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Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
ofspoiling yourself inspiration
Our big collection
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Weve asked our interviewees what they like to do to spoil themselves
because were convinced that taking your time to relax is absolutely cru-
cial in order for creativity to 鍖ourish. Therefore, be prepared to get plen-
ty of ideas on how to do just that, by diving into these quotes from 51 of
our previous interviewees who answered the question How do you like
to spoil yourself?
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Ive exhibited at San Diegos Comic Con for the last 鍖ve
years. Each day before the doors open to the thousands
of visitors, I enjoy walking the exhibit 鍖oor, visiting with fel-
low artists and enjoying a quiet viewing of all the fantastic
 Chet Phillips, Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
To drink 100 grams of good brandy.
Pronchenko Leonid Evgenievich, Painter/Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Have a bath each evening after a long day. A simple
pleasure that rejuvenates me. Also lately, buying my own
designs I have created on the Print All Over Me site. I want
to eventually wear my own designs on a consistent basis!
Leisa Rich, Mixed Media Sculptural Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
In exploring new places and walking in the mountains.
 Angelika Tschofen, Textile artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Travelling by foot
 Johan Jansen, Designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
A day off from everything!
 Karen Grenfell, Mixed Media/Textile artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Massages, good food and a cool pair of shoes!
 Zac Scy, Creative Coach
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
By doing nothing for hours, just procrastinating and relaxing  especially
when I have gazillion things to do!
 Vladimir Stankovi, Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Im not really the spoiling type. Until I had my family, I most-
ly worked lots of low-paying and soul-sapping jobs. Being
able to work on creative projects, is how Im spoiled now.
Juliane Gorman, Hat Artist/Designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I love going to live music. I was 18 in 1977 so you can guess I was into
punk and the injection of energy it brought to 70s music. So my current
treat is going to a 3 day festival in Brighton called The Great Escape. Lots
of great music, different styles (I love pretty much anything, even coun-
try and western), from bands you have never heard of. Highly recom-
 Lawrence Haddad, Researcher, International Food Policy Research Institute
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I love candy and junk food! So for me that is it! When it comes to spoil-
ing myself, watch a movie and eat a lot of junk food.
 Carlos Dattoli, Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I adore spending time in libraries, looking for old books on
any subjects, even if Fantasy remains my best ever.
 Deborah Hope Allen, Textile Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
How dont I? Frequent breaks on the back deck, meditation
room, delicious something to eat or drink, walk in nature, Jacuzzi
or shower, sleep, massage, being with friends in person or elec-
tronically, reading at night, building a 鍖re, long or short drives,
buying 鍖owers for Lalita, loving the cats, feeding the local critters,
sending love to somebody, great movies, learning.
 Bill Harvey, Media Innovator and Writer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
It depends on the mood. But it goes from buying good de-
sign books, taking a random day off and enjoying the sun, or
spending the day driving to Malibu or the desert to get out of
the city. Its not easy because working on my own requires me
to be 鍖exible on the weekends, but I do it whenever I can. I
also really like traveling.
Ana G坦mez Bernaus
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
By scuba diving.
 Sander Mirck, Architect
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
With traveling to some exotic place.
 Halil Salin, Painter
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Simple things like buying myself 鍖owers  yellow tulips and
pink lilies are my favourites, going to the cinema alone, go-
ing to the Arabic baths.
 Jenny Morbey, Designer/Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Spend a couple of weeks without any technology  no In-
ternet, no phones or tablets. I know thats ironic, considering
that my work revolves around technology.
 Daniel Obodovski, Author, Speaker, Consultant, Business owner
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I love to travel. So make a trip during the holidays is the
best way. But also I like good books, good food, 鍖ne cloth-
ing and pets at home.
 Hannie Croonen-Braam, DIY Kit Designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Sitting at the balcony facing the Old Town, reading very
early in the morning, when the sky is still almost dark-blue,
when the whole city is asleep, when everything is dead si-
lent is what spoils me the most. Also chocolate!
 Ece Kazan, Ceramics Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I love to watch a great movie.
 Ilona Fekete, Painter
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Cooking very special fare for a crowd of family and
friends, having time to relish every moment.
 Aurora Dokken, Glass blowing artist and Art Performance teacher
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Workout, spa and shop.
 Dr. Tracey Wilen, Global speaker, Author, Media Contributor
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I love good food. I love chefs who are creative and cou-
rageous. I love to be challenged by them and getting that
unique dining experience inspires me being creative in my
own 鍖eld.
 Dr. Finn Majlergaard, Manager Partner and CEO, Cultural researcher
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Usually spending money with other creators at shows or go-
ing to see a live performance. I love experimental theatre
and music and theres a trend with social networking to set
up smaller parlor concerts that are always interesting to see
and talk to people.
 Monica L Knighton, Illustrator, Jewelry Desginer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I love to visit the latest exhibitions in Paris.
 Inessa Besset, Mosaic Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
A good movie.
 Regolino Bizzi, Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Well its pretty well known I am addicted to two marques of automobiles
so its no secret that I own 8 Ferraris and 3 Rolls-Royces. Since I was a young
boy I had always had an incredible passion for cars and grew up dream-
ing of someday owning a Ferrari, which essentially is in my blood and runs
through my veins. Also Rolls-Royce is simply the de鍖nition of the Best of The
Best and is the greatest road going vehicle ever built and has a simply mag-
ni鍖cent history of greatness. Also I have collected a few watches over the
years that people have told me is quite a collection.
 Mr. Louis D. Spagnuolo, Chairman, CEO, Expert in building, scaling and exiting companies
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Dancing with the one I love! Being intimate and at the
same time laughing, having fun.
 Rudina Hoxha, Marketing consultant and Event organizer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I enjoy looking at art and especially Installation art, and just
wandering about in a town.
 Mitsuko Tonouchi, Knitting and crocheting artist/designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
More every day.
 Sergio Mora, Painter and illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I like to spoil myself by watching sports. I love sport espe-
cially Rugby and Football.
 Gordon Tredgold, Leadership expert and writer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I spoil myself by travelling or eating out with my friends or
family. My husband and I make a point of dining out fre-
quently. I still have memories of a trip to Italy I made with my
mom and daughter that left me wanting more of Europe.
 Terry Cervantes, Artist/Potter
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
By buying brand clothing.
 Arild Karlsen, Business owner
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I would like to spoil myself by relaxing on a terrace every
morning, somewhere close to the sea. The early sun is start-
ing to warm up the air, and Im drinking juice and reading
the newspapers along with having breakfast, before I walk
down to my workshop with big doors.
 Miodrag Djordjevi, Lamp Designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I sit close to the chimney-corner with a cup of my favorite
Turkish blend coffee.
 gnes Herczeg, Lace Artist
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
A spa pedicure!
 Donna Carol Voss, Writer, blogger and speaker
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I do not think Im so good to spoil myself. But it would
probably be something like eat in town with a good friend,
watch a movie in the cinema or read a good book. It could
also be a long ride a beautiful place without companion-
 Heidi Marie Johansen, Artist/Painter
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Months abroad in an apartment as I have done just re-
cently I take long sabbaticals.
 Simon Thompson, blogger
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Watch movies, play some Playstation FIFA, and coffee to
 Paskhalis Dinto Ke鍖e, Photographer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Sometimes I spoil myself by buying books with my favourite
 Natali Iunina, Doll designer and Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Give me time to read or listen to music without anyone
around me. Thats all I need.
 Roy Povarchik, Content Marketer and Growth Hacker
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Chocolate and binge watching some TV series on Net鍖ix.
 Kelly Stevens, Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I enjoy simple things. Buying myself a new sketchbook or
pencil will do the trick. If I want to stretch the budget a little
bit, I treat myself with a concert.
 Tamara Domuzin, Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
When I have the opportunity I try to ful鍖ll some of my childhood dreams.
I believe many of them made me the way I am today. Some of the things
Ive done because of this: I went to NASA Space Center in Houston, saw di-
nosaurs at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, went to an NBA game,
saw Manchester United win a game at Old Trafford, saw the 2012 Summer
Olympics in London, and witnessed Usain Bolt take the Gold Medal, drove
some amazing cars at the race tracks, went to some amazing concerts, saw
Serbia win the Davis Cup, met some of my sports heroes, and many other
 Ivan Mini, Online community genius and entrepreneur
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Going to workshops taught by Fibre artists to connect with
other people who are passionate about working with Tex-
tiles and learn some new techniques or explore different
ways of design. Going to exhibitions of art and 鍖bre art.
 Marijke van Welzen, Fiber art and Textile designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Time alone in the woods soaking naked in the hot springs
under the full moon (especially during blizzards).
 Pamela Wible, Medical doctor
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
I dont drink, I dont smoke, I recently started going to the
gym and Im trying to have a healthy eating, but I have to
admit that its been real hard to let soda go.
 Julio C辿sar, Illustrator
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Holiday on the Baltic Sea.
 Olaf Ulbricht, Na誰ve painter
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
A few (too many) times a month, Ill spend an afternoon to
myself shopping for things I dont need. I 鍖nd it therapeutic,
my bank account thinks otherwise!
 Myrline Delva, Design blogger
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
With a good 3-hour walk in my favorite forest together with
my husband.
 Tija Viksna, Crochet wearable arts artist and designer
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Creativeroom4talk is an international magazine on creativity, presenting interesting inter-
views with creative minds from all over the world, articles on highly actual topics, opinions,
ideas and thoughts. With insight into a broad range of professional 鍖elds, we are creating a
platform for inspiration and positivity in a glocal environment, reaching out to creatives and
those who havent yet explored their creativity, but would like to do just that. Since March of
2015, we have had the pleasure to share the stories of over 100 creatives from various parts
of the world, creating a huge base of knowledge and inspiration  this is what we will contin-
ue to do, evolving and growing together with fantastic creative minds.
Our monthly ISSUU publication includes material from our website as well as additional ma-
terial - featured articles, comments, great visuals and a quality creative experience.
Were expanding rapidly, and this is the beginning of something truly amazing.
Get inspired and involved with us!
Follow us on Twitter @4creativeroom
Check out our website, Facebook page & Pinterest
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
Stay creative
Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration
creative room 4 talk
An international magazine for creativity

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Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration

  • 1. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 1 ofspoiling yourself inspiration Presents Our big collection
  • 2. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 2 Weve asked our interviewees what they like to do to spoil themselves because were convinced that taking your time to relax is absolutely cru- cial in order for creativity to 鍖ourish. Therefore, be prepared to get plen- ty of ideas on how to do just that, by diving into these quotes from 51 of our previous interviewees who answered the question How do you like to spoil yourself?
  • 3. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 3 Ive exhibited at San Diegos Comic Con for the last 鍖ve years. Each day before the doors open to the thousands of visitors, I enjoy walking the exhibit 鍖oor, visiting with fel- low artists and enjoying a quiet viewing of all the fantastic work. Chet Phillips, Illustrator
  • 4. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 4 To drink 100 grams of good brandy. Pronchenko Leonid Evgenievich, Painter/Artist
  • 5. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 5 Have a bath each evening after a long day. A simple pleasure that rejuvenates me. Also lately, buying my own designs I have created on the Print All Over Me site. I want to eventually wear my own designs on a consistent basis! Leisa Rich, Mixed Media Sculptural Artist
  • 6. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 6 In exploring new places and walking in the mountains. Angelika Tschofen, Textile artist
  • 7. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 7 Travelling by foot Johan Jansen, Designer
  • 8. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 8 A day off from everything! Karen Grenfell, Mixed Media/Textile artist
  • 9. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 9 Massages, good food and a cool pair of shoes! Zac Scy, Creative Coach
  • 10. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 10 By doing nothing for hours, just procrastinating and relaxing especially when I have gazillion things to do! Vladimir Stankovi, Illustrator
  • 11. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 11 Im not really the spoiling type. Until I had my family, I most- ly worked lots of low-paying and soul-sapping jobs. Being able to work on creative projects, is how Im spoiled now. Juliane Gorman, Hat Artist/Designer
  • 12. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 12 I love going to live music. I was 18 in 1977 so you can guess I was into punk and the injection of energy it brought to 70s music. So my current treat is going to a 3 day festival in Brighton called The Great Escape. Lots of great music, different styles (I love pretty much anything, even coun- try and western), from bands you have never heard of. Highly recom- mended. Lawrence Haddad, Researcher, International Food Policy Research Institute
  • 13. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 13 I love candy and junk food! So for me that is it! When it comes to spoil- ing myself, watch a movie and eat a lot of junk food. Carlos Dattoli, Illustrator
  • 14. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 14 I adore spending time in libraries, looking for old books on any subjects, even if Fantasy remains my best ever. Deborah Hope Allen, Textile Artist
  • 15. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 15 How dont I? Frequent breaks on the back deck, meditation room, delicious something to eat or drink, walk in nature, Jacuzzi or shower, sleep, massage, being with friends in person or elec- tronically, reading at night, building a 鍖re, long or short drives, buying 鍖owers for Lalita, loving the cats, feeding the local critters, sending love to somebody, great movies, learning. Bill Harvey, Media Innovator and Writer
  • 16. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 16 It depends on the mood. But it goes from buying good de- sign books, taking a random day off and enjoying the sun, or spending the day driving to Malibu or the desert to get out of the city. Its not easy because working on my own requires me to be 鍖exible on the weekends, but I do it whenever I can. I also really like traveling. Ana G坦mez Bernaus
  • 17. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 17 By scuba diving. Sander Mirck, Architect
  • 18. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 18 With traveling to some exotic place. Halil Salin, Painter
  • 19. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 19 Simple things like buying myself 鍖owers yellow tulips and pink lilies are my favourites, going to the cinema alone, go- ing to the Arabic baths. Jenny Morbey, Designer/Illustrator
  • 20. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 20 Spend a couple of weeks without any technology no In- ternet, no phones or tablets. I know thats ironic, considering that my work revolves around technology. Daniel Obodovski, Author, Speaker, Consultant, Business owner
  • 21. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 21 I love to travel. So make a trip during the holidays is the best way. But also I like good books, good food, 鍖ne cloth- ing and pets at home. Hannie Croonen-Braam, DIY Kit Designer
  • 22. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 22 Sitting at the balcony facing the Old Town, reading very early in the morning, when the sky is still almost dark-blue, when the whole city is asleep, when everything is dead si- lent is what spoils me the most. Also chocolate! Ece Kazan, Ceramics Artist
  • 23. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 23 I love to watch a great movie. Ilona Fekete, Painter
  • 24. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 24 Cooking very special fare for a crowd of family and friends, having time to relish every moment. Aurora Dokken, Glass blowing artist and Art Performance teacher
  • 25. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 25 Workout, spa and shop. Dr. Tracey Wilen, Global speaker, Author, Media Contributor
  • 26. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 26 I love good food. I love chefs who are creative and cou- rageous. I love to be challenged by them and getting that unique dining experience inspires me being creative in my own 鍖eld. Dr. Finn Majlergaard, Manager Partner and CEO, Cultural researcher
  • 27. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 27 Usually spending money with other creators at shows or go- ing to see a live performance. I love experimental theatre and music and theres a trend with social networking to set up smaller parlor concerts that are always interesting to see and talk to people. Monica L Knighton, Illustrator, Jewelry Desginer
  • 28. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 28 I love to visit the latest exhibitions in Paris. Inessa Besset, Mosaic Artist
  • 29. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 29 A good movie. Regolino Bizzi, Artist
  • 30. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 30 Well its pretty well known I am addicted to two marques of automobiles so its no secret that I own 8 Ferraris and 3 Rolls-Royces. Since I was a young boy I had always had an incredible passion for cars and grew up dream- ing of someday owning a Ferrari, which essentially is in my blood and runs through my veins. Also Rolls-Royce is simply the de鍖nition of the Best of The Best and is the greatest road going vehicle ever built and has a simply mag- ni鍖cent history of greatness. Also I have collected a few watches over the years that people have told me is quite a collection. Mr. Louis D. Spagnuolo, Chairman, CEO, Expert in building, scaling and exiting companies
  • 31. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 31 Dancing with the one I love! Being intimate and at the same time laughing, having fun. Rudina Hoxha, Marketing consultant and Event organizer
  • 32. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 32 I enjoy looking at art and especially Installation art, and just wandering about in a town. Mitsuko Tonouchi, Knitting and crocheting artist/designer
  • 33. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 33 More every day. Sergio Mora, Painter and illustrator
  • 34. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 34 I like to spoil myself by watching sports. I love sport espe- cially Rugby and Football. Gordon Tredgold, Leadership expert and writer
  • 35. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 35 I spoil myself by travelling or eating out with my friends or family. My husband and I make a point of dining out fre- quently. I still have memories of a trip to Italy I made with my mom and daughter that left me wanting more of Europe. Terry Cervantes, Artist/Potter
  • 36. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 36 By buying brand clothing. Arild Karlsen, Business owner
  • 37. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 37 I would like to spoil myself by relaxing on a terrace every morning, somewhere close to the sea. The early sun is start- ing to warm up the air, and Im drinking juice and reading the newspapers along with having breakfast, before I walk down to my workshop with big doors. Miodrag Djordjevi, Lamp Designer
  • 38. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 38 I sit close to the chimney-corner with a cup of my favorite Turkish blend coffee. gnes Herczeg, Lace Artist
  • 39. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 39 A spa pedicure! Donna Carol Voss, Writer, blogger and speaker
  • 40. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 40 I do not think Im so good to spoil myself. But it would probably be something like eat in town with a good friend, watch a movie in the cinema or read a good book. It could also be a long ride a beautiful place without companion- ship. Heidi Marie Johansen, Artist/Painter
  • 41. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 41 Months abroad in an apartment as I have done just re- cently I take long sabbaticals. Simon Thompson, blogger
  • 42. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 42 Watch movies, play some Playstation FIFA, and coffee to that. Paskhalis Dinto Ke鍖e, Photographer
  • 43. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 43 Sometimes I spoil myself by buying books with my favourite illustrators. Natali Iunina, Doll designer and Illustrator
  • 44. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 44 Give me time to read or listen to music without anyone around me. Thats all I need. Roy Povarchik, Content Marketer and Growth Hacker
  • 45. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 45 Chocolate and binge watching some TV series on Net鍖ix. Kelly Stevens, Illustrator
  • 46. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 46 I enjoy simple things. Buying myself a new sketchbook or pencil will do the trick. If I want to stretch the budget a little bit, I treat myself with a concert. Tamara Domuzin, Illustrator
  • 47. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 47 When I have the opportunity I try to ful鍖ll some of my childhood dreams. I believe many of them made me the way I am today. Some of the things Ive done because of this: I went to NASA Space Center in Houston, saw di- nosaurs at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, went to an NBA game, saw Manchester United win a game at Old Trafford, saw the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, and witnessed Usain Bolt take the Gold Medal, drove some amazing cars at the race tracks, went to some amazing concerts, saw Serbia win the Davis Cup, met some of my sports heroes, and many other things. Ivan Mini, Online community genius and entrepreneur
  • 48. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 48 Going to workshops taught by Fibre artists to connect with other people who are passionate about working with Tex- tiles and learn some new techniques or explore different ways of design. Going to exhibitions of art and 鍖bre art. Marijke van Welzen, Fiber art and Textile designer
  • 49. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 49 Time alone in the woods soaking naked in the hot springs under the full moon (especially during blizzards). Pamela Wible, Medical doctor
  • 50. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 50 I dont drink, I dont smoke, I recently started going to the gym and Im trying to have a healthy eating, but I have to admit that its been real hard to let soda go. Julio C辿sar, Illustrator
  • 51. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 51 Holiday on the Baltic Sea. Olaf Ulbricht, Na誰ve painter
  • 52. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 52 A few (too many) times a month, Ill spend an afternoon to myself shopping for things I dont need. I 鍖nd it therapeutic, my bank account thinks otherwise! Myrline Delva, Design blogger
  • 53. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 53 With a good 3-hour walk in my favorite forest together with my husband. Tija Viksna, Crochet wearable arts artist and designer
  • 54. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 54 Creativeroom4talk is an international magazine on creativity, presenting interesting inter- views with creative minds from all over the world, articles on highly actual topics, opinions, ideas and thoughts. With insight into a broad range of professional 鍖elds, we are creating a platform for inspiration and positivity in a glocal environment, reaching out to creatives and those who havent yet explored their creativity, but would like to do just that. Since March of 2015, we have had the pleasure to share the stories of over 100 creatives from various parts of the world, creating a huge base of knowledge and inspiration this is what we will contin- ue to do, evolving and growing together with fantastic creative minds. Our monthly ISSUU publication includes material from our website as well as additional ma- terial - featured articles, comments, great visuals and a quality creative experience. Were expanding rapidly, and this is the beginning of something truly amazing. Get inspired and involved with us! Follow us on Twitter @4creativeroom Check out our website, Facebook page & Pinterest
  • 55. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 55 Stay creative
  • 56. Our big collection of spoiling yourself inspiration 56 creative room 4 talk An international magazine for creativity creativeroom4talk.com