The eMarketing team has begun work on Otto Guevara's online campaign by establishing profiles for him on social networking sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. They have also created a blog and website. Research was conducted on Costa Rica's demographics and the campaign's branding. Existing graphics and materials were collected. Considerations were made for mobile marketing, hosting, and search engine optimization. Top-line promotional ideas were suggested like live streaming, forums, and design competitions.
2. Background
During preliminary fact finding meetings with don Otto we discussed
how we can optimize his online presence through the use of Social
Media and Internet Marketing.
It was agreed that we would outline the scope of duties and
responsibilities required to develop and maintain his political
eCampaign and to optimize his online presence in Costa Rica.
This proposal also was also to include eCampaign staffing, technical
requirements, and budget considerations.
Following is a recap of the efforts developed to support that
4. Success Stories Barack Obama
Social media networking enables us to identify opportunities that fit
the requirements of my clientele and to make them aware of pertinent
information in a timely, real-time environment.
Social media networking also allows us to:
Assume the role as subject matter experts
Identify favorable trends and market conditions
Position ourselves and our client as respected, credible resource on these relevant subjects
By filling an educational niche, people turn to me (Otto Guevara) for my perspective on key issues.
In this dynamic, ever-changing market, one of the key challenges is maintaining RELEVANCE within
the constituency...communicating with people on their terms, with the right message, at the right time.
Social media, in the right forum us to reach out to people who would not have an opportunity to dialog
in the past due to communication barriers. We can now get the message out to remote corners of the
world -- to anyone who feels our message is appropriate and relevant to their particular issues,
needs, wants and desires.
5. Building Buzz
Highly Effective eCampaign Initiatives
The following two eCampaign initiatives set the bar for how to reach out to constituencies
to create awareness, build excitement, and create grassroots buzz within your target
6. eCampaign Deliverables
Search Engine Optimization & Marketing Services
Our search engine marketing services are customized to meet your goals and objectives.
There are several factors that will influence the cost and time required to market your site
in the search engines. These zero carbon footprint factors include:
Your competition
How much marketing has already been done for your site
Site content and theme
The business/political objectives of the site
Your search engine marketing budget
Since we will be targeting highly diverse voter segments online, our tactics and messaging
must be relevant to highly diverse voter groups. For example:
An older voter segment (50+) would likely respond more favorably to traditional,
web/ broadcast/print-based tactics
A younger voter segment would likely respond more favorably to more leading edge
tactics via mobile marketing and social networking applications
Again, we must deliver your message in a format that is both comfortable and non-
threatening to the respective audience.
7. eCampaign Deliverables
Keyword Research
An important service we provide is to help identify the best possible keywords for your
online marketing campaigns.
Intelligent keyword choice is essential for reaching out to the right audience, we will
build your existing keyword list to include many more keywords and phrases that are
relevant to your campaign.
Currently, you have only 7 keywords and to optimize your results, we should increase
that number to at 100-300. We will then make keywords recommendations targeting
search frequency and relevance to your website.
Following is the META tag information currently on your site with keywords highlighted
in BOLD:
<TITLE>Otto Guev ara 2010</TITLE>
<META NAME="author"">
<META NAME="subject" CONTENT=Politica, Costa Rica, Noticias">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT=Web oficial del Precandidato Presidencial Otto Guev ara">
<META NAME="Classification" CONTENT=Politica de Costa Rica y el mundo">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=Otto Guev ara,Otto,Guev ara,Mov imiento Libertario,Politica,Elecciones,Noticias">
<META NAME="Geography" CONTENT=San Jos辿 Costa Rica San Pedro Mall Sanpedro">
<META NAME="Language" CONTENT=Castellano">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT=""never"">
<META NAME="Revisit-After" CONTENT="1 days">
<META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="Global">
<META NAME="country" CONTENT="Costa Rica">
8. eCampaign Deliverables
Competitive Analysis
We take an in-depth look at the competitive marketplace for your chosen keywords.
Often you will find many marketers competing for a share of the traffic on your
keywords, even though they may not be direct competitors.
It is important to understand what the competition is doing so you can identify key areas
of weakness and other opportunities. In this case, the opposing candidates specifically,
Otton Solis and Laura Chinchilla (as shown on the following Candidate Profile pages)
11. Profile Laura Chinchilla
Key Platform Issues
Los delincuentes, 臓a la carcel!
Es nuestra obligaci坦n terminar con la pobreza
Consolidaremos las pol鱈ticas de equidad de g辿nero
Nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo debe ir de la mano con un decidido respeto
al ambiente
Nuestra juventud necesita oportunidades, educaci坦n y ser escuchada en todos los
espacios de toma de decisiones.
13. Profile Ott坦n 皆看鉛鱈壊
Key Platform Issues
El PAC es urgente para Costa Rica
En nuestros 8 a単os de existencia hemos recorrido un corto pero fruct鱈fero camino,
f辿rreamente fieles a nuestros principios 辿ticos. Todos sabemos que nuestros objetivos
son grandes, no son para los pusil叩nimes y requiere de lo mejor de nosotros. Por eso q
uisiera compartir con ustedes est坦s art鱈culos que resum辿n mi manera de pensar sobre la
pol鱈tica, la 辿tica y el modelo de desarrollo.
Del clientelism o a la descentralizaci坦n
En una democracia en la que se anhela m叩s acci坦n ciudadana, la descentralizaci坦n es
una herramienta para que la ciudadan鱈a asuma un papel protag坦nico como sujeto del
desarrollo local, lo que implica la reasignaci坦n de responsabilidades p炭blicas desde
las instancias centrales hacia las municipales y locales, para que la ciudadan鱈a tenga
mayor posibilidad de incidir en la toma de decisiones.
Se inicia un per鱈odo intenso y lleno de actividades que nos llevar叩n frecuentemente lejos de Montes de Oca. Las
hijas nos acompa単ar叩n cada vez que sus actividades escolares no lo impidan. Shirley y yo queremos hacer todo lo
posible para vivir como familia lo que hemos escogido hacer y que m叩s bien lo aprovechemos para educarlas sobre
las carencias y dificultades que padecen muchas personas y para transmitirles que trabajamos motivados por
nuestro amor por Costa Rica.
15. Profile Otto Guevara Guth
Key Platform Issues
El presidente del Partido Movimiento Libertario Otto
Guevara califica de abusiva la prohibici坦n impuesta
por el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en lo que
respecta al uso de internet para hacer proselitismo...
El Partido Movimiento Libertario y la fracci坦n legislativa
de esta agrupaci坦n presentaron un proyecto de ley a la
corriente legislativa que busca frenar las sanciones
penales contra los vendedores de tiempos y rifas.
El presidente del Partido Movimiento Libertario Otto Guevara
califica de abusiva la prohibici坦n impuesta por el Tribunal
Supremo de Elecciones en lo que respecta al uso de internet
para hacer proselitismo.
16. eCampaign Deliverables
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of
traffic to a web site from search engines via organic search results.
The organic search results are the ones that pull up in the main body of the search
results page.
Studies have shown that these organic search listings are clicked on more often than
the sponsored search listings which is why it is so crucial that companies optimize
their websites for the best possible placement.
Our SEO process is based on over 12 years of research and experience getting clients'
sites placed at the top of the search engines.
17. eCampaign Deliverables
Social Media, Blogs, Micro Blogs, and Podcast Marketing
Social Media, Blogging and Podcasting are three of the best ways to produce fresh,
unique, search engine friendly content for your site, as well as dramatically increase
customer experience.
Whether you need help setting up your blog, updating it, creating a podcast or just need
consulting, we have the experience and results to help you increase your traffic, sales,
and blog visibility.
We will be handling and using as many Social Media sites possible and relevant to
increase your online presence.
In addition to redesigning your websites, we will be handling all other sites related to your
eCampaign for marketing purposes, this will include:
Facebook You Tube
MySpace Flickr
hi5 MiGente
Linkedin Eons (great campaigning site)
Plaxo Wordpress
Digg Batanga (Latin site)
18. eCampaign Deliverables
Online Public Relations/Press Release Optimization
Online public relations is the process of knowing where your customers and constituents
spend their time online, and influencing those people using better, faster and less-
expensive PR and marketing communications.
We can optimize your press releases and communications for the search engines and
help spread your message to the people who are interested, to reach a much larger and
more targeted audience than traditional PR. These releases will be in Spanish and
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to manage expectations, it is important to realize that
this process takes time. It may take up to 72 hours for the bots to propagate the
information throughout the Internet, normally taking about 3-6 months to start seeing
results once our initial work is completed. However, by using our eCampaign
Marketing team, we are confident that you will begin seeing immediate results.
19. Other Considerations
By default, Facebook targets all users 18 and older in the default location.
Selection criteria can be customized to meet our particular needs.
Facebook Ads rely on user IP address/profile information to determine location.
Keywords are based on a variety of user demographics specified in Facebook
user profiles, such as Activities, Favorite Books, TV Shows, Movies, etc.
Connections are users who have become a fan of your Facebook Page, a
member of your Group, RSVPd to your Event or authorized your Application.
21. Work Completed to Date
by eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks Friendfeed
In order to generate awareness and secure a digital foothold, we have established a
campaign presence via the following:
22. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks LinkedIn
23. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks LinkedIn
24. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks Blogspot
25. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks Twitter araguth
26. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks Twitvid
27. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks YouTube
28. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks Facebook
29. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Social Networking Tasks Movimiento Libertario Website
30. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Costa Rica Country Profile (Source: Intute)
Population: 4,195,914 (July 2008 estimate)
Capital: San Jose
Main urban areas: Cartago, Liberia, Limon, Puntarenas
Ethnicity: White (including mestizo) 94%, black 3%, Amerindian 1%, Chinese 1%, other 1%
Languages spoken Spanish (official), English
Population Age (2008 estimate):
Median Age: 27.1 (26.7 Male/27.6 Female)
0-14: 27.2%; 584,782 Male/557,952 Female
15-64: 66.8% (m 1,416,456/f 1,384,692)
65+: 6% (m 116,461/f 135,571)
Life Expectancy (2008 estimate):
Total population: 77.4 years
Male: 74.79 years
Female: 80.14 years
Labour Force: 1.92 million (2007 estimate; excludes Nicaraguans living in Costa Rica
Agriculture: 14%
Industry: 22%
Services: 64% (2006 estimate.)
Unemployment: 4.6% (2007 estimate)
31. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Campaign Branding What is the Otto Guevara Brand
What is his vision?
What are his values?
What issues are we specifically targeting? (i.e., lets define change as it relates to this
How are these issues relevant to our target demo/psychographic groups?
Young/New voters (18 - 35) Social media
Midlife Voters (35 55) Linkedin business networking
Senior Voters (55+) Traditional and Internet media
How important are multi-cultural/multi-lingual communications?
What does the Headquarters eTeam currently have in place?
32. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Existing Graphics/Communications Materials
In order to develop and maintain graphic standards and consistency across all elements of
our eCampaign, it is important to receive all relevant communications materials (paper and
electronic) such as:
Photography and other graphic images associated with the candidate
Print advertising
Broadcast advertising
Audio/visual materials (QuickTime/WMV 鍖les, etc.)
33. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Existing Graphics/Communications Materials
In order to develop and maintain graphic standards and consistency across all elements of
our eCampaign, it is important to receive all relevant communications materials (paper and
electronic) such as:
Photography and other graphic images associated with the candidate
Print advertising
Broadcast advertising
Audio/visual materials (QuickTime/WMV 鍖les, etc.)
34. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
With advancements in technology and the surge in mobile marketing, technical standards
continue to change dramatically.Things to consider:
Computer specs (speed and monitor resolution)
Web enabled phones
Costa Rican hosting solutions
To avoid PR backlash, we should consider outsourcing to nationals who can implement
the design concepts established by the Campaign Team)
Search Engine Optimization
Keyword development and maintenance
Google Adwords
Popular/relevant site marketing (banner ads, etc.)
35. Work Completed to Date
By eMarketing Team
Top-Line Promotional Considerations
Live web/video/pod casting with moderated chat functionality
Moderated forums
Campaign graphics/visuals design competition for Costa Rican students/artists