A Netflix original short documentary, set in Aleppo, Syria and Turkey in early 2016. As the violence intensifies, The White Helmets follows three volunteer rescue workers as they put everything on the line to save civilians affected by the war, all the while wracked with worry about the safety of their own loved ones. Moving and inspiring, The White is both a snapshot of the harrowing realities of life for ordinary Syrians who remain in the country and a humbling portrait of the power of the human spirit.
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Oscar winning documentary presentation the white helmet (2016)
2. The White Helmets
Releasing Year: 2016
Documentary Mode: Expository Mode
Documentary Genre: Documentaries, Social & Cultural Docs
Director : Orlando von Einsiedel
Producer: Joanna Natasegara
Duration: : 40min.
Featuring: Khalid Farah, Mohammed Farah, Abu Omar, Raed Saleh
3. Introduction
The White Helmets are a group of volunteers. These volunteers are tailors, bakers, teachers and other ordinary Syrians
banded together in 2013 to save others lives, they are working so hard to take care. They saved more than 79,000 lives.
But for the work they do, White Helmet volunteers and their civil defense centers are often targeted. Russian and Syrian
regime planes bomb civilians, and then they circle back and rescue people and provide them medical facilities.
Russian airstrikes in Syria have killed about 2,000 civilians in six months. Attacks on markets, hospitals,
schools and homes are very common. Observers at The White Helmets groups says,“ Warning that plans for a military
drawdown may not mean an end to the deaths”.
Since 2013 More Than 130 White Helmets Have Been Killed
In The Same Period, They Have Saved Over 58,000 Lives
4. Synopsis
A Netflix original short documentary, set in Aleppo, Syria and Turkey in early 2016. As the violence
intensifies, The White Helmets follows three volunteer rescue workers as they put everything on the line to
save civilians affected by the war, all the while wracked with worry about the safety of their own loved
ones. Moving and inspiring, The White is both a snapshot of the harrowing realities of life for ordinary
Syrians who remain in the country, and a humbling portrait of the power of the human spirit.
The Best Moment
When the baby cries and everybody comes to know
that the baby is still in their.
5. Main Highlights
In areas out of regime control, those who remain rely on a group of volunteers dedicated to saving
anyone in need.
Formed in 2013, The White Helmets are also known as the Syria Civil Defense is an organization of
2,900 centers across much of the country.
After 16 hour under the rubble, a baby less than a month old still alive under the ceiling that had fallen
on him.
Most The White Helmets Volunteers have no experience. To help them cope, team often leave Syria for
month-long training course in Turkey.
Abu Zaid’s brother died in the Hospital bombing along with 24 other civilians .
6. Technical Aspects
Original Footage
Emotional Shots
Longs shots
Close shots
Low angle
Editing (Creative sequence)
Less use of Background Music.
7. Review of the Documentary
A documentary that will shock you, visually and emotionally, even if you don't fully understand the context
of the conflicts in Syria. It also shows the picture that emerges the real living through intractable and
unbalanced conflict, bringing home the scale of the international community's failure.
The White Helmets Motto
“To save a life is to save all of humanity”