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Biodiversity andAdaptations: Mammals Diversity
Shannon Mason
¡°People of the forest¡±
Food Web
(10% of diet)
Fruit (60% of
Leaves (20% of
pae/Crickets (5%
of diet)
Orangutans are eaten by Leopards and some tigers in Sumatra. Orangutans will
spend 100% of their day eating, sleeping and travelling¡­mostly likely in order to
get food.They eat mostly fruits such as durian, jackfruit, figs, and rambutan.Young
leaves, insects and flowers are a fallback food if fruit is unavailable to an orangutan.
? There are two species of Orangutan, or Ponginae
? The Pongo pygmaeus, or Bornean orangutan, is
native to the island of Borneo, Malaysia/Indonesia (the
island of Borneo is shared by Mayalsia and Indonesia)
? The Pongo abelii, or Sumatran orangutan, are
found on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia (it is more rare
than the Bornean orangutan)
? The Pongo hooijeri is a prehistoric species of
orangutan from the Pleistocene ofVietnam
? These three places are both tropical rainforest biomes
? The flowering plants and abundance of trees provide
food and habitats for orangutans to live comfortably in
Orangutan Competition
? In general, orangutans do not need to
compete with other orangutans or other
animals for resources due to their usually
solitary living habits
? However, aggressions may be formed over
food especially common in fig trees
? Mature adults will usually win in any
situations of competition being twice the
size of female adults and sub adult males
? Orangutans will never eat other orangutans
? Family: Hominidae
? Subfamily: Pongidae; the great apes including orangutans,
gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos
? Genus: Pongo; includes gorillas and orangutans
? Species: Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan)
Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan)
? Orangutans are related to gorillas the most out of apes being in
the same genus
? Orangutans share 97% of the same DNA as humans
? Humans and orangutans have many similarities and it is
suggested by some that humans and orangutans share a
common ancestor that includes African apes
Adaptive Radiation
? Orangutans hardly ever traverse across the ground.The Bornean spends
some time on the ground but the Sumatran will probably only stay in the
tree canopies all their lives
? They live in tropical biomes and eat the tropical fruit within their reach.
? Therefore, orangutans will go where the food is.Their main sources of
food have been in these tropical communities of Malaysia and Indonesia.
? Orangutans live in two places in the world, there are slight differences
between the two species that live in one or the other of these places
? Orangutans are the largest arboreal animals
in the world-they spend over 95% of their
time in trees
? Males can have arm spans up to 8 feet long
? Quadrumanous scrambling- the
unique way that they travel through the
? Long narrow hands and feet for grasping
? Short opposable thumbs and big toes help
with hanging on tree bhanches and
brachiation (hand over hand swinging from
? Highly mobile hip and shoulder joints
? Orangutans are part of the scientific order primates
which contains all the monkeys, prosimians and apes
living today
? Primates are one of the oldest surviving mammal
groups, thought to go back at least 65 million years
? They inhabit almost every part of the world, non-
human primates found predominantly inAfrica,Asia
and Central and SouthAmerica.
? The Bornean orangutan is now endangered at about
41,000 and the Sumatran orangutan is now critically
endangered at about 7,500 in population
? A century ago, there were more than 230,000
orangutans total
Primary and Secondary Succession?
? Orangutans live in habitats of Primary succession today
? The reason for their decline in population is due to clear
cutting and initially the decrease of trees, land and
resources that are essential to an orangutan life.
? If secondary succession were to take place in the
orangutan wild habitats, they would become extinct
? The largest, most important contributor to orangutan
survival are the tropical trees in which they live in and
harvest food from
? If these trees were to disappear for centuries, orangutans
would become extinct in that time
? (Another contributor to orangutan are palm oil
Photo References
? http://worldwildlife.org/species/bornean-orangutan
? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan
? http://www.orangutan.org.uk/about-orangutans/diet
? http://www.nashvillezoo.org/animals/mammals/clouded-leopard
? http://www.meanwhilearoundtheworld.com/en/destinations/wet-wild-in-borneo/
? http://iddyhassan.blogspot.ca/2013/07/angalia-picha-za-maeneo-mbali-mbali.html
? http://www.visualphotos.com/image/1x9126978/orangutan_pongo_pygmaeus_in_rainforest_canopy
? http://www.myshutterspace.com/photo/amin-orangutan-in-
? http://www.cleanbiz.asia/news/indonesia-approves-worlds-largest-redd-project#.Uzi2EfldWcY
? http://wallpapers.pupazzo.org/animals/slides/Female%20Sumatran%20Orangutan%20and%20Baby.html
? http://animals.wikia.com/wiki/Bornean_Orangutan.
? http://www.orangutans.com.au/Orangutans-Survival-Information/Biology.aspx
? http://www.everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=2411211
? http://sensefororangutan.blogspot.ca/
? http://blog.dinolingo.com/tag/apes/
? http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/archive/536528/national-geographic-landscape-and-wildlife-photographer-interview
? http://www.greenpeace.org/australia/en/photosandvideos/photos/slideshows/A-tiger-tragedy/Forest-Destruction-in-Sumatra1/
? http://inhabitat.com/evidence-of-orangutan-graveyard-uncovered-in-plantation-linked-to-procter-gamble/
Information References
? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borneo
? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumatran_orangutan
? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pongo_hooijeri
? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan
? http://www.orangutans-sos.org/
? http://orangutan.org/OFI/orangutans/orangutan-biology/
? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/06/090623-humans-chimps-related_2.html
? http://www.sumatranorangutan.org/sumatran-orangutans/behaviour
? http://www.orangutanrepublik.org/faqs-mainmenu-28/20-about-orangutans/61-what-do-wild-orangutans-eat
? http://www.orangutan.org.uk/about-orangutans/diet
? http://www.orangutanrepublik.org/become-aware/orangutan-specifics-40237/orangutan-evolution
? http://www.whateats.com/?s=Orangutan
? http://worldwildlife.org/species/orangutan
? http://inhabitat.com/evidence-of-orangutan-graveyard-uncovered-in-plantation-linked-to-procter-gamble/

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  • 1. Biodiversity andAdaptations: Mammals Diversity Shannon Mason Orangutans ¡°People of the forest¡±
  • 2. Food Web Tigers Sumatran Orangutan Flowers/Bark (10% of diet) Fruit (60% of diet) Leaves (20% of diet) Leopards Bornean Orangutan Ants/Termites/Pu pae/Crickets (5% of diet) Orangutans are eaten by Leopards and some tigers in Sumatra. Orangutans will spend 100% of their day eating, sleeping and travelling¡­mostly likely in order to get food.They eat mostly fruits such as durian, jackfruit, figs, and rambutan.Young leaves, insects and flowers are a fallback food if fruit is unavailable to an orangutan.
  • 3. Biomes ? There are two species of Orangutan, or Ponginae ? The Pongo pygmaeus, or Bornean orangutan, is native to the island of Borneo, Malaysia/Indonesia (the island of Borneo is shared by Mayalsia and Indonesia) ? The Pongo abelii, or Sumatran orangutan, are found on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia (it is more rare than the Bornean orangutan) ? The Pongo hooijeri is a prehistoric species of orangutan from the Pleistocene ofVietnam ? These three places are both tropical rainforest biomes ? The flowering plants and abundance of trees provide food and habitats for orangutans to live comfortably in
  • 4. Orangutan Competition ? In general, orangutans do not need to compete with other orangutans or other animals for resources due to their usually solitary living habits ? However, aggressions may be formed over food especially common in fig trees ? Mature adults will usually win in any situations of competition being twice the size of female adults and sub adult males ? Orangutans will never eat other orangutans
  • 5. Biodiversity ? Family: Hominidae ? Subfamily: Pongidae; the great apes including orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos ? Genus: Pongo; includes gorillas and orangutans ? Species: Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan) Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan) ? Orangutans are related to gorillas the most out of apes being in the same genus ? Orangutans share 97% of the same DNA as humans ? Humans and orangutans have many similarities and it is suggested by some that humans and orangutans share a common ancestor that includes African apes
  • 6. Adaptive Radiation ? Orangutans hardly ever traverse across the ground.The Bornean spends some time on the ground but the Sumatran will probably only stay in the tree canopies all their lives ? They live in tropical biomes and eat the tropical fruit within their reach. ? Therefore, orangutans will go where the food is.Their main sources of food have been in these tropical communities of Malaysia and Indonesia. ? Orangutans live in two places in the world, there are slight differences between the two species that live in one or the other of these places
  • 7. Adaptions ? Orangutans are the largest arboreal animals in the world-they spend over 95% of their time in trees ? Males can have arm spans up to 8 feet long ? Quadrumanous scrambling- the unique way that they travel through the trees ? Long narrow hands and feet for grasping branches ? Short opposable thumbs and big toes help with hanging on tree bhanches and brachiation (hand over hand swinging from branches) ? Highly mobile hip and shoulder joints
  • 8. Evolution ? Orangutans are part of the scientific order primates which contains all the monkeys, prosimians and apes living today ? Primates are one of the oldest surviving mammal groups, thought to go back at least 65 million years ? They inhabit almost every part of the world, non- human primates found predominantly inAfrica,Asia and Central and SouthAmerica. ? The Bornean orangutan is now endangered at about 41,000 and the Sumatran orangutan is now critically endangered at about 7,500 in population ? A century ago, there were more than 230,000 orangutans total
  • 9. Primary and Secondary Succession? ? Orangutans live in habitats of Primary succession today ? The reason for their decline in population is due to clear cutting and initially the decrease of trees, land and resources that are essential to an orangutan life. ? If secondary succession were to take place in the orangutan wild habitats, they would become extinct ? The largest, most important contributor to orangutan survival are the tropical trees in which they live in and harvest food from ? If these trees were to disappear for centuries, orangutans would become extinct in that time ? (Another contributor to orangutan are palm oil plantations)
  • 10. Photo References ? http://worldwildlife.org/species/bornean-orangutan ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan ? http://www.orangutan.org.uk/about-orangutans/diet ? http://www.nashvillezoo.org/animals/mammals/clouded-leopard ? http://www.meanwhilearoundtheworld.com/en/destinations/wet-wild-in-borneo/ ? http://iddyhassan.blogspot.ca/2013/07/angalia-picha-za-maeneo-mbali-mbali.html ? http://www.visualphotos.com/image/1x9126978/orangutan_pongo_pygmaeus_in_rainforest_canopy ? http://www.myshutterspace.com/photo/amin-orangutan-in- matang?commentId=1177697%3AComment%3A2341340&xg_source=activity#!/photo/amin-orangutan-in-matang?context=user ? http://www.cleanbiz.asia/news/indonesia-approves-worlds-largest-redd-project#.Uzi2EfldWcY ? http://wallpapers.pupazzo.org/animals/slides/Female%20Sumatran%20Orangutan%20and%20Baby.html ? http://animals.wikia.com/wiki/Bornean_Orangutan. ? http://www.orangutans.com.au/Orangutans-Survival-Information/Biology.aspx ? http://www.everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=2411211 ? http://sensefororangutan.blogspot.ca/ ? http://blog.dinolingo.com/tag/apes/ ? http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/archive/536528/national-geographic-landscape-and-wildlife-photographer-interview ? http://www.greenpeace.org/australia/en/photosandvideos/photos/slideshows/A-tiger-tragedy/Forest-Destruction-in-Sumatra1/ ? http://inhabitat.com/evidence-of-orangutan-graveyard-uncovered-in-plantation-linked-to-procter-gamble/
  • 11. Information References ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borneo ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumatran_orangutan ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pongo_hooijeri ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan ? http://www.orangutans-sos.org/ ? http://orangutan.org/OFI/orangutans/orangutan-biology/ ? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/06/090623-humans-chimps-related_2.html ? http://www.sumatranorangutan.org/sumatran-orangutans/behaviour ? http://www.orangutanrepublik.org/faqs-mainmenu-28/20-about-orangutans/61-what-do-wild-orangutans-eat ? http://www.orangutan.org.uk/about-orangutans/diet ? http://www.orangutanrepublik.org/become-aware/orangutan-specifics-40237/orangutan-evolution ? http://www.whateats.com/?s=Orangutan ? http://worldwildlife.org/species/orangutan ? http://inhabitat.com/evidence-of-orangutan-graveyard-uncovered-in-plantation-linked-to-procter-gamble/