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Monitoring Real Time Market Sentiment During the Academy Awards Through Twitter
Temporal animationPivot across variablesLive filteringSentiment over timeOn click geographic details
Each Tweets sentiment is calculated between +1 and -1 then the total sentiment for the movie is calculated for before, during and after the Oscars.  The larger the number to greater the positive (+) or negative (-) sentiment for the movie.  The score is indicative of both overall sentiment as well as the volume of people expressing the sentiment
Heavy Negative Sentiment for Black Swan
Heavy Positive Sentiment for True Grit
Mixed Sentiment for 127 Hours
Each Tweets sentiment is calculated between +1 and -1 then the total sentiment for the actor/actress is calculated for before, during and after the Oscars.  The larger the number to greater the positive (+) or negative (-) sentiment for the actor/actress.  The score is indicative of both overall sentiment as well as the volume of people expressing the sentiment
 Largely Positive Sentiment for Jeff Bridges
 Largely Negative  Sentiment for Nichole Kidman
Mixed Sentiment for James Franco
Black SwanNegative Sentiment for Black Swan but Positive Sentiment for its Actress Natalie PortmanNatalie Portman
Reaction to The Social Network Winning Best Score
The Reaction to The Fighter in the Boston Market

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