This document provides information about the proper order of adjectives in English. It explains that when multiple adjectives are used to describe a noun, they must be in a specific order. A table is then provided with examples of sentences using adjectives in different orders, and the reader is asked to choose the correct order for each sentence. Finally, the reader is asked to write two sentences of their own using multiple adjectives.
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Order of adjectives
1. Name________________
OOrrddeerr ooff AAddjjeeccttiivveess
•• In English, it is common to use more than one adjective to describe a noun. These adjectives
must be used in the proper order.
EExxaammppllee:: Here is a beautiful, red, cloth flag.
Why does beautiful come before red?
Why does red come before cloth?
•• Understanding the proper order of adjectives takes practice. Use the following table to practice
using the proper order of adjectives in the following sentences.
NNuummbbeerr OOppiinniioonn SSiizzee AAggee SShhaappee CCoolloorr OOrriiggiinn MMaatteerriiaall PPuurrppoossee NNoouunn
small round German
red sleeping
generous old man
four metal
DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: Choose the correct order of adjectives in the following sentences.
11)) The woman is wearing a ________
AA)) yellow long
BB)) long yellow
22)) He is a ________ man.
AA)) tall thin
BB)) thin tall
33)) The company makes ________
AA)) excellent farming
BB)) farming excellent
44)) James recently departed on a
________ trip.
AA)) camping long
BB)) long camping
55)) I love eating ________ strawberries.
AA)) red big
BB)) big red
66)) The ________ woman did well on the
AA)) intelligent young
BB)) young intelligent
77)) The ticket costs ________ dollars.
AA)) ten US
BB)) US ten
88)) The scientists have found a ________
cure for the disease.
AA)) new great
BB)) great new
99)) I am going to wear my ________ tie
to the wedding.
AA)) big cotton blue
BB)) blue big cotton
CC)) big blue cotton
1100)) Please recycle those ________ bottles.
AA)) three water empty
BB)) three empty water
CC)) water empty three
1111)) She packed her clothes in a ________
AA)) green flimsy cardboard
BB)) flimsy green cardboard
CC)) cardboard flimsy green
1122)) Their dog is a ________ shepherd.
AA)) brown big German
BB)) big brown German
CC)) German big brown
1133)) I am drinking from a ________ cup.
AA)) small English tea
BB)) tea small English
CC)) English small tea
1144)) My ________ teacher talks for hours!
AA)) philosophy old boring
BB)) old philosophy boring
CC)) boring philosophy old
DD)) boring old philosophy
DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: Now write two of your own sentences using more than one adjective to describe a noun.
11)) ____________________________________________________________________________
22)) ____________________________________________________________________________