The document summarizes an experiment that tested how different types of organic waste affected the thermal efficiency for generating heat energy. The experiment measured the temperature of water heated by burning various organic materials. The results showed that peanut shells generated the highest temperatures, while the controlled group of wood charcoal alone was the least efficient. This indicates that the type of organic waste affects heat output, rejecting the null hypothesis. Recommendations included conducting more trials with additional waste materials.
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Oral defense
1. The Kind of Organic Waste Affecting
Thermal Efficiency of the Waste
26 Nigel Lutao
32 Benoni Perez
33 Paolo Pancho
39 Cyril Siongco
2. Significance of the Study
To discover an eco-friendly material alternative
for fuel sources
To recycle waste products
To reduce the usage of fuel sources
3. Null Hypothesis
The different kinds of organic waste according to
origin doesn't affect the heat energy exerted
5. 3) The pan with 50ml of water was put on the grill rack
on the waste
4) The thermometer was used to measure the
temperature that was recorded
5.) Steps 2 to 4 are repeated for the experimental
6. Presentation of Data
The results were shocking
because the controlled group was
the least efficient and the peanut
shells were the best on
generating heat
7. Analysis of Data
We could identify that there is a comparison between
the controlled group and experimental groups.
Therefore, different organic wastes may
decrease/increase the temperature. This is because:
peanuts contain oil called ARACHIS HYPOGEA, oil found in the
meat of the peanut that's flammable
Eggshells have many but tiny spores that can suck air and also
oxygen, an element needed for fire
Dry leaves have a part called a stoma which has an opening for gas
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Charcoal contains oxygen inside it and when heated, its absorption
increases to 100x
8. Conclusion
Based on the experiments and research we gathered,
we can say that the Null Hypothesis is rejected since
you can see a difference between the groups