Our Green Code outlines rules for different year levels at a school to help reduce litter, waste energy, and promote sustainability. A competition was held to develop the code, which is displayed on the school's Green Notice Board. The code encourages students from second to sixth class to properly dispose of litter, conserve heat and energy by turning off lights and appliances, and separate waste for recycling.
2. How did we decide? We held a competition and used the best entries in constructing our code. Each year level is represented from second to sixth. Our Green Code is displayed on our Green Schools Notice Board. LITTER: All pitch in and use the bin. Second Class HEAT: Keep the school sweet. Save our heat! Third Class WASTE: A dirty place is not nice to be seen. Separate your waste and keep us clean. Put your recyclables in one bin, your rubbish in another. It won’t take long if we all work together. Fourth Class LIGHTS: C.B.S. hear our shout. Don’t forget the lights go out. Fifth Class ENERGY: You switch it off. You plug it out. And that’s what it’s all about! Sixth Class