The document discusses the desirable attributes of brand names and the name design process. The desirable attributes include evoking what is being named, having positive associations, being easy to say, memorable, unambiguously spellable, and avoiding infringing on trademarks. The name design process involves decomposing the concept into chunks, manipulating the chunks by combining, mutating, or adding affixes, evaluating options, and concept testing. Examples are provided for designing a bike seat name.
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Creating Company/Brand Name
1. Creating
Company/Brand Name
Desirable Attributes & Name Design Process
Monday, 28 January, 13
2. Desirable Attributes of Brand Names
1.Evoke the thing it is you're naming
Monday, 28 January, 13
3. Desirable Attributes of Brand Names
1.Evoke the thing it is you're naming
Monday, 28 January, 13
4. Desirable Attributes of Brand Names
1.Evoke the thing it is you're naming
Monday, 28 January, 13
5. Desirable Attributes of Brand Names
2. positive associations when you hear the name.
generic name
Monday, 28 January, 13
6. Desirable Attributes of Brand Names
2. positive associations when you hear the name.
Monday, 28 January, 13
14. Desirable Attributes of Brand Names
6. Avoid infringing on other people's trademarks
7. Proper domain name availability*
Monday, 28 January, 13
15. Name Design Process
Decomposition method
1 2
Generate List Manipulate
of Chunks Chunks
3 4
Evaluate Concept
Monday, 28 January, 13
16. Name Design Process
Decomposition method
1 2
Generate List Manipulate
of Chunks Chunks
3 4
Evaluate Concept
Monday, 28 January, 13
17. Name Design Process
Example: Bike Seat
1 Generate List of Chunks 2 Manipulate Chunks
Dictionary Word
Seat , Bike, Ride, Roll, Flex Use Directly
Fast, Next, Soft, Saddle
Proper Nouns and Derivative
Swiss, Armstrong Combine
Other Roots (often from latin or Greek)
Velo, Legger, Corsa
Pro- -max- -tech
neo- -star- -city
Monday, 28 January, 13
18. Name Design Process
Example: Bike Seat
1 Generate List of Chunks 2 Manipulate Chunks
Dictionary Word
Seat , Bike, Ride, Roll, Flex Use Directly
Fast, Next, Soft, Saddle
Proper Nouns and Derivative
Swiss, Armstrong Combine
Other Roots (often from latin or Greek)
Velo, Legger, Corsa
Pro- -max- -tech
neo- -star- -city
Monday, 28 January, 13
19. Name Design Process
Example: Bike Seat
1 Generate List of Chunks 2 Manipulate Chunks
Dictionary Word
Seat , Bike, Ride, Roll, Flex Use Directly
Fast, Next, Soft, Saddle
Proper Nouns and Derivative
Swiss, Armstrong Combine
Other Roots (often from latin or Greek)
Velo, Legger, Corsa
Pro- -max- -tech
neo- -star- -city
Monday, 28 January, 13
20. Name Design Process
Example: Bike Seat
1 Generate List of Chunks 2 Manipulate Chunks
Dictionary Word
Seat , Bike, Ride, Roll, Flex Use Directly
Fast, Next, Soft, Saddle
Proper Nouns and Derivative
Swiss, Armstrong Combine
Other Roots (often from latin or Greek)
Velo, Legger, Corsa
Pro- -max- -tech
neo- -star- -city
Monday, 28 January, 13
21. Name Design Process
Example: Bike Seat
1 Generate List of Chunks 2 Manipulate Chunks
Dictionary Word
Seat , Bike, Ride, Roll, Flex Use Directly
Fast, Next, Soft, Saddle
Proper Nouns and Derivative
Swiss, Armstrong Combine
Other Roots (often from latin or Greek)
Velo, Legger, Corsa
Pro- -max- -tech
neo- -star- -city
Monday, 28 January, 13
22. Name Design Process
Ride Amazon
Use Directly Armsttong Blackberry
Flex Saturn
Nextride Betty Crocker
Flexseat BearingPoint
Combine SwissFlex Boston Dynamic
Velosoft Microsoft
Proseat ScoopFree
Flexmax Silicon Graphics
Zeat Bing
Flast Google
Mutate Kodak
Nextride eBay
Sofrol Fedex
Af鍖x Neo鍖ex XPULT
Monday, 28 January, 13