This document discusses oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a chronic condition characterized by fibrosis of the submucosal tissues and epithelial atrophy of the oral cavity. It causes stiffness of the oral mucosa and trismus. The condition is caused by chewing areca nut and ingesting spicy foods. The pathogenesis involves increased collagen production and decreased breakdown due to areca nut compounds, as well as genetic and immunological factors. Symptoms progress from pigmentation and salivation to dry mouth and trismus. Treatment involves preventing habits, medical management, physiotherapy, and surgery such as excision of fibrous bands and use of flaps like buccal fat pad or nasolabial flaps to
Oral submucous fibrosis is a chronic condition characterized by fibrosis of the submucous tissues in the oral cavity. It is caused by chewing areca nut and has a high malignant potential. The document discusses the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, grading, management and challenges in prosthodontic treatment for patients with oral submucous fibrosis. Special techniques like sectional trays and dentures are often required due to limited mouth opening. Cessation of areca nut chewing is important to prevent progression, but the condition remains irreversible.
Mandibular Third Molar Surgery in Patients with Oral Submucous Fibrosis: Mana...iosrjce
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences is one of the speciality Journal in Dental Science and Medical Science published by International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR). The Journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope work in all areas related to medical and dental science. The Journal welcome review articles, leading medical and clinical research articles, technical notes, case reports and others.
This document discusses several acute gingival infections: abscesses, necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG), and herpetic gingivostomatitis. It describes the etiology, clinical features, and treatment for each condition. Abscesses are classified as gingival, periodontal, or peri-coronal and can be treated with drainage, irrigation, and antibiotics if needed. NUG is a disease caused by bacteria that causes gingival necrosis and pain. Its stages and treatment focus on removal of debris and dead tissue. Herpetic gingivostomatitis is a viral infection seen in children that causes vesicles and ulcers in the mouth.
Chemotherapy can cause mucositis, inflammation of the mucous membranes throughout the body. Oral mucositis specifically causes sores and ulcers in the mouth. It is a common side effect, affecting 40% of patients on standard chemotherapy and up to 80% of patients receiving radiation or stem cell transplants. Mucositis causes pain and difficulty eating or drinking, and can lead to hospitalization or dose reductions. Nurses monitor for mucositis and teach oral care techniques to prevent infections and promote healing. Physicians assess mucositis severity and may adjust chemotherapy doses accordingly.
The grossing of the oral cavity specimen is fairly complicated and time consuming due to its complex anatomy and different types of specimens based on the sites of primary tumor.This document discusses about:
1)Basic surgical anatomy of oral cavity.
2)Rationale for oral cavity cancer resections especially glossectomy & mandibulectomy.
3)Types of surgical resections including wide resections, mandibulectomy, glossectomy & composite resections.
4)Types of mandibulectomy including marginal mandibulectomy, segmental mandibulectomy, middle third mandibulectomy, hemimandibulectomy and extended hemimandibulectomy & orientation of the mandibulectomy specimen.
5)Types of Tongue resection including wide excision, partial glossectomy, hemiglossectomy, total glossectomy and orientation of the glossectomy specimen.
6)Types of margins in Oral cavity.
7)Grossing steps of tongue resections, gingivo-buccal complex cancer with mandibulectomy and resection of lip & angle of the mouth.
8)Levels of lymph nodes in the neck.
9)Types of neck dissection including standard radical neck dissection, modified radical neck dissection, extended radical neck dissection, regional (partial or selective) neck dissection.
10)2 cases of mandibulectomy specimen has been discussed.
11)TNM staging according to AJCC cancer staging manual 8th edition, of lip, oral cavity, & P16 negative oropharynx cancer stages.
12)Reporting format for glossectomy & mandibulectomy specimen.
13)Classification of odontogenic tumors.
This document discusses oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a chronic disease caused by chewing betel quid that results in fibrosis of the oral cavity and inability to open the mouth fully. It describes the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and classification system for OSF. Surgical management is often needed for advanced OSF cases. One approach described is resection of fibrotic bands and reconstruction of the surgical defect using a buccal fat pad graft, which provides a well-vascularized tissue that reliably epithelializes the area. The document includes a case report demonstrating successful application of this technique.
This document discusses head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), including risk factors such as age and gender, types such as oral cavity cancer and oropharyngeal cancer, clinical manifestations like leukoplakia and erythroplakia, diagnostic studies including biopsy and imaging, and management with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Nursing care focuses on pain management, nutrition, and helping patients cope with changes from treatment.
Advanced Treatment for Reduced mouth Opening by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi All Good Things
This presentation is created by Face Art International Cosmetic Super speciality for Patient education purpose. This presentation is presented by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi (Oral & Maxillofacial plastic Surgeon, Dental Surgeon & Hair Transplant Specialist from University of Greifswald, Germany) at National & International level in the field of above mentioned Specialities. Hope this would somehow be helpful to you while making your presentations. All the best & your replies will be welcomed! Follow us for Future Journey towards betterment of Humanity.
Advanced Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis by Dr. Amit All Good Things
Advanced Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi (MDS). We have mentioned all advanced treatments according to International standards and protocols needed for Oral Submucous Fibrosis.
With thw evolution of the medicine and increasing of the survival rate of cancer patients , its commonly to be seen in dental clinics. OMFS must know about their patients conditions , treatments and how to manage them in order to provide them good care and good life.
This document provides an overview of dental implant sinus lift procedures. It begins with brief anatomy of the maxillary sinus and defines a dental implant. It then discusses patient evaluation, including radiographic assessment and anatomical limitations for implantation. Classification systems for the posterior maxilla are presented. The document reviews indications, contraindications, and surgical techniques for sinus lift procedures, including direct and indirect methods. It also discusses graft materials, post-operative instructions, and potential complications.
Mouth opening Problems ? Get advanced treatment (Treatment of OSMF)All Good Things
Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi presents on advanced treatments for oral submucous fibrosis (OSF). OSF is a condition that causes fibrosis of the oral cavity, restricting mouth opening. Dr. Suryawanshi has treated 945 cases of OSF, improving average mouth opening from 8 mm to 45 mm with a 100% success rate. Treatment options discussed include surgical techniques like fibrotomy and reconstruction, as well as non-surgical options like intralesional injections and lasers. Long-term success requires stopping habits like chewing tobacco and maintaining postoperative physiotherapy.
Advanced Treatments for Reduced Mouth Opening by Dr. Amit T. SuryawanshiAll Good Things
This document discusses advanced treatments for oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a condition that causes restricted mouth opening. It provides details on the causes of OSF, stages of the condition, diagnosis, and management options. Treatment approaches discussed include non-surgical options like injections and antioxidants, as well as surgical treatments like fibrotomy and reconstruction. Dr. Amit Suryawanshi's clinic has treated over 945 OSF patients with an average increase in mouth opening from 8mm to 45mm post-treatment and a 100% success rate.
Advanced Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis by Dr. Amit T. SuryawanshiAll Good Things
This presentation is created by Face Art International Cosmetic Super speciality for Patient education purpose. This presentation is presented by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi (Oral & Maxillofacial plastic Surgeon, Dental Surgeon & Hair Transplant Specialist from University of Greifswald, Germany) at National & International level in the field of above mentioned Specialities. Hope this would somehow be helpful to you while making your presentations. All the best & your replies will be welcomed! Follow us for Future Journey towards betterment of Humanity.
This document discusses benign odontogenic tumors. It provides a classification system for these tumors based on their histological features. Several specific tumor types are then described in detail, including ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, ameloblastic fibroma, odontoma, and cementoblastoma. For each tumor, the clinical features, radiographic appearance, histopathology, and typical treatment approach are summarized. Surgical treatment methods for jaw lesions such as enucleation, marsupialization, and resection are also outlined.
A 37-year-old female patient presented with a swelling in her lower left jaw that had been growing over the past 2 years. On examination, a hard, non-tender swelling was found distal to tooth 37, causing expansion of the lingual cortical plate. Radiographs showed a multilocular radiolucency extending from the ramus to the angle of the mandible. The provisional diagnosis was ameloblastoma. Ameloblastomas are benign odontogenic tumors that commonly present as slow-growing swellings in the posterior mandible. They appear radiographically as multilocular radiolucencies with characteristic septations. The treatment is surgical resection.
This document discusses the anatomy and pathology of the maxillary sinus and oroantral communications. It describes the location and drainage of the maxillary sinus and causes of sinusitis. Oroantral communications are defined as pathological connections between the oral cavity and maxillary sinus that can form due to dental procedures or trauma. Signs, testing methods, prevention, and management strategies are outlined for both acute communications and oroantral fistulas. Surgical techniques for repair include local soft tissue flaps, grafts, and use of the buccal fat pad flap. Immediate closure of communications less than 3 weeks old has a high success rate, while delayed or recurrent fistulas require surgical intervention.
Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a chronic disease that causes scarring of the oral mucosa and may progress to cancer. It is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the submucosa that results in stiffening of the oral tissues and a burning sensation in the mouth. The disease commonly affects people in India and Southeast Asia and is associated with chewing betel quid and areca nut. Clinical findings include blanching and fibrosis of the oral mucosa that causes restricted mouth opening and difficulty with eating, speaking, and swallowing in advanced cases. Biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis. OSF has been classified clinically and functionally based on the extent of fibrosis and degree of mouth opening limitation.
This document provides an overview of gingival enlargement, including its definition, classifications, and various etiologies. It is classified according to etiology and pathologic changes, degree of enlargement, and location/distribution. Inflammatory enlargements include acute and chronic types. Drug-induced, hereditary, pregnancy-induced, and puberty-induced enlargements are described. Vitamin C deficiency and plasma cell gingivitis can also cause enlargement. Treatment depends on the specific cause and may involve surgical or non-surgical approaches.
This document provides information on the classification, diagnosis, and treatment of odontogenic tumors. It begins by classifying odontogenic tumors into three categories based on their origin: tumors of odontogenic epithelium, mixed odontogenic tumors, and tumors of odontogenic ectomesenchyme. Ameloblastoma is then discussed in detail as the most common odontogenic tumor. The document outlines the clinical features, histologic features, diagnosis, and treatment considerations for solid/multicystic ameloblastoma. Complete surgical removal with adequate margins is indicated as the primary treatment approach to prevent recurrence of this locally invasive tumor.
This document provides information on premalignant and malignant lesions of the oral cavity. It discusses leukoplakia, erythroplakia, lichen planus, and oral submucous fibrosis. Leukoplakia is the most common premalignant oral lesion and presents as a white patch that cannot be rubbed off. Erythroplakia has a higher risk of malignant transformation than leukoplakia. Oral submucous fibrosis is associated with chewing betel nuts and causes inflammation and fibrosis of submucosal tissues. The document also covers staging, investigations, and management of oral cancers including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
This document discusses space infections that can arise from dental infections. It defines fascial spaces and outlines the pathways of odontogenic (dental) infections. It describes different classifications of infections including by location (e.g. maxillary vs mandibular spaces), etiology, and causative organisms. Specific spaces that can become infected are discussed such as the canine, buccal, and infratemporal fossa. Clinical features, treatment including incision and drainage, and potential spread are covered for each space.
This document discusses oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a chronic disease caused by chewing betel quid that results in fibrosis of the oral cavity and inability to open the mouth fully. It describes the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and classification system for OSF. Surgical management is often needed for advanced OSF cases. One approach described is resection of fibrotic bands and reconstruction of the surgical defect using a buccal fat pad graft, which provides a well-vascularized tissue that reliably epithelializes the area. The document includes a case report demonstrating successful application of this technique.
This document discusses head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), including risk factors such as age and gender, types such as oral cavity cancer and oropharyngeal cancer, clinical manifestations like leukoplakia and erythroplakia, diagnostic studies including biopsy and imaging, and management with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Nursing care focuses on pain management, nutrition, and helping patients cope with changes from treatment.
Advanced Treatment for Reduced mouth Opening by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi All Good Things
This presentation is created by Face Art International Cosmetic Super speciality for Patient education purpose. This presentation is presented by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi (Oral & Maxillofacial plastic Surgeon, Dental Surgeon & Hair Transplant Specialist from University of Greifswald, Germany) at National & International level in the field of above mentioned Specialities. Hope this would somehow be helpful to you while making your presentations. All the best & your replies will be welcomed! Follow us for Future Journey towards betterment of Humanity.
Advanced Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis by Dr. Amit All Good Things
Advanced Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi (MDS). We have mentioned all advanced treatments according to International standards and protocols needed for Oral Submucous Fibrosis.
With thw evolution of the medicine and increasing of the survival rate of cancer patients , its commonly to be seen in dental clinics. OMFS must know about their patients conditions , treatments and how to manage them in order to provide them good care and good life.
This document provides an overview of dental implant sinus lift procedures. It begins with brief anatomy of the maxillary sinus and defines a dental implant. It then discusses patient evaluation, including radiographic assessment and anatomical limitations for implantation. Classification systems for the posterior maxilla are presented. The document reviews indications, contraindications, and surgical techniques for sinus lift procedures, including direct and indirect methods. It also discusses graft materials, post-operative instructions, and potential complications.
Mouth opening Problems ? Get advanced treatment (Treatment of OSMF)All Good Things
Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi presents on advanced treatments for oral submucous fibrosis (OSF). OSF is a condition that causes fibrosis of the oral cavity, restricting mouth opening. Dr. Suryawanshi has treated 945 cases of OSF, improving average mouth opening from 8 mm to 45 mm with a 100% success rate. Treatment options discussed include surgical techniques like fibrotomy and reconstruction, as well as non-surgical options like intralesional injections and lasers. Long-term success requires stopping habits like chewing tobacco and maintaining postoperative physiotherapy.
Advanced Treatments for Reduced Mouth Opening by Dr. Amit T. SuryawanshiAll Good Things
This document discusses advanced treatments for oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a condition that causes restricted mouth opening. It provides details on the causes of OSF, stages of the condition, diagnosis, and management options. Treatment approaches discussed include non-surgical options like injections and antioxidants, as well as surgical treatments like fibrotomy and reconstruction. Dr. Amit Suryawanshi's clinic has treated over 945 OSF patients with an average increase in mouth opening from 8mm to 45mm post-treatment and a 100% success rate.
Advanced Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis by Dr. Amit T. SuryawanshiAll Good Things
This presentation is created by Face Art International Cosmetic Super speciality for Patient education purpose. This presentation is presented by Dr. Amit T. Suryawanshi (Oral & Maxillofacial plastic Surgeon, Dental Surgeon & Hair Transplant Specialist from University of Greifswald, Germany) at National & International level in the field of above mentioned Specialities. Hope this would somehow be helpful to you while making your presentations. All the best & your replies will be welcomed! Follow us for Future Journey towards betterment of Humanity.
This document discusses benign odontogenic tumors. It provides a classification system for these tumors based on their histological features. Several specific tumor types are then described in detail, including ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, ameloblastic fibroma, odontoma, and cementoblastoma. For each tumor, the clinical features, radiographic appearance, histopathology, and typical treatment approach are summarized. Surgical treatment methods for jaw lesions such as enucleation, marsupialization, and resection are also outlined.
A 37-year-old female patient presented with a swelling in her lower left jaw that had been growing over the past 2 years. On examination, a hard, non-tender swelling was found distal to tooth 37, causing expansion of the lingual cortical plate. Radiographs showed a multilocular radiolucency extending from the ramus to the angle of the mandible. The provisional diagnosis was ameloblastoma. Ameloblastomas are benign odontogenic tumors that commonly present as slow-growing swellings in the posterior mandible. They appear radiographically as multilocular radiolucencies with characteristic septations. The treatment is surgical resection.
This document discusses the anatomy and pathology of the maxillary sinus and oroantral communications. It describes the location and drainage of the maxillary sinus and causes of sinusitis. Oroantral communications are defined as pathological connections between the oral cavity and maxillary sinus that can form due to dental procedures or trauma. Signs, testing methods, prevention, and management strategies are outlined for both acute communications and oroantral fistulas. Surgical techniques for repair include local soft tissue flaps, grafts, and use of the buccal fat pad flap. Immediate closure of communications less than 3 weeks old has a high success rate, while delayed or recurrent fistulas require surgical intervention.
Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a chronic disease that causes scarring of the oral mucosa and may progress to cancer. It is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the submucosa that results in stiffening of the oral tissues and a burning sensation in the mouth. The disease commonly affects people in India and Southeast Asia and is associated with chewing betel quid and areca nut. Clinical findings include blanching and fibrosis of the oral mucosa that causes restricted mouth opening and difficulty with eating, speaking, and swallowing in advanced cases. Biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis. OSF has been classified clinically and functionally based on the extent of fibrosis and degree of mouth opening limitation.
This document provides an overview of gingival enlargement, including its definition, classifications, and various etiologies. It is classified according to etiology and pathologic changes, degree of enlargement, and location/distribution. Inflammatory enlargements include acute and chronic types. Drug-induced, hereditary, pregnancy-induced, and puberty-induced enlargements are described. Vitamin C deficiency and plasma cell gingivitis can also cause enlargement. Treatment depends on the specific cause and may involve surgical or non-surgical approaches.
This document provides information on the classification, diagnosis, and treatment of odontogenic tumors. It begins by classifying odontogenic tumors into three categories based on their origin: tumors of odontogenic epithelium, mixed odontogenic tumors, and tumors of odontogenic ectomesenchyme. Ameloblastoma is then discussed in detail as the most common odontogenic tumor. The document outlines the clinical features, histologic features, diagnosis, and treatment considerations for solid/multicystic ameloblastoma. Complete surgical removal with adequate margins is indicated as the primary treatment approach to prevent recurrence of this locally invasive tumor.
This document provides information on premalignant and malignant lesions of the oral cavity. It discusses leukoplakia, erythroplakia, lichen planus, and oral submucous fibrosis. Leukoplakia is the most common premalignant oral lesion and presents as a white patch that cannot be rubbed off. Erythroplakia has a higher risk of malignant transformation than leukoplakia. Oral submucous fibrosis is associated with chewing betel nuts and causes inflammation and fibrosis of submucosal tissues. The document also covers staging, investigations, and management of oral cancers including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
This document discusses space infections that can arise from dental infections. It defines fascial spaces and outlines the pathways of odontogenic (dental) infections. It describes different classifications of infections including by location (e.g. maxillary vs mandibular spaces), etiology, and causative organisms. Specific spaces that can become infected are discussed such as the canine, buccal, and infratemporal fossa. Clinical features, treatment including incision and drainage, and potential spread are covered for each space.
Anatomy of eca.pptx anatomy physiology and pharmacologyDivuuJain
The external carotid artery arises from the common carotid artery at the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage. It supplies structures in the neck, face, and scalp. Its main branches include the superior thyroid artery, lingual artery, facial artery, occipital artery, posterior auricular artery, and maxillary artery. The lingual artery arises opposite the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone and supplies structures related to the tongue. The facial artery is the chief artery of the face and can be palpated in the neck below the mandible. The maxillary artery is the largest terminal branch and divides into mandibular, pterygoid, and pterygopalatine branches
Part 6,7,8 Laser in Aesthetics.pptx cosmetic surgeryDivuuJain
This document provides information on laser safety and treatment parameters. It discusses maximal permissable energy levels for lasers and various laser hazards. Key laser treatment parameters like wavelength, spot size, pulse duration and fluence are outlined. Post-treatment instructions are provided for various laser procedures. Complications from improper laser use are shown, highlighting the importance of physician training and use of appropriate settings for each patient's skin type and condition. Fraxel and CO2 lasers are discussed for skin rejuvenation applications.
PART 6 , 7 & 8 LASER IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE-101-132 .pptxDivuuJain
- Lengthening the pulse duration of fractional erbium-YAG laser treatments can induce a larger thermal coagulation zone in tissue beyond the ablation depth, resulting in benefits like collagen shrinkage and haemostasis.
- Increasing the pulse duration from 0.5 milliseconds to 10 milliseconds increases the depth of the thermal zone from 5 microns to 30 microns.
- Fractional lasers like Fraxel produce microscopic thermal zones on the skin, while ablative lasers like CO2 produce larger thermal zones. Long pulse erbium-YAG lasers can provide benefits of both fractional and ablative treatments.
Part 3 chemical peels-2-51.pptx in cosmetic surgery and estheticDivuuJain
The document provides information on chemical peels, including their classification based on depth of necrosis, indications, contraindications, preparation, application, and potential complications. It discusses superficial, medium, and deep peels and lists various peeling agents. For superficial peels like glycolic acid peels, it describes effects, indications including mild acne and photodamage, and contraindications. Preparation, application technique, and obtaining informed consent are also outlined.
This document discusses the lymphatic drainage of the head and neck region and its clinical implications. It begins with an introduction to lymphatic system embryology and anatomy, including the lymphatic capillaries, vessels, nodes, and trunks. It then describes the specific lymphatic drainage patterns of various head and neck structures and sites. Finally, it discusses the clinical examination of lymph nodes and implications such as palpation, lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis, and metastasis.
This document provides an overview of lymphatic drainage from the head and neck region. It discusses the various superficial and deep lymph nodes located in the head and neck, including their afferent lymphatic drainage (the areas that drain into each node) and efferent drainage (where the lymph exits each node). The key lymph nodes discussed include the submental, submandibular, buccal, parotid, mastoid, occipital, and deep cervical nodes. It provides classifications of lymph nodes as either peripheral or terminal, and describes the circles that the peripheral nodes form.
Talon cusps are additional cusps that extend at least half the distance from the cementoenamel junction to the incisal edge, most commonly seen on permanent maxillary lateral incisors. They have no sex predilection and may occur unilaterally or bilaterally. Radiographically, talon cusps are seen overlying the central portion of the crown and include enamel and dentin, with few cases showing pulpal extension. Treatment involves removing talon cusps on maxillary anterior teeth that interfere with occlusion, while those on mandibular teeth often require no therapy. The prognosis is generally good.
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1. Case Presentation
Presented By:
Dr. Tamanna Jamwal
year Resident OMFS
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Guided By:
Dr. Vikas Kunwar Singh Sir
Professor and HOD
Dept. of OMFS, MGDCH
3. Chief Complain
Patient reported to the department of oral & maxillofacial surgery with chief
complain of reduced mouth opening and burning sensation since 3-4 years.
4. Past Medical History
Patient had the H/O Autoimmune Heamolytic Anemia, for which she
underwent the treatment and stopped the treatment 1 year before.
H/O blood transfusion 1 year back.
No h/o HTN/ DM/ TB/ Cough/ Breathing difficulty/ Fever present.
7. On Examination
Reduced mouth opening
Burning Sensation upon consumption
of spicy foodstuff.
Dryness of mouth
Difficulty in swallowing
B/L Blanching of oral mucosa
B/L fibrous bands present (vertical)
Restricted tongue movement
Depapillation of tongue
Inability to blow/whistle
13. Procedure
Patient shifted to OT intubated, painted and draped.
Releasing incision from angle of the mouth to RMT region bilaterally.
Blunt dissection was carried out through the buccinator muscle B/L to reach
the buccal extension of the buccal fat pad.
The buccal fat pad was then gently teased into the defect, taking care not to
rupture its delicate capsule
14. Adequate volume of the graft was harvested to ensure tension-free closure.
3-0 Vicryl was used to suture the graft to the periphery of the defect on the
right side and posteriorly on left side.
The left anterior region defect was sutured with Lyophilized (Freeze-dried)
Amniotic Membrane.
Hemostasis achieved.
15. Discussion
By Pindborg JJ & Sirsat S.M-
OSMF is an insidious chronic disease affecting any part of the oral cavity and
sometimes the pharynx. Although, occasionally preceeded by and/or associated
with vesicle formation, it is always associated with juxta epithelial inflammatory
reaction, followed by a fibroelastic change of the lamina propria, with
epithelial atrophy leading to stiffness of the oral mucosa and causing trismus
and inability to eat.
18. Classification
Pindborg JJ 1989
Stage I- Stomatitis; erythematous mucosa, vesicles, ulcers, petechiae
Stage II- Fibrosis in healing vesicles and ulcers; blanching, palpable bands,
mottled marble like appearance
Stage III- Sequelae of OSMF; Leukoplakia, speech and hearing deficit
19. Lai DR 1995 Based on interincisal distance
Group 1- >35mm
Group 2- between 30 and 35mm
Group 3- between 20 and 30mm
Group 4- <20mm
Haider SM (2000) Clinical stage:
Stage I: faucial bands only
StageII: faucial and buccal bands
Stage III: Faucial, buccal and labial bands
20. Treatment
1. Restriction of habits
2. Corticosteroids 4. Hyaluronidase
3. Placental Extracts 5. Nutritional support
6. Physiotherapy
7. Surgical treatment: cutting the fibrotic bands resulted in more fibrosis and disability.
Excision of fibrotic tissues and covering the defect with split thickness skin, fresh
human amnion or buccal fat pad (BFP) grafts have been applied to treat OSMF.
21. Various types of grafts are available, from mucosal autografts to allogenic
collagen membranes, split skin grafts with following limitations such as
donor site morbidity, intensity of pain, difficulty in harvesting,
infection and rejection of grafts
Human amniotic membrane (AM) is the innermost layer of the fetal
membrane and is composed of three layers: an epithelial monolayer, a thin
basement membrane, and the thick stroma that is similar to the oral mucosa.
22. AM has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects
in addition to antifibroblastic and antiangiogenic effects, and it has been
reported to reduce scarring. AM can also produce a wide array of growth
factors, provide a healthy new substrate suitable for re-epithelialization,
and promote epithelial healing