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     Lecture 18
Syed Mansoor Sarwar
Agenda for Today
 Review  of previous lecture
 UNIX System V scheduling

 Algorithm evaluation

 Process synchronization

 Recap of lecture

19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Review of Lecture 17
 Multi-level queues scheduling
 Multi-level feedback queues
 UNIX System V scheduling

19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
UNIX System V
   Scheduling Algorithm
 Every second, the priority number of all
  those processes that are in the main
  memory and ready to run is updated by
  using the following formula:
 Priority# = (Recent CPU Usage)/2 + Thr. Pri.+ nice
 Threshold priority and nice values are
  always positive to prevent a user from
  migrating out of its assigned group
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
UNIX System V Example
                     PA                          PB                     PC
                          CPU                          CPU                   CPU
        Time Priority     Count          Priority      Count     Priority    Count
                60          0               60            0
    0                                                              60          0
                75         30               60             0
    1                                                      1       60          0
                           30                             60
    2           67         15               75            30       60          0
                                                          15                  60
    3           63          7               67                     75
                            8                                                 30
                           67                                                 30
    4           76         33               63             7
                                                                   67         15
19 September 2012
    5                      16息 Copyright Virtual University of
                                           76             33                   7
Round Robin Scheduling
   and Process Priorities
Higher Priority


                                     B                         A

                       1             2                         3

                       B      A             B                  B   A runs first

    19 September 2012      息 Copyright Virtual University of
                       4             Pakistan
                                     5                         6
Algorithm Evaluation
 Analytic Evaluation
    The algorithm and some system
     workload are used to produce a
     formula or number which gives the
     performance of the algorithm for that
    Deterministic modeling
    Queuing models
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Deterministic Modeling
 Predetermined workload and
  performance of each algorithm for
  that workload. Use of Gantt charts.
 Simple and fast
 Exact numbers for comparison
 Requires exact input
 Performance figures may not be
  true in general
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Deterministic Modeling
 Process           Arrival Time                         Burst Time
     P1                  0.0                                  7
     P2                  2.0                                  4
     P3                  4.0                                  1
     P4                  5.0                                  4
 Gantt chart
                    P1       P2        P3       P2         P4        P1

                0        2         4        5        7          11        16

19Average waiting time =University of1 + 0 +2)/4 = 3
   September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual
                                      (9 +
Queuing Modeling
 Computer system viewed as a
  network of queues and servers:
  ready queue, I/O queue, event
  queues, CPUs, I/O device
  controllers, etc.
 Input: Arrival and service rates
 Output: CPU utilization, average
            queue length, average
            waiting time, 
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Queuing Modeling
Littles Formula:
         n = 了* W
        n = average queue length
        了 = average arrival rate
        W = average waiting time in a
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Queuing Modeling
Let the average job arrival rate be 0.5
Algorithm              Average Wait                     Average Queue
                           Time                           Length(n)
         FCFS               4.6                              2.3
           SJF                   3.6                         1.8
         SRTF                    3.2                         1.6
      RR (q=1)                   7.0                         3.5
      RR (q=4)
19 September 2012
                    息 Copyright Virtual University of
Queuing Modeling
 Complicated mathematics
 Distributions (Poisson, uniform,
  exponential, etc) for the arrival and
  departure rates can be difficult to
  work with
 Assumptions may not be accurate
 Approximation of the real system
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
 Programming model for the
  computer system
 Workload generated by
  assuming some distribution and
  a random number generator, or
  by collecting data from the
  actual system.
19 September 2012    息 Copyright Virtual University of
  Expensive: hours of
   programming and execution
  May be erroneous because
   of the assumptions about
19 September 2012    息 Copyright Virtual University of

19 September 2012    息 Copyright Virtual University of
   Most expensive
        Good option due to Open
         Source kernels such as Linux

19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
 Concurrent access to shared
  data may result in data
 Maintaining data consistency
  requires mechanisms to ensure
  that cooperating processes
  access shared data
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Bounded-Buffer Problem
   Shared data
   #define BUFFER_SIZE 10
   typedef struct {
         } item;
    item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    int in = 0, out = 0;
    int counter = 0;
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Bounded-Buffer Problem
Producer process
item nextProduced;

while (1) {
   while (counter == BUFFER_SIZE) ;
   buffer[in] = nextProduced;
   in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Bounded-Buffer Problem
Consumer process
item nextConsumed;
while (1) {
   while (counter == 0) ;
   nextConsumed = buffer[out];
   out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Bounded-Buffer Problem
 counter++ in assembly language
 MOV R1, counter
 MOV counter, R1

 counter-- in assembly language
 MOV R2, counter
 MOV counter, R2
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Bounded-Buffer Problem
 If both the producer and consumer
  attempt to update the buffer
  concurrently, the machine language
  statements may get interleaved.
 Interleaving depends upon how the
  producer and consumer processes
  are scheduled.
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Bounded-Buffer Problem
 Assume counter is initially 5. One
  interleaving of statements is:

  producer: MOV      R1, counter (R1 = 5)
            INC      R1          (R1 = 6)
  consumer: MOV      R2, counter (R2 = 5)
            DEC      R2           (R2 = 4)
  producer: MOV      counter, R1 (counter = 6)
  consumer: MOV      counter, R2 (counter = 4)

 The value of count may be either 4 or
  6, where the correct resultofshould be 5.
 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University
 Race Condition: The situation
  where several processes access
  and manipulate shared data
  concurrently, the final value of the
  data depends on which process
  finishes last.
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
 Critical Section: A piece of code
  in a cooperating process in which
  the process may updates shared
  data (variable, file, database, etc.).
 Critical Section Problem:
  Serialize executions of critical
  sections in cooperating processes
19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Solution of the Critical
 Software based solutions
 Hardware based solutions
 Operating system based

19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
Structure of Solution
do {
                    entry section
                     critical section
                    exit section

                     reminder section
} while (1);
19 September 2012        息 Copyright Virtual University of
Recap of Lecture

 UNIX  System V scheduling
 Algorithm evaluation

 Process synchronization

 Recap of lecture

19 September 2012   息 Copyright Virtual University of
     Lecture 18
Syed Mansoor Sarwar

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  • 1. Operating Systems Lecture 18 Syed Mansoor Sarwar
  • 2. Agenda for Today Review of previous lecture UNIX System V scheduling Algorithm evaluation Process synchronization Recap of lecture 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 3. Review of Lecture 17 Multi-level queues scheduling Multi-level feedback queues scheduling UNIX System V scheduling algorithm 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 4. UNIX System V Scheduling Algorithm Every second, the priority number of all those processes that are in the main memory and ready to run is updated by using the following formula: Priority# = (Recent CPU Usage)/2 + Thr. Pri.+ nice Threshold priority and nice values are always positive to prevent a user from migrating out of its assigned group 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 5. UNIX System V Example PA PB PC CPU CPU CPU Time Priority Count Priority Count Priority Count 60 0 60 0 0 60 0 1 60 75 30 60 0 1 1 60 0 30 60 2 67 15 75 30 60 0 1 30 15 60 3 63 7 67 75 8 30 67 30 4 76 33 63 7 8 67 15 67 68 19 September 2012 5 16息 Copyright Virtual University of 76 33 7 63 Pakistan
  • 6. Round Robin Scheduling and Process Priorities 60 Higher Priority B B A A A 1 2 3 B A B B A runs first A 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of 4 Pakistan 5 6
  • 7. Algorithm Evaluation Analytic Evaluation The algorithm and some system workload are used to produce a formula or number which gives the performance of the algorithm for that workload. Deterministic modeling Queuing models Implementation 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 8. Deterministic Modeling Predetermined workload and performance of each algorithm for that workload. Use of Gantt charts. Simple and fast Exact numbers for comparison Requires exact input Performance figures may not be true in general 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 9. Deterministic Modeling Process Arrival Time Burst Time P1 0.0 7 P2 2.0 4 P3 4.0 1 P4 5.0 4 Gantt chart P1 P2 P3 P2 P4 P1 0 2 4 5 7 11 16 19Average waiting time =University of1 + 0 +2)/4 = 3 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual (9 + Pakistan
  • 10. Queuing Modeling Computer system viewed as a network of queues and servers: ready queue, I/O queue, event queues, CPUs, I/O device controllers, etc. Input: Arrival and service rates Output: CPU utilization, average queue length, average waiting time, 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 11. Queuing Modeling Littles Formula: n = 了* W where n = average queue length 了 = average arrival rate W = average waiting time in a queue 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 12. Queuing Modeling Let the average job arrival rate be 0.5 Algorithm Average Wait Average Queue Time Length(n) W=tw FCFS 4.6 2.3 SJF 3.6 1.8 SRTF 3.2 1.6 RR (q=1) 7.0 3.5 RR (q=4) 19 September 2012 6.0 息 Copyright Virtual University of 3.0 Pakistan
  • 13. Queuing Modeling Complicated mathematics Distributions (Poisson, uniform, exponential, etc) for the arrival and departure rates can be difficult to work with Assumptions may not be accurate Approximation of the real system 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 14. Simulation Programming model for the computer system Workload generated by assuming some distribution and a random number generator, or by collecting data from the actual system. 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 15. Simulation Characteristics Expensive: hours of programming and execution time May be erroneous because of the assumptions about distributions 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 16. Simulation 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 17. Implementation Best Most expensive Good option due to Open Source kernels such as Linux 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 18. Process Synchronization Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency. Maintaining data consistency requires mechanisms to ensure that cooperating processes access shared data sequentially. 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 19. Bounded-Buffer Problem Shared data #define BUFFER_SIZE 10 typedef struct { ... } item; item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int in = 0, out = 0; int counter = 0; 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 20. Bounded-Buffer Problem Producer process item nextProduced; while (1) { while (counter == BUFFER_SIZE) ; buffer[in] = nextProduced; in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; counter++; } 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 21. Bounded-Buffer Problem Consumer process item nextConsumed; while (1) { while (counter == 0) ; nextConsumed = buffer[out]; out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; counter--; } 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 22. Bounded-Buffer Problem counter++ in assembly language MOV R1, counter INC R1 MOV counter, R1 counter-- in assembly language MOV R2, counter DEC R2 MOV counter, R2 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 23. Bounded-Buffer Problem If both the producer and consumer attempt to update the buffer concurrently, the machine language statements may get interleaved. Interleaving depends upon how the producer and consumer processes are scheduled. 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 24. Bounded-Buffer Problem Assume counter is initially 5. One interleaving of statements is: producer: MOV R1, counter (R1 = 5) INC R1 (R1 = 6) consumer: MOV R2, counter (R2 = 5) DEC R2 (R2 = 4) producer: MOV counter, R1 (counter = 6) consumer: MOV counter, R2 (counter = 4) The value of count may be either 4 or 6, where the correct resultofshould be 5. 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University Pakistan
  • 25. Process Synchronization Race Condition: The situation where several processes access and manipulate shared data concurrently, the final value of the data depends on which process finishes last. 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 26. Process Synchronization Critical Section: A piece of code in a cooperating process in which the process may updates shared data (variable, file, database, etc.). Critical Section Problem: Serialize executions of critical sections in cooperating processes 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 27. Solution of the Critical Problem Software based solutions Hardware based solutions Operating system based solution 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 28. Structure of Solution do { entry section critical section exit section reminder section } while (1); 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 29. Recap of Lecture UNIX System V scheduling Algorithm evaluation Process synchronization Recap of lecture 19 September 2012 息 Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
  • 30. Operating Systems Lecture 18 Syed Mansoor Sarwar