle DBA Finish !