This document provides examples of different slide elements like bullet points, charts, and pictures that can be used in a presentation. It also discusses the appropriate uses and restrictions for the templates provided, allowing personal and business use if attribution is given but prohibiting resale or claiming the templates as one's own work. Users are free to use the templates for presentations but not download or distribute them from websites.
This short document was only testing the format and provided no actual content, instead noting what would be included like more information and citations if it were a real talk. It concluded by thanking any attendees for their time and providing contact information for further assistance.
This document provides examples of different slide elements like bullet points, charts, and pictures that can be used in a presentation. It also discusses the appropriate uses and restrictions for the templates provided, allowing personal and business use if attribution is given but prohibiting resale or claiming the templates as one's own work. Users are free to use the templates for presentations but not download or distribute them from websites.
This short document was only testing the format and provided no actual content, instead noting what would be included like more information and citations if it were a real talk. It concluded by thanking any attendees for their time and providing contact information for further assistance.
Diabetes, PHRs,at teams - Hopkins CapstoneWade Schuette
The document proposes using personal health records and peer support teams to help disadvantaged urban diabetes patients better manage their condition. It suggests that giving patients control of their personal health records and decision support tools, as well as connecting them with a support team, may help improve empowerment, access to care, and health outcomes. Key metrics like HbA1c levels would be measured before, during, and after a 3-month intervention combining these approaches to evaluate its impact. The proposal references using principles from control systems engineering to design effective feedback loops to support patient self-management.
Valery Boronin presented on Application Inspector SSDL Edition, an application security testing tool. He began with an overview of common problems with application security like poor code quality costing over $500 billion annually. He then demonstrated Application Inspector SSDL Edition's capabilities like automated scanning, issue tracking, role-based access controls, and guidance for developers on fixing vulnerabilities. Benefits highlighted were helping develop more secure software through interaction with developers and automatic validation of fixes. Future plans include integration with build servers, IDEs, and providing more customization, compliance support, and analytics.
The document discusses the invention of the computer, noting that Charles Babbage invented the first working computer in 1837 and that men fought over who deserved credit. It also expresses the opinion that without computers, the world could "blow up" and describes how computing has advanced since its origins.
diagnostic organisationnel avec un partenaire 2006An Dewaele
2. Hallgr鱈mur P辿tursson er talinn f脱ddur 鱈 Gr旦f 叩
H旦f丹astr旦nd 叩ri丹 1614
Foreldrar hans voru P辿tur Gu丹mundsson og
S坦lveig J坦nsd坦ttir
Hann mun a丹 mestu hafa veri丹 alinn upp 叩
H坦lum 鱈 Hjaltadal en 綻ar var fa丹ir hans
n systkina og m坦丹ur
Gu丹r鱈丹ur P辿tursd坦ttir var systir hans
En h炭n var丹 yfir 叩ttr脱tt
Hallgr鱈mur P辿tursson
3. N脱st er vita丹 um hann 鱈
Lukkuborg e丹a Gluckstadt
Hallgr鱈mur var sennilega 15 叩ra
Honum l鱈ka丹i n叩mi丹 illa.
erfi丹 vinna.
Og h炭ssb坦ndinn strangur
4. Hallgr鱈mur kom til Kaupmannahafnar 叩ri丹
f坦r a丹 l脱ra a丹 vera prestur
Brynj坦lfur kom honum inn 鱈 Vor frue skole
Hausti丹 1636 綻egar hann var 22 叩ra
er hann kominn 鱈 efsta bekk sk坦lans
H坦pur slendinga kemur fr叩 Als鱈r
Hallgr鱈mur var fenginn til a丹 kenna 綻eim
h坦pnum var Gu丹r鱈丹ur S鱈monard坦ttir
ri丹 1632-1636
5. Gu丹r鱈丹ur S鱈monard坦ttir var 炭r
en h炭n mun hafa veri丹 um 綻a丹 bil sext叩n 叩rum
eldri en Hallgr鱈mur
au Hallgr鱈mur og Gu丹r鱈丹ur felldu hugi saman
og var丹 Gu丹r鱈丹ur br叩tt barnshafandi af hans
Hallgr鱈mur var l叩tinn h脱tta 鱈 n叩minu
Gu丹r鱈丹ur og Hallgr鱈mur
6. Hallgr鱈mur og Gu丹r鱈丹ur komu heim til slands
叩ri丹 1637
ri丹 1644 losna丹i emb脱tti 叩 Hvalsnesi fyrir
var Hallgr鱈mur 綻叩 v鱈g丹ur til prests
Brynj坦lfur Sveinsson biskup 鱈 Sk叩lholti 叩kva丹
a丹 v鱈gja Hallgr鱈m til prests 綻ar 綻坦tt a丹 hann
hafi ekki loki丹 pr坦funum 鱈 Vorfr炭arsk坦lanum.
Hallgr鱈mur prestur
7. 1651 var hann prestur 叩 hvalfjar丹arstr旦nd
Hann var 綻ar einlega restina af 脱fi sinni
Hann h脱tti hann sem prestur 叩ri丹 1668.
8. Til eru nokkrar kirkjur nefndar eftir Hallgr鱈mi
脱r eru Hallgr鱈mskirkja 鱈 Reykjav鱈k
Hallgr鱈mskirkja 鱈 Saurb脱 鱈 Hvalfjar丹arstr旦nd
Hallgr鱈mskirkja Vind叩shl鱈丹 鱈 Kj坦s
Kirkjur nefndar eftir
9. Hallgr鱈mur P辿tursson var
mj旦g virkt lj坦丹sk叩ld og hann
samdi me丹al annars
Pass鱈us叩lmana 50
Lj坦丹i丹 Um dau丹a 坦vissa t鱈ma
oft nefnt Allt eins og
Hallgr鱈mur samdi 綻etta 鱈
minningu d坦ttur s鱈na