Modra's Head Rail Punch automated the process of manufacturing head rails. Manufactured as self contained guillotine assembly, it could be mounted to TVT, TVSI or mounted on its own workstation.
This proved to be simple and rugged machine, requiring little after sales support.
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Original Sales Brochure For The Modra Hrp Machine
1. HeadRailPunchMachine&
2-3 minutes
per blind!*
Based on the fact that by
traditional methods a blind
typically takes 56 minutes
to produce.
80-120 blinds
per day!
Designers & manufacturers of labour saving machines for fabricating
Productivity through Innovation
Europe Office
3C Merebrook Business Park,
Hanley Rd, Malvern, Worc. WR136NP
United Kingdom
Telephone/Fax: + 44 1684 893 799
Asia Pacific Office
PO Box 3150, Logan City DC 4114
Unit 1/33 Nestor Drive,
Meadowbrook Qld 4131
Telephone: +61 7 3200 9988
Modra supports its automatic machine customers with a world-wide servicePreventative Maintenance Plan
This machine combines
3 functions into one:
Cut - Punch X hole - Punch Y hole
Everything required for cutting rails to length, punching cord lock
and bearing bracket holes. Even the tilt rod can be cut to length.
+ Clean compact unit. The unit is air operated. Good design has eliminated any
bulky, greasy hydraulics.
+ Fast action simple operation at the push of a button.
+ Correctly engineered cutters, punches and dies ensure a long life and burr-free
+ Customised to any system. Punches can be supplied to match any samples of
rail and components provided.
+ Simple operation. By utilising lateral design rather than longitudinal (traditional)
design, it is less complicated to position the rail for each punch hole, and faster
and simpler to use.*(see over)
+ Tilt Rod Cutting. Can be performed simultaneously with the Head Rail Cut
2. On a traditional machine the operator has to do all the calculating and setting of stop
positions. Often, this is where a good deal of time is spent and expensive mistakes are made.
By separating each function the Modra HRP gives the operator greater safeguards and
control. While stops can be used many operators prefer to simply mark out the rail and add
an offset. With no calculations or waste of time the production of the rail is straightforward
simply cut to length - move across, punch, punch, the Cord-Lock hole and Tilter holes move
across, punch, punch, punch .. the bearing bracket holes. During production of the
component, the operator doesn't need to move from the machine.
Productivity through Innovation
For full specifications on this and other Modra machines contact Modra
Main features:
HRP Workstation This is the way to go for 'no think' fast HR production. No marking out
needed and no confusing Buttons like traditional indexing systems, so mistakes are much
less. Uses a series of Length stops only two of which normally need be set for a job.
Follows a logical system that is visual and easy to relate to.
Automatic end stop: To eliminate the marking-out process and possible operator errors,
Modra offer an automatically positioning stop. This inexpensive option uses the same bar
code as on the job sheet for the TV machines. Batch processing considerably reduces
production time even more. Safety is ensured by its low powered operation.
Options: Push-button Activation
Head Rail Punch
Make the process even faster -
eliminate marking-out with the
HRP & Workstation
Full automation: Modra's ARP I and II series offer outstanding efficiencies in production
of Head Rails (25, 50 etc) and other rails on one machine (Base Rails, Fascia)