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Understanding the
why of AIDET速
Coach: Kris Ann Piazza
Key Words at Key Times
Who is most important to patients
in health care?
Lets think about it
Can patients get the right treatment for successful outcomes
without providers to diagnose?
Can a provider deliver care without a skilled nursing staff?
Can nursing provide care if there are no supplies on the unit?
Can we purchase supplies without a strong operating margin?
Can we monitor budgets without valid finance reports?
Will finance reports be available if IT isnt responsive to
computer issues?
Will patients return to the hospital if it seems unclean?
How valuable is good nutrition to healing?
Anyone outside the organization that has a choice
about where to go for health care services.
 If they do not like our product or service they take
their business elsewhere.
Anyone within the organization that depends on you
to help them provide a service to our external
Customer Needs
To be heard
Worthwhile work
Make a difference
To be heard
Relief from symptoms
Relief from fear
Positive Outcomes
First Impressions
Good first impressions build trust
and confidence in patients, visitors,
staff and our colleagues.
Within the first few moments of
meeting you, these people will form
an opinion of you.
Right or wrong, that opinion may
greatly influence your ability to do
your job.
Make eye contact, and be in
control of your facial expressions
Dont roll your eyes,, sigh
Nod when listening to show you
are engaged (Acknowledge)
Wear your proper uniform and a
visible name badge
Follow personal cell phone/iPod
Visual  Appearance
% of what people
believe is based on
the words they hear
% of what people
believe is based on
the words they hear
of voice
% of what people
believe is based on
how the words are
% of what people
believe is based on
how the words are
of the communication
% of what people
believe is based on
what people see in
another person
% of what people
believe is based on
what people see in
another person
Send The RIGHT Message
AIDET is a framework of communication
that we can use with patients, their family
members and one another to reduce anxiety
and improve perception of care and service.
+ Improved satisfaction
WHY should we use it with Patients?
1. Reduces patient and family anxiety by establishing
2. Improves compliance for better outcomes because
patients will cooperate more readily with their plan
of care as a result of that trust
3. Clear communication creates a safe environment
to receive care
4. AIDET速 helps us build customer loyalty; we want
to be their preferred healthcare provider of choice
WHY should we use it with Coworkers?
1. Reduces coworker anxiety about whether or not
they can count on you by establishing trust
2. Improves teamwork because colleagues will
cooperate more readily with you as a result of that
3. Clear communication creates a more efficient ,
helpful and healthier environment to work in
4. AIDET速 helps us build loyalty to one another; we
want to feel good about the people we work with
and for
A Acknowledge
I Introduce
E Explanation
T Thank You
D Duration
Focus on the
A and I to show
courtesy and respect
to people.
Focus on the
D and E to keep
people informed.
5 Fundamentals of AIDET
Tips for when and how to use AIDET速
1. The elements of AIDET速 are important in every
interaction with a customer on some level.
2. Elements of AIDET速 do not have to be delivered in any
specific order.
3. There are times when you will need to verbalize only
one or two of the elements of AIDET速.
 Ask yourself: are there gaps I may need to fill for the
person I am talking with?
When walking down the hall
The 10/5 Rule is a visual manifestation of the organizations
commitment to excellent service by everyone.
 At 10 feet
 Make eye contact, SMILE and/or nod to
those you encounter
 At 5 feet
 Deliver a verbal Hello
 Is this an opportunity? Does something look
wrong? Do they look lost? Can I see a gap?
 NO. Move on
 YES. Approach the customer; introduce
yourself and ask how you can help.
External customer:
Hello. Im Cindy, one of the employees at (facility).
You look a little lost. Can I help you find
Internal customer:
Hello. Im Cindy from Accounting. You look upset.
Can I help you with something?
Smile  it can be seen and heard!
Pitch  vary the pitch of your voice and avoid dull
Volume  speak loud and clearly to indicate confidence
and commitment to the patient
Emphasis  emphasize certain words during the
conversation to convey meaning and importance
Enthusiasm  sound interested by asking questions
Vocal - Tone of Voice
When greeting someone in person,
always say:
Good (Morning ). How may I help you?
 A visible name badge at shoulder level can play an active
part of introduction
Brief interactions:
Listen to need. Provide assistance.
After a more prolonged interaction, ask the customer
the following:
 Is there anything else I can do for you today? Okay, my
name is Sarah. If you have more questions, just ask for me,
but any of our employees will be happy to help you!
When answering the phone, always say:
Thank you for calling (Your Department). This is
__________. How may I help you?
Always ask the name of the person calling if they dont
give it first:
 May I ask who is calling, so I can personalize the call?
After a request is met, ask the customer the following:
(Customers Name) is there anything else I can do for
 When completing the call, say: Thank you for calling
(hospital or department).
Key Words At Key Times
Key Words Customers like to hear
Certainly, Ill be happy to
Its my pleasure
Thank you
May I help you?
Here is what I can do to get you what you
1-2-3 of Ownership
1. I dont know is never an acceptable answer. If
you dont have the answer, connect the customer
to the right person who does.
2. Do not abandon the customer until the connection
is made.
3. Welcome customer feedback, and dont take it
Johnny the Bagger
Create your own AIDET
Spend 5  10 minutes to create
your own AIDET that will work
for your situation
Break into small groups (2-3
Each person present their
Provide and accept feedback
in small groups regarding
Managing Up
Benefits of managing-up
Saying positive things about self
 Builds confidence in patients and employees
 Creates a good impression of leadership
Saying positive things about others
 Builds confidence in patients and employees
 Creates a good impression of teamwork
Always SHINE  show respect and be kind
Always work together  we are on the same team.
Always serve others  no job is beneath you.
Always maintain high standards of quality and safety  Best Practice every time.
Always communicate clearly  be compassionate
Behavior Standards
Always practice integrity  maintain
Always be accountable  take responsibility
Anticipate, Apologize, Acknowledge, Amend (4A) process
Always empower  create an environment of success
Always excel  dont settle for mediocrity
Always promote Wellness  Make choices for a healthy lifestyle
Strive for excellence in all that we do
Do your best and be your best
S H I N E !
Thank You
Welcome to
Summit Healthcare !

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  • 1. Understanding the why of AIDET速 Coach: Kris Ann Piazza Krisann.piazza@studergroup.com Key Words at Key Times
  • 2. Who is most important to patients in health care?
  • 3. Lets think about it Can patients get the right treatment for successful outcomes without providers to diagnose? Can a provider deliver care without a skilled nursing staff? Can nursing provide care if there are no supplies on the unit? Can we purchase supplies without a strong operating margin? Can we monitor budgets without valid finance reports? Will finance reports be available if IT isnt responsive to computer issues? Will patients return to the hospital if it seems unclean? How valuable is good nutrition to healing?
  • 4. Customers External Anyone outside the organization that has a choice about where to go for health care services. If they do not like our product or service they take their business elsewhere. Internal Anyone within the organization that depends on you to help them provide a service to our external customers
  • 5. Customer Needs Internal Respect Courtesy Communication Assistance Understanding Responsiveness To be heard Purpose Worthwhile work Make a difference External Respect Courtesy Communication Assistance Understanding Responsiveness To be heard Relief from symptoms Relief from fear Positive Outcomes
  • 6. First Impressions Good first impressions build trust and confidence in patients, visitors, staff and our colleagues. Within the first few moments of meeting you, these people will form an opinion of you. Right or wrong, that opinion may greatly influence your ability to do your job.
  • 7. Make eye contact, and be in control of your facial expressions Dont roll your eyes,, sigh Nod when listening to show you are engaged (Acknowledge) Wear your proper uniform and a visible name badge Follow personal cell phone/iPod policies Visual Appearance
  • 8. DIMENSION COMMUNICATION CUE FACE-TO-FACE OVER THE PHONE VERBAL Choice of WORDS % of what people believe is based on the words they hear % of what people believe is based on the words they hear VOCAL TONE of voice % of what people believe is based on how the words are spoken % of what people believe is based on how the words are spoken VISUAL LOOK of the communication % of what people believe is based on what people see in another person % of what people believe is based on what people see in another person 7 38 55 13 86 1 Send The RIGHT Message
  • 9. AIDET is a framework of communication that we can use with patients, their family members and one another to reduce anxiety and improve perception of care and service. = Decreased Anxiety + Improved satisfaction Increased Compliance
  • 10. WHY should we use it with Patients? 1. Reduces patient and family anxiety by establishing trust 2. Improves compliance for better outcomes because patients will cooperate more readily with their plan of care as a result of that trust 3. Clear communication creates a safe environment to receive care 4. AIDET速 helps us build customer loyalty; we want to be their preferred healthcare provider of choice
  • 11. WHY should we use it with Coworkers? 1. Reduces coworker anxiety about whether or not they can count on you by establishing trust 2. Improves teamwork because colleagues will cooperate more readily with you as a result of that trust 3. Clear communication creates a more efficient , helpful and healthier environment to work in 4. AIDET速 helps us build loyalty to one another; we want to feel good about the people we work with and for
  • 12. A Acknowledge I Introduce E Explanation T Thank You D Duration Focus on the A and I to show courtesy and respect to people. Focus on the D and E to keep people informed. 5 Fundamentals of AIDET 12
  • 13. Tips for when and how to use AIDET速 1. The elements of AIDET速 are important in every interaction with a customer on some level. 2. Elements of AIDET速 do not have to be delivered in any specific order. 3. There are times when you will need to verbalize only one or two of the elements of AIDET速. Ask yourself: are there gaps I may need to fill for the person I am talking with?
  • 14. When walking down the hall The 10/5 Rule is a visual manifestation of the organizations commitment to excellent service by everyone. At 10 feet Make eye contact, SMILE and/or nod to those you encounter At 5 feet Deliver a verbal Hello Is this an opportunity? Does something look wrong? Do they look lost? Can I see a gap? NO. Move on YES. Approach the customer; introduce yourself and ask how you can help.
  • 15. Samples External customer: Hello. Im Cindy, one of the employees at (facility). You look a little lost. Can I help you find something? Internal customer: Hello. Im Cindy from Accounting. You look upset. Can I help you with something?
  • 16. Smile it can be seen and heard! Pitch vary the pitch of your voice and avoid dull monotones Volume speak loud and clearly to indicate confidence and commitment to the patient Emphasis emphasize certain words during the conversation to convey meaning and importance Enthusiasm sound interested by asking questions Vocal - Tone of Voice
  • 17. When greeting someone in person, always say: Good (Morning ). How may I help you? A visible name badge at shoulder level can play an active part of introduction Brief interactions: Listen to need. Provide assistance. After a more prolonged interaction, ask the customer the following: Is there anything else I can do for you today? Okay, my name is Sarah. If you have more questions, just ask for me, but any of our employees will be happy to help you!
  • 18. When answering the phone, always say: Thank you for calling (Your Department). This is __________. How may I help you? Always ask the name of the person calling if they dont give it first: May I ask who is calling, so I can personalize the call? After a request is met, ask the customer the following: (Customers Name) is there anything else I can do for you? When completing the call, say: Thank you for calling (hospital or department).
  • 19. Key Words At Key Times
  • 20. Key Words Customers like to hear Certainly, Ill be happy to Its my pleasure Thank you May I help you? Here is what I can do to get you what you need
  • 21. 1-2-3 of Ownership 1. I dont know is never an acceptable answer. If you dont have the answer, connect the customer to the right person who does. 2. Do not abandon the customer until the connection is made. 3. Welcome customer feedback, and dont take it personally.
  • 23. Create your own AIDET Spend 5 10 minutes to create your own AIDET that will work for your situation Break into small groups (2-3 persons) Each person present their AIDET Provide and accept feedback in small groups regarding AIDET
  • 25. Benefits of managing-up Saying positive things about self Builds confidence in patients and employees Creates a good impression of leadership Saying positive things about others Builds confidence in patients and employees Creates a good impression of teamwork
  • 26. Always SHINE show respect and be kind Always work together we are on the same team. Always serve others no job is beneath you. Always maintain high standards of quality and safety Best Practice every time. Always communicate clearly be compassionate Behavior Standards
  • 27. Always practice integrity maintain confidentiality Always be accountable take responsibility Anticipate, Apologize, Acknowledge, Amend (4A) process Always empower create an environment of success Always excel dont settle for mediocrity Always promote Wellness Make choices for a healthy lifestyle Strive for excellence in all that we do Do your best and be your best S H I N E !