This document discusses interpersonal groups and types of groups. It defines a group as two or more individuals who have come together to achieve objectives. Reasons for joining groups include security, socialization, status, accomplishing tasks, self-esteem, decision-making, affiliation, communication, and power. There are two types of groups: formal groups created by an organization and informal groups created by members. The document also discusses group structure, cohesiveness, work teams, and issues in managing work teams such as performance, diversity, and social loafing.
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Organizational behaviour
• A group is defined as two or more
individuals, interacting and interdependent,
who have come together to achieve
particular objectives.
• Member security
• Socialization
• Status identification
• Getting the job done
• Self esteem
• Decision making
• Affiliation
• Communication
• Power
Formal group
A group created to serve organizational objectives
Formal group
Informal group
Command group Task group Friendship groupInterest groupCommand group
4. Informal group
A group created by its member for purposes that may or maynot be
relevant to the organization’s goal.
5. • Group structure
It is composes of large size of group with formal
leadership of main character.They have their different
roles ,norms values and status in the society.
Group Cohesiveness
It is the degree in which group members are attracted to each
other and motivated to stay in the group.
6. • Work Teams
• It is a cooperative group whose individual efforts
result in positive synergy through coordinated
• Issues in managing work teams
• As we know it is hard to manage the teams working in the
organization due to the differences. So various activities are taken
into consideration while managing the team like
• Team Performance
• Use of teams for TQM
• Workforce diversity in Teams
• Reinvigorating Teams
• Social loafing