Not all of these slides are completely done by me, some of the slides are already published and I just combine the already published slides with my own slides in order to gain an ideal , comprehensive scientific content. I hope to benefit from these slides and to spread the slides and the information widely.
5. classification of oral diseases according
1- hard tissues ( calcified ) like the teeth ( dental
disease and caries ) and jaw bones .
2- soft tissues like mucosa, gingiva and the
tongue .
38. Hyperkeratinized tissue is also associated with chemical
irritant and chronic heat production from smoking
on the Hard palate in the form of nicotinic stomatitis.
(Masticatory mucosa)
42. The C.T supporting the oral epithelium
Divided for descriptive purpose into
Superficial papillary loose C.T
Fibrous component (collagen fibers) thin and loosely arranged .
Cellular component(mainly fibroblasts)
Deeper dense C.T
abundant amount of fibers as its main matrix element.
45. is a compound structure consisting of mucous
membrane and underlying periosteum. It
includes epithelium and lamina propria, but
attaches directly to the periosteum of underlying
bone without the usual submucosa.
53. Acantholysis is the loss of intercellular connections
intracellular clefting .
58. Taking a history
Clinical examination
( extraoral and intraoral )
60. 惠愆3忰惶悋惠:-
lab test
Biopsy ( for histopathological examination
which is the mainstay of diagnosis for the
diseases and