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A hard working, positive individual with a creative flair who is organised, self-managed and able to adapt
to challenges. An ability to remain professional and collaborate with clients to a high standard, and a person
who has a proven record for constantly engaging with continued education throughout employment. Having
a varied life experience, of living abroad and possessing balanced occupations.
2013-2016 University of Southampton
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
Current Average: 2:1
 Mandatory Skills: infection prevention and control, basic life support, moving and
handling, conflict resolution, fire safety, safeguarding and equality
2012-2013 Sussex Downs College
Access Diploma Science Professions Allied to Medicine: Distinction
2006-2007 Anglia Ruskin University
Diploma in Ophthalmic Dispensing
2001-2003 University of New South Wales, Sydney
BA Fine Art
1994-1998 Arthur Mellows Village College
GCSE: 10 A-Cs and A-Levels: Sports Studies and Art
May-June 2015 Older Persons Mental Health Community; Occupational Therapy Student
Southern Health
 Developing interventions in collaboration with client and supervisor
 Experience of lone-working in community
 Maintaining clear and concise client records
Oct-Dec 2014 Adult Social Services Community; Occupational Therapy Student
Hampshire Country Council
 Assessment of environment and demonstrating clinical reasoning skills
 Building excellent relationships with co-workers and clients
 Holding own caseload whilst on placement
June-July 2014 Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team; Occupational Therapy Student
Portsmouth Hospital
 Assisting with improving clients decision making, memory, sequencing and visual
perception skills
 Coordination with MDT regarding management of personal timetable
 Taught staff simple visual field checks, using optical background
January 2013 Paediatrics; Occupational Therapy Student
Aldershot Medical Centre
 Observational placement; liaising with other team members and personal timetable
2006-2015 Optical Dispenser; Eyesite, Occhio Eyewear, Optical Express and self-employed locum
 Completed a Certificate in Optical Practice Support and Essilor Academy
 In-depth discussions regarding appropriate eyewear for patients occupations
 High level of IT skills due to being a paperless practice
 Responsibilities of training less experiences staff
 Developed advanced dispensing skills and in the lab making the spectacles
 Ability to use experience to problem solve complex varifocal issues
 Successfully liase with all team members, from co-workers to the directors
1998-2006 Sales Assistant; Freedom Furniture, Woolworths and Boots the Chemist
 Completed a Certificate in Retail Operations as a traineeship
 Developed strong customer service skills
 Successful adaption to several roles within each store
 Reliably handled large sums of money
 Implement a returns policy (Freedom stock controller role)
Sport Team and leadership skills developed through competing whilst playing hockey and
football during teens. Currently continuing to be involved in sport, keen cyclist and
completed the London to Brighton cycle in 2013
Travel Living in Australia for 8 years provided an opportunity to travel Australia and China.
Providing an exposure to varied cultures, challenges of living as a foreign student,
establishing new friendships
Art Printmaking, continuing to print and organise exhibitions
Communal art mural Supervised and collaborated with the young people on their stencil designs,
coached colleagues on techniques and managed the finale of spraying the mural
Duke of Edinburg leader Ensuring the young people arrived at checkpoints, health and wellbeing during
Sports Leadership Award Organising the sporting event, team management of football team and warm-up
and cool-down exercises
Brownie Assistant Assisting the leader with organisation, directed group work, arranged social
Volunteer AgeUk Re-enablement project
2015 The ethics of everyday practice conference
2014 The Deans Award for Outstanding Achievement
2014 Better Balance for Life Group Facilitator Workshop; Hampshire Country Council
2013 The East Sussex Association of Blind and Partially Sighted People
Vision Awareness Course
1996-1999 Duke of Edinburgh Award; gold, silver and bronze
Available on request

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  • 1. KELLY BURGESS PROFILE A hard working, positive individual with a creative flair who is organised, self-managed and able to adapt to challenges. An ability to remain professional and collaborate with clients to a high standard, and a person who has a proven record for constantly engaging with continued education throughout employment. Having a varied life experience, of living abroad and possessing balanced occupations. EDUCATION 2013-2016 University of Southampton BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy Current Average: 2:1 Mandatory Skills: infection prevention and control, basic life support, moving and handling, conflict resolution, fire safety, safeguarding and equality 2012-2013 Sussex Downs College Access Diploma Science Professions Allied to Medicine: Distinction 2006-2007 Anglia Ruskin University Diploma in Ophthalmic Dispensing 2001-2003 University of New South Wales, Sydney BA Fine Art 1994-1998 Arthur Mellows Village College GCSE: 10 A-Cs and A-Levels: Sports Studies and Art PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE May-June 2015 Older Persons Mental Health Community; Occupational Therapy Student Southern Health Developing interventions in collaboration with client and supervisor Experience of lone-working in community Maintaining clear and concise client records Oct-Dec 2014 Adult Social Services Community; Occupational Therapy Student Hampshire Country Council Assessment of environment and demonstrating clinical reasoning skills Building excellent relationships with co-workers and clients Holding own caseload whilst on placement June-July 2014 Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team; Occupational Therapy Student Portsmouth Hospital Assisting with improving clients decision making, memory, sequencing and visual perception skills Coordination with MDT regarding management of personal timetable Taught staff simple visual field checks, using optical background January 2013 Paediatrics; Occupational Therapy Student Aldershot Medical Centre Observational placement; liaising with other team members and personal timetable EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2006-2015 Optical Dispenser; Eyesite, Occhio Eyewear, Optical Express and self-employed locum Completed a Certificate in Optical Practice Support and Essilor Academy
  • 2. In-depth discussions regarding appropriate eyewear for patients occupations High level of IT skills due to being a paperless practice Responsibilities of training less experiences staff Developed advanced dispensing skills and in the lab making the spectacles Ability to use experience to problem solve complex varifocal issues Successfully liase with all team members, from co-workers to the directors 1998-2006 Sales Assistant; Freedom Furniture, Woolworths and Boots the Chemist Completed a Certificate in Retail Operations as a traineeship Developed strong customer service skills Successful adaption to several roles within each store Reliably handled large sums of money Implement a returns policy (Freedom stock controller role) INTERESTS Sport Team and leadership skills developed through competing whilst playing hockey and football during teens. Currently continuing to be involved in sport, keen cyclist and completed the London to Brighton cycle in 2013 Travel Living in Australia for 8 years provided an opportunity to travel Australia and China. Providing an exposure to varied cultures, challenges of living as a foreign student, establishing new friendships Art Printmaking, continuing to print and organise exhibitions POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY Communal art mural Supervised and collaborated with the young people on their stencil designs, coached colleagues on techniques and managed the finale of spraying the mural Duke of Edinburg leader Ensuring the young people arrived at checkpoints, health and wellbeing during exhibition Sports Leadership Award Organising the sporting event, team management of football team and warm-up and cool-down exercises Brownie Assistant Assisting the leader with organisation, directed group work, arranged social events Volunteer AgeUk Re-enablement project ADDITIONAL ACHIEVMENTS 2015 The ethics of everyday practice conference 2014 The Deans Award for Outstanding Achievement 2014 Better Balance for Life Group Facilitator Workshop; Hampshire Country Council 2013 The East Sussex Association of Blind and Partially Sighted People Vision Awareness Course 1996-1999 Duke of Edinburgh Award; gold, silver and bronze