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Done By: Shun Hwa, Tzi
Quan, Boon Yuan, Daniel

 UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where
  the rights of every child are realized.
 UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind  to work
  with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty,
  violence, disease and discrimination place in a childs path.
  They believe that they can, together, advance the cause of
 They believe that nurturing and caring for children are the
  cornerstones of human progress.
 This organisation does not cost anything because
 UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private
  donors and their total income for 2008 was $3,372,540,239.
 Governments contribute two thirds of the organizations resources;
  private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest
  through the National Committees. It is estimated that 91.8% of
  their revenue is distributed to Program Services.
 Therefore, most of the money is provided by the government and
  without these fundings, this organisation cant work.
   For example, Kabul, Afghanistan, joined the Call to Action for WASH in schools.
   Every child has the right to access clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene
    education. In Afghanistan, according to the Ministry of Education, only 45% of
    school children have access to clean water and only 40% of schools have
    separate sanitation facilities for girls and boys.
   WASH in Schools encourages children's pride in their schools and
    communities by providing dignity and privacy.油 It enables children to
    become agents of change for improving water, sanitation and hygiene
    practices within their familities and communities.油 It helps children realize
    their full potential now and prepares them for healthy living as adults, able
    to share this legacy when they become parents.
 UNICEF has installed a solar-powered water pump in the village of
  Guidan Gazobi, supplying safe water to a population of more than
  3,000 people via seven easily accessible pumps throughout the
    Our burden is a lot less because we dont have to walk for hours
    to fetch the water that is now available in the village, says Ms.
    Yaou. The water quality is improved significantly and it is now
    drinkable. Our children are healthier
 This proves that peoples lives has been improved because of the
  new measures that unicef has introduced.

 If there is no unicef, the world will lose a very important
  organization as this organization has a great impact around the
 There would be lesser places which have clean water and good
  sanitation that unicef has reached and these people would still be
  living without a proper santination and good hygiene.
 Therefore, unicef is a very important organization which plays a
  very important role in the world.
Thank you for your kind attention

   Credits: http://www.unicef.org/

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Our focus

  • 1. OUR FOCUS: SANITATION OF UNICEF Done By: Shun Hwa, Tzi Quan, Boon Yuan, Daniel
  • 2. WHO IS UNICEF? UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a childs path. They believe that they can, together, advance the cause of humanity. They believe that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress.
  • 3. WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR FUNDS FROM? This organisation does not cost anything because UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors and their total income for 2008 was $3,372,540,239. Governments contribute two thirds of the organizations resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees. It is estimated that 91.8% of their revenue is distributed to Program Services. Therefore, most of the money is provided by the government and without these fundings, this organisation cant work.
  • 4. HOW UNICEF IMPACTED PEOPLES LIVES For example, Kabul, Afghanistan, joined the Call to Action for WASH in schools. Every child has the right to access clean water, sanitation facilities and hygiene education. In Afghanistan, according to the Ministry of Education, only 45% of school children have access to clean water and only 40% of schools have separate sanitation facilities for girls and boys. WASH in Schools encourages children's pride in their schools and communities by providing dignity and privacy.油 It enables children to become agents of change for improving water, sanitation and hygiene practices within their familities and communities.油 It helps children realize their full potential now and prepares them for healthy living as adults, able to share this legacy when they become parents.
  • 5. HOW UNICEF IMPACTED PEOPLES LIVES UNICEF has installed a solar-powered water pump in the village of Guidan Gazobi, supplying safe water to a population of more than 3,000 people via seven easily accessible pumps throughout the village. Our burden is a lot less because we dont have to walk for hours to fetch the water that is now available in the village, says Ms. Yaou. The water quality is improved significantly and it is now drinkable. Our children are healthier This proves that peoples lives has been improved because of the new measures that unicef has introduced.
  • 7. CONSEQUENCES IF THERE IS NO UNICEF If there is no unicef, the world will lose a very important organization as this organization has a great impact around the world. There would be lesser places which have clean water and good sanitation that unicef has reached and these people would still be living without a proper santination and good hygiene. Therefore, unicef is a very important organization which plays a very important role in the world.
  • 8. THE END!!! Thank you for your kind attention Credits: http://www.unicef.org/