Don't share personal details like last names, phone numbers, or email addresses on the blog. Use proper spelling in stories, though comments can use text talk. Only post videos, pictures, and language that wouldn't offend others or that you'd feel proud sharing. Write comments that help and support readers in a kind manner.
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Our blog rules!
1. OUR BLOG RULES!Here are the rules that we came up with that will help to keep us safe and happy on our blog
2. Dont share personal details This means that we never post these things on our blogOur last namesOur phone number or addressOur email adress
3. No txt talk for our storiesWe thought that it would be better if we used our best spelling when sharing our workHowever, we dont mind people making comments in txt talk. Its just faster!
4. Only post appropriate videos/pictures/languageThis means we need to think about what might offend people and what we would be proud for people to seeThis is sometimes difficult to tell, so we agreed to talk about any that we are not sure about
5. Write comments that are helpful and kindWe are here to help and support each other so we will only post things that with help and support people