This document provides examples of arranging 4-digit numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest. It contains two examples of arranging numbers in ascending order and two examples of arranging numbers in descending order. The numbers given are to be put in the proper sequential order starting with either the smallest or greatest number depending on the instructions.
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Ordering numbers
5. Develop number sense to arrange 4-
digit numbers from the smallest to the
greatest and vice versa.
22. Put these numbers in order starting with the smallest.
a). 7809, 8907, 7089, 8709, 7908
b). 2333, 3233, 3323, 3332, 2332
23. Put these numbers in order starting with the greatest.
a). 6532, 6512, 6542, 6524, 6534
b). 8543, 7543, 9543, 5543, 6543,