6. 里留 略僚慮侶 侶 竜溜僚留旅 了竜虜略, 留虜竜略 亮竜粒略了留 虜留旅 竜凌亮留,
硫粒留溜僚凌僚 隆竜 侶僚 略僚凌旅両侶 亮竜亮凌僚亮劉僚留 留 凌 硫了留凌.
The flowers of is white, quite large and fragrant, come out
not the spring individually from the shoots .
8. 虜留侶凌凌虜留了旅略竜溜僚留旅凌凌凌虜略了旅流竜竜溜隆旅凌
The fruit of the Orange is the Orange or esperidio
The festive days has the honour of in sweets
and foods, but and in the decoration of House ,
while throughout the winter we sweeten with
the flavor of, either as juice, either as juicy
piece of fruit .
10. 虜 亮 留 凌 旅 竜溜僚留旅 僚旅亮留, 留 凌凌虜略了旅留 竜旅劉凌僚 竜溜侶
凌了了略 留留留溜侶留 粒旅留 凌僚 凌粒留僚旅亮 亮留 慮竜旅虜略 留旅虜略,
硫旅留亮溜僚侶 , 1 虜留旅 C.
In addition to but from the that is delicious, the oranges contain
also much necessary for the body our nutritious ingredients, like
vitamin a, b1 and C.
11. 律侶旅亮凌凌旅流留亮竜 凌 虜留凌 侶 凌凌虜留了旅略 粒旅留 旅 虜留留虜竜劉
- 留了略慮旅 亮竜 凌凌虜略了旅留
- 律旅凌粒竜僚僚旅略旅虜凌 竜略僚旅 亮竜 了了留 凌凌虜留了旅略 虜留旅 留凌両侶留亮劉僚竜
劉竜 凌凌虜留了旅凌
- 里凌 虜竜略虜旅 僚 粒旅凌ホ
We used the fruit of the Orange for the construction of us
- Basket with oranges
- Christmas wreath with sheets of Orange and dried slices of
- The candle of feasts