The document discusses the four key things an organization must have: objectives, people, structure, and technology. It states that objectives indicate where the organization currently stands and where it wants to go. Setting objectives is the first task of a manager. People are also essential, both within the organization in roles like manager, employee, and outside as customers and suppliers. Structure defines the communication channels, authority, and responsibilities within the organization. Finally, technology is constantly changing and organizations must adopt new technologies to improve operations.
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Organization must have these four things
1. Organization must have these four things
Objectives-> Goals, purpose, Target, Mission, Aim, Destination,
End, Result. they all mean same things to us for Management
Objectives indicate where we are and where we want to be ? in other words,
objective bridges the gap between the points where we are and where we want to
be. Object is target where we want to hit. Objective is mission or destination where
we want to reach. Objective is result what we want to achieve.
Example of objectives
A student wants to get A plus in his coming final exam
A business man wants to achieve 20% profit on his capital employed
There cannot be an organization without objectives. Objectives are mandatory for
the existence of an organization. In simple words, there is no organization if there
are no objectives. so the first task of manager, is to set the objectives of his
Where should a manager set his objectives ?
first answer; a Manager should his objectives at a point which is very easy to
second answer; A Manager should set his objectives at a point which is impossible
to achieve.
Manager should not set his objectives at a point which is very easy to achieve
he should not set his objectives at a point which is impossible to achieve.
2. It is because in both the cases he will be spoiling time, money, energy and other
A manager should set his objectives somewhere in better in this two extreme
Theoretically it is very easy to talk about this midpoint but practically it is very
difficult to identify this mid point.
However, the knowledge, experience, capacity to analyze the situation of a
manager can help him to set very good objectives.
Setting objectives is not the end of the story. it is rather the beginning of the story.
an objective may sound very high but it will not bring any result if it is not
implemented. An objectives which is not implemented, it will not bring any change
in the organization. The manager must realize his fact.
To implement objectives a manager is to make a action plan. It is to be noted
objective dictates/ controls/guides/ influences action plan. In simple word, action
plan depends on objectives.
Summary or gist
Objectives indicate where we are and where we want to go
There cant be an organization without objectives
So the first task of a manager is to set the objectives of an organization
the manager must realize the fact that objectives are to be implemented or realized
to implement objectives a manager is to make an action plan
The manager must be committed/ Devoted in regard to objective and action plan.
If a navigator does not know to which port he is steering no wind is favorable to
him. (Ceneca)
3. Similarly, A manager does not know his objectives is just like a person who has
been lost in the sea.
There can not be an organization without people. People of an organization may be
divided into two main classes, which as follow:
People within the organization
people outside the organization
we usually use the following terms to identify the people within the organization.
People within the organization
1. Manager
2. Administrator
3. Executive
4. Superior
5. Boss
6. Sub-ordinate
7. Staff
8. Employee
9. Worker
People outside the organization
1. Customer
2. Consumer
3. Suppliers
4. Client
5. Buyer
4. 6. Debtor
7. Creditor
It is comparatively easy to manage people within the organization but it is difficult
to manage people out side the organization. It is because organization has got the
little control/ no control over the people outside the organization.
Moreover people outside the organization have got direct control over the
organization. The decide the fate of an organization. Whether a business will exist
or not. It depends on its customers. We can not think of an organization without
customers. But unfortunately, management has got little control over its customers.
So, jobs of a manager is not easy job. It is challenging and daring job because he is
to deal with people in and out side of an organization.
chairman-Managing DirectorDirector-GM-AGMManager
Organization makes people organized. it shows authority and responsibility
relation. It identified follow information from bottom to top. In other word it is the
communication channel of the organization. it clearly identify who will give the
direction and who will follow the direction. there can not be an organization
without structure. Organization is invisible we can not see our eyes. We can not
touch by our hands. But organization structure may be represented by a diagram or
by a chart. that is why the other name of organization Structure in organo gram
organization chart.
5. Every organization must use some kind of technology for better living. Technology
is dynamic. Technology is not same to today as it was yesterday nor will be lead
be the same tomorrow as it today. this is to about technology.