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Xenopsylla cheopis
(Vector of plague causing
 Fleas are highly specialized bloodsucking
parasites belonging to the order of insects
called Siphonaptera, which means "wingless
 The Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis),
also known as the tropical rat flea, is a
parasite of rodents, primarily of the genus
Rattus, and is a primary vector for bubonic
plague and murine typhus. This occurs when
the flea has fed on an infected rodent and
bites a human, although this flea can live on
any warm blooded mammal.
 Fleas are light brown to mahogany in colour and
roughly oval shaped. Their laterally flattened
appearance enables them to quickly move
through the host's hair. The adults are entirely
covered with a series of bristles and combs that
assists them in clinging to the host.
 The small head is equipped with sawing and
sucking mouthparts, and two tiny simple
 To aid in the detection of a host, fleas
possess two short antennae on the head that
are sensitive to stimuli including heat,
vibration, traces of carbon dioxide and
change in air currents and shadows. The hind
pair of legs that are well developed for
jumping enable fleas to be propelled 10-
30cms, either to make contact with a host or
avoid a threatening situation.
Both female and males
fleas rely on blood for
their nutrition, but can
survive for several
months without it.
When a flea blood
feeds, it will crouch low
to penetrate the host's
tissue with a sawing
motion of the
 A small amount of anti-coagulant is injected
with the saliva, to permit easy siphoning of
the blood. Fleas Flea larva will bite only
accessible parts of the body and clustered
bites on the lower limbs are diagnostic.
 Blood feeding maybe interrupted, and fleas
will often probe several times before
repletion which can increase their total body
weight by 30%.
 Each female flea uses her blood to nourish
developing eggs, and will deposit up to 4 eggs
after each blood meal; most females will lay at
least 100 eggs within a life cycle of several
 The eggs are oval, white to cream in color and
measure 0.5mm in length; they can hatch within 1
week, but this will be dependent on prevailing
conditions as larvae are extremely sensitive to
Oriental rat flea
When the maggot-like larvae
emerge, they are sparsely covered
in hair and have no legs but are
capable of moving rapidly in search
of food, which consists mainly of
skin scales or undigested blood
excreted by the adults.
 Within a 1-3 week period, the larvae will
grow and undergo 4 moults prior to pupating
in a silken cocoon which they spin. The adult
fleas emerge from the pupal case in 1-2
weeks but can remain dormant in their
cocoons for several months depending on the
availability of food and conditions. Often the
emergence of adults from the pupal stage is
triggered by vibrations, which occasionally
happens on entering an unoccupied home of
previous pet owners.
 Some fleas can attack a range of hosts, and
their ability to transfer from one host to
another allows for the possible transfer of
pathogens including viral, bacterial and
parasitic diseases. The only flea-borne
disease that currently occur within Australia
is murine typhus; this is transmitted from
rats to humans by particular rat fleas,
Xenopsylla cheopis, and although it has been
widespread, it is uncommon.
 The continual biting activity of fleas alone
causes a great deal of irritation and distress to
humans, especially during flea plagues.
Reactions to the flea's saliva are often delayed,
with the formation of a wheal surrounding each
puncture site within 5-30 minutes of the bite,
accompanied by intense itching. Within 12-24
hours each wheal may progress to a small lesion
or vesicle.
 The onset of symptoms in sensitized individuals
often develops much later, and the initial
reaction may become apparent only after 12-24
hours. Fleas are the major cause of papular
urticaria, particularly on the legs of children,
and continual scratching may lead to secondary
Plague is a disease that affects humans and
other mammals. It is caused by the
bacterium, Yersinia pestis. Humans usually
get plague after being bitten by a rodent
flea that is carrying the plague bacterium
or by handling an animal infected with
 With the increase in carpeted homes, central
heating and number of household pets, flea
control is a continuing problem for pest
controllers and pet owners.
 The prolonged periods of warm, humid
weather in the summer months provide ideal
conditions for fleas to flourish.
 Regular vacuuming of floors and washing of
pets and bedding with an insecticidal
preparation will aid in control.
 Typically, concentrations of the immature
stages of fleas (eggs and larvae) will be
found in areas where pets feed and rest, and
control measures should be targeted at any
such areas, in addition to their housing,
basket, blankets and the pets themselves.
 Continual reinfestation of fleas in homes may
indicate the source has not been detected
and may require intervention by a reputable
pest controller.
Newer products with
insect growth regulators
are (e.g. in aerosol
"bombs") are readily
available in
supermarkets provide
an economical means of
eradication by
fumigation of a home,
but they should only be
used as directed.
Oriental rat flea

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Oriental rat flea

  • 1. Xenopsylla cheopis (Vector of plague causing bacteria)
  • 2. Fleas are highly specialized bloodsucking parasites belonging to the order of insects called Siphonaptera, which means "wingless siphon The Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), also known as the tropical rat flea, is a parasite of rodents, primarily of the genus Rattus, and is a primary vector for bubonic plague and murine typhus. This occurs when the flea has fed on an infected rodent and bites a human, although this flea can live on any warm blooded mammal.
  • 3. Fleas are light brown to mahogany in colour and roughly oval shaped. Their laterally flattened appearance enables them to quickly move through the host's hair. The adults are entirely covered with a series of bristles and combs that assists them in clinging to the host.
  • 4. The small head is equipped with sawing and sucking mouthparts, and two tiny simple eyes.
  • 5. To aid in the detection of a host, fleas possess two short antennae on the head that are sensitive to stimuli including heat, vibration, traces of carbon dioxide and change in air currents and shadows. The hind pair of legs that are well developed for jumping enable fleas to be propelled 10- 30cms, either to make contact with a host or avoid a threatening situation.
  • 6. Both female and males fleas rely on blood for their nutrition, but can survive for several months without it. When a flea blood feeds, it will crouch low to penetrate the host's tissue with a sawing motion of the mouthparts.
  • 7. A small amount of anti-coagulant is injected with the saliva, to permit easy siphoning of the blood. Fleas Flea larva will bite only accessible parts of the body and clustered bites on the lower limbs are diagnostic. Blood feeding maybe interrupted, and fleas will often probe several times before repletion which can increase their total body weight by 30%.
  • 8. Each female flea uses her blood to nourish developing eggs, and will deposit up to 4 eggs after each blood meal; most females will lay at least 100 eggs within a life cycle of several months. The eggs are oval, white to cream in color and measure 0.5mm in length; they can hatch within 1 week, but this will be dependent on prevailing conditions as larvae are extremely sensitive to desiccation.
  • 10. When the maggot-like larvae emerge, they are sparsely covered in hair and have no legs but are capable of moving rapidly in search of food, which consists mainly of skin scales or undigested blood excreted by the adults.
  • 11. Within a 1-3 week period, the larvae will grow and undergo 4 moults prior to pupating in a silken cocoon which they spin. The adult fleas emerge from the pupal case in 1-2 weeks but can remain dormant in their cocoons for several months depending on the availability of food and conditions. Often the emergence of adults from the pupal stage is triggered by vibrations, which occasionally happens on entering an unoccupied home of previous pet owners.
  • 12. Some fleas can attack a range of hosts, and their ability to transfer from one host to another allows for the possible transfer of pathogens including viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases. The only flea-borne disease that currently occur within Australia is murine typhus; this is transmitted from rats to humans by particular rat fleas, Xenopsylla cheopis, and although it has been widespread, it is uncommon.
  • 13. The continual biting activity of fleas alone causes a great deal of irritation and distress to humans, especially during flea plagues. Reactions to the flea's saliva are often delayed, with the formation of a wheal surrounding each puncture site within 5-30 minutes of the bite, accompanied by intense itching. Within 12-24 hours each wheal may progress to a small lesion or vesicle. The onset of symptoms in sensitized individuals often develops much later, and the initial reaction may become apparent only after 12-24 hours. Fleas are the major cause of papular urticaria, particularly on the legs of children, and continual scratching may lead to secondary infections.
  • 14. Plague is a disease that affects humans and other mammals. It is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis. Humans usually get plague after being bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the plague bacterium or by handling an animal infected with plague.
  • 15. With the increase in carpeted homes, central heating and number of household pets, flea control is a continuing problem for pest controllers and pet owners. The prolonged periods of warm, humid weather in the summer months provide ideal conditions for fleas to flourish.
  • 16. Regular vacuuming of floors and washing of pets and bedding with an insecticidal preparation will aid in control. Typically, concentrations of the immature stages of fleas (eggs and larvae) will be found in areas where pets feed and rest, and control measures should be targeted at any such areas, in addition to their housing, basket, blankets and the pets themselves. Continual reinfestation of fleas in homes may indicate the source has not been detected and may require intervention by a reputable pest controller.
  • 17. Newer products with insect growth regulators are (e.g. in aerosol "bombs") are readily available in supermarkets provide an economical means of eradication by fumigation of a home, but they should only be used as directed.