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Motto: Unity makes strength
The Republic of           BULGARIA
Bulgaria, is a
country located
in Southeastern
Europe. It is
bordered by
Romania to the
north, Serbia and
Macedonia to the
west, Greece and
Turkey to the
south and the
Black Sea to the

            Bulgaria is Europe's 14th-largest country. Its location has
             made it a historical crossroad for various civilisations and as
             such it is the home of some of the earliest metalworking,
             religious and other cultural artifacts in the world.
Kazanlak is the center of the Rose
Valley and attractive tourist destination.

The city is the largest and best
preserved Thracian tomb in Bulgaria
included in the UNESCO list and the
Rose Museum.

Nearby is the ancient city Sevtopolis
and the Valley of the Kings.
OU "Mati Bolgaria"
Our school
   1990- 1991 亞.- 舒亢亟舒 亠 丕 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳舒
   舒 14.02.1991亞. 亢亠于亠仆仂 亠 从亠仆仂 亳仍亳亠仂  舒亳亠仂 仆舒
    仗亳舒亠仍 亠 仂仆舒仆亳仆仂于 - 亳仆亳亳舒仂 亰舒 亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒
    亟亢亠仆亳亠仂 亰舒 于亰舒亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 亟仂于仆亳亠 亠仆仆仂亳 舒亳
   于亳 仆仂亠仄于亳 - 亠仆 仆舒 仆舒仂亟仆亳亠 弍亟亳亠仍亳 亠 仗亳亠 仂
    亳亠仍从亳 亳 亠仆亳亠从亳 从仂仍亠从亳于 亰舒 仗舒仂仆亠仆 仗舒亰仆亳从 仆舒
New & modern rooms
Its pleasure to work with favorites
       heroes from fairy tales
20 years-worthy and proud of their deeds!

 亠舒舒 亠 于亰仗亳舒于舒 仂 从于舒仍亳亳亳舒仆亳 亳
于亠仂亟舒亶仆亳 亳亠仍亳, 弍亟仆亳 亳 仂亰亳于亳于亳 仂舒,
Awards and achievements

             于仂亠仂 舒亢亟舒仆亠 亟仂
          亟仆亠 于 丕 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳
            亠 仂弍舒于舒 亳 舒亰于亳于舒
               舒仍舒仆仍亳于亳 亟亠舒,
             舒于舒仍亳 亳 仗亠亠仍亳仍亳
            仂弍仍舒仆亳, 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆亳 亳
          仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆亳 仂仍亳仄仗亳舒亟亳
           亳 从仂仆从亳 - 仄舒亠仄舒亳从舒,
          弍仍亞舒从亳 亠亰亳从, 亞亠仂亞舒亳,
            仗亳仂亟仆亳 仆舒从亳, 仗仂 ,
             亳仆从亳, 亟仂亢亠于亠仆仂
                  仍仂于仂 亳 .仆.
    亳仍亳亠仂 舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰亳舒仆亳 亳 仆磻仂仍从仂 亠从亳仗舒 亰舒 舒弍仂舒 仗仂
    舒亰仍亳仆亳 仗仂亠从亳  亳亰磦亳 仆舒 亠仆亳亳亠 仗仂 从仍弍仂于亠 于
    舒亰仍亳仆亳 仂弍仍舒亳 - 仗仂亠从 仆舒  丕弌丱;
   仗仂亳于 ムミ出笑壬亠仆亠仂,
   舒弍仂舒  亟亠舒  仗亠亳舒仍仆亳 仗仂亠弍仆仂亳,
   舒弍仂舒  亟舒仂于亳亳 亳 舒仍舒仆仍亳于亳 亟亠舒,
   亳亰磦亠仆亳 仗仂亳亳

                                  舒亰仆亳从 仆舒 弍从于亳亠 亳
                                 丐亠仄舒亳仆亳 亢亠于舒,
                                 于亰舒仆亳  弍仍亞舒从亳亠
                                 仂亟亳仆亳 舒
                                 亠仆 仆舒 亰亠仄舒 亳 亟.
 仆舒  亰舒 舒                     News!
  仂仂亶仆于仂 亰舒 亳仍亳亠 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳 亠 亳亰亟舒于舒仆亠仂 仆舒
  仂弍于亠仆 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄 亠仆亳亠从亳 于亠仆亳从 亠从亳从仂仆

                  w w w .m a
                  eu                  a.

the first school in Bulgaria

      UNESCO and

  nationwide movement

     "Mattie Bolgaria"

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OU "Mati Bolgaria"

  • 2. The Republic of BULGARIA Bulgaria, is a country located in Southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south and the Black Sea to the east. Bulgaria is Europe's 14th-largest country. Its location has made it a historical crossroad for various civilisations and as such it is the home of some of the earliest metalworking, religious and other cultural artifacts in the world.
  • 3. Kazanlak is the center of the Rose Valley and attractive tourist destination. The city is the largest and best preserved Thracian tomb in Bulgaria included in the UNESCO list and the Rose Museum. Nearby is the ancient city Sevtopolis and the Valley of the Kings.
  • 6. History 1990- 1991 亞.- 舒亢亟舒 亠 丕 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳舒 舒 14.02.1991亞. 亢亠于亠仆仂 亠 从亠仆仂 亳仍亳亠仂 舒亳亠仂 仆舒 仗亳舒亠仍 亠 仂仆舒仆亳仆仂于 - 亳仆亳亳舒仂 亰舒 亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亟亢亠仆亳亠仂 亰舒 于亰舒亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 亟仂于仆亳亠 亠仆仆仂亳 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳. 于亳 仆仂亠仄于亳 - 亠仆 仆舒 仆舒仂亟仆亳亠 弍亟亳亠仍亳 亠 仗亳亠 仂 亳亠仍从亳 亳 亠仆亳亠从亳 从仂仍亠从亳于 亰舒 仗舒仂仆亠仆 仗舒亰仆亳从 仆舒 亳仍亳亠仂.
  • 7. New & modern rooms
  • 8. Its pleasure to work with favorites heroes from fairy tales
  • 9. 20 years-worthy and proud of their deeds! 亠舒舒 亠 于亰仗亳舒于舒 仂 从于舒仍亳亳亳舒仆亳 亳 于亠仂亟舒亶仆亳 亳亠仍亳, 弍亟仆亳 亳 仂亰亳于亳于亳 仂舒,
  • 10. Awards and achievements 于仂亠仂 舒亢亟舒仆亠 亟仂 亟仆亠 于 丕 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳 亠 仂弍舒于舒 亳 舒亰于亳于舒 舒仍舒仆仍亳于亳 亟亠舒, 舒于舒仍亳 亳 仗亠亠仍亳仍亳 仂弍仍舒仆亳, 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆亳 亳 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆亳 仂仍亳仄仗亳舒亟亳 亳 从仂仆从亳 - 仄舒亠仄舒亳从舒, 弍仍亞舒从亳 亠亰亳从, 亞亠仂亞舒亳, 仗亳仂亟仆亳 仆舒从亳, 仗仂 , 亳仆从亳, 亟仂亢亠于亠仆仂 仍仂于仂 亳 .仆.
  • 11. Projects 亳仍亳亠仂 舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰亳舒仆亳 亳 仆磻仂仍从仂 亠从亳仗舒 亰舒 舒弍仂舒 仗仂 舒亰仍亳仆亳 仗仂亠从亳 亳亰磦亳 仆舒 亠仆亳亳亠 仗仂 从仍弍仂于亠 于 舒亰仍亳仆亳 仂弍仍舒亳 - 仗仂亠从 仆舒 丕弌丱; 仗仂亳于 ムミ出笑壬亠仆亠仂, 舒弍仂舒 亟亠舒 仗亠亳舒仍仆亳 仗仂亠弍仆仂亳, 舒弍仂舒 亟舒仂于亳亳 亳 舒仍舒仆仍亳于亳 亟亠舒, 亳亰磦亠仆亳 仗仂亳亳 Holidays 舒亰仆亳从 仆舒 弍从于亳亠 亳 亳亳亠 丐亠仄舒亳仆亳 亢亠于舒, 于亰舒仆亳 弍仍亞舒从亳亠 仂弍亳舒亳 仂亟亳仆亳 舒 亠仆 仆舒 亰亠仄舒 亳 亟.
  • 12. 仆舒 亰舒 舒 News! 仂仂亶仆于仂 亰舒 亳仍亳亠 舒亳 仂仍亞舒亳 亠 亳亰亟舒于舒仆亠仂 仆舒 仂弍于亠仆 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄 亠仆亳亠从亳 于亠仆亳从 亠从亳从仂仆 w w w .m a tibolgari eu a.
  • 13. Talent the first school in Bulgaria UNESCO and nationwide movement "Mattie Bolgaria"