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Two Miraculous Images
Our Lady Of Guadalupe; An Icon of Life, Love and the New Evangelization Open the eyes of my heart Song... Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil Hail Mary Full of Grace The Lord Is With You Blessed Are You Among Women Blessed Is The Fruit of They Womb, Jesus Holy Mary, Mother Of God Pray For Us Sinners Now And At The Hour Of Our Death.
Our Father Father
Father+ Mother+  Son= Family The future of the world and the of the church passes through the family. Pope John Paul II  Familiaris Consortio The Family Under Attack In Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI affirmed that contraception was not Gods plan for married love.  He warned that embracing artificial means of birth control would result in a breakdown of the family.
Scientists have discovered that Marys eyes possess the three effects of image refraction in a living eye .  Reflected in Marys eyes are 13 tiny figures, including Bishop Zumarraga and St. Juan Diego. A man, woman and children are present as representing a family.
Mother; The image of Holy Mary of Guadalupe is that of a Virgin and at the same time a Mother. This was clear to the indigenous population since Her image has a dark ribbon on the upper part of her Immaculate womb. That meant she was with child (in Spanish 'encinta' or 'with ribbon' means pregnant) expecting Jesus Christ, our Lord, and so She is a woman of Advent, an expecting woman, a woman carrying the living and true God.  Ob/Gyn Dr. Carlos Del Castillo suggests she is close to giving birth.
4 Maternal Gifts: 1. My Love to the People All People, she excludes no one.  She is a vision, an image of love  and life to all nations. 2.My Compassion 3. My Help 4. My protection: She extinguished human sacrifice in the Aztec world of the 16 th  century, standing for life and offering new life won by self-sacrifice of herself and her son. She holds within her womb, the unborn Christ.  This proclaims the sanctity of life within a mother's womb.  She truly is the mother of all mankind.
MOTHER "Here I will show myself as a loving Mother to you and to all those born in these lands, and to all those who love me and trust in me, for I am your loving mother." "...Know for certain that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God...here I will show and offer all my love, my compassion and protection to the people.  I am your merciful Mother, the Mother of all who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who have confidence in me.  Here I will hear their weeping and their sorrows...their necessities and misfortunes..Listen and let it penetrate your heart... Listen and let it penetrate your heart  do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?
Hallowed Be Thy Name; In Holy Mary of Guadalupes image we find a true  codex . Let us remember Indians did not have a writing system like ours. They had drawings and learned their meanings by heart  that is why oral tradition was so important that they had techniques for accurate memorization. Thus, analyzing what the Spaniards called 'arabesques' on the Virgins gown, we see a series of drawings, which by comparing them with codices lead us through our reading. Among the flower drawings a unique flower stands out, a four petal flower, which means the four courses of the universe, a flower which also means the 'ever moving'. Such a flower is placed exactly on the Immaculate womb of the Virgin of Guadalupe, so that they understood clearly that this Maid, this Virgin, was carrying the eternal God, creator of heaven and earth. So the encounter of Holy Mary of Guadalupe and Juan Diego is actually the encounter with God, who is in Marys womb, and mankind represented by Juan Diego.
Hallowed Be Thy Name God has had many names. Using the language of the people, the iconic imagery and codex language of the mesoamericans uses the names, the symbols that they are familiar with to reveal the one true God to them.  During advent, we use the name of Emmanuel which means God is with us.  Here, in this image, using the language of the codex  we see that truly, God is with us and it is revealed by the flower on her womb. Fr. Mario 1 st  to perceive flowers where Nahuatl glyphs. This flower showed them that the new sun would be born to them.  For these people, poetry, song, philosophers and flowers represent the only truth on earth.  In the Secret Song 43
The face within means wise man.  I believe this is the Holy Spirit revealing that Pope John Paul 11 work of Theology of The Body as well as Love and Responsibility to name a few are revealed through this imagery.  That is why the spray of fluid looks like it come from the mouth of the wise old man.  The top of the heart shaped glyph is triangular which reveals that the message is going to reveal a trinitarian truth.  The heart shape reveals that it will be about love, the upside heart reveals that it's purpose is to make hearts right since they are upside down and or twisted.  The fact that a face is within the heart shaped flower says that the message will be of putting a face into the hearts of others...the peace of the interior gaze, to see someone since the opposite of love is use, then to see a person and not an object would be symbolized here. I want to also point out that the concept of putting a face on the glyph could mean that TOB puts a face on persons, giving them dignity.  This could be a key to the new evangelization.  After the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the spanish and the indians looked at the face of Mary and saw the face of themselves, their neighbors (her skin was a mixture of both) they saw enemies, they saw each other and to reject her would be to reject themselves and vice versa.  Our Lady of Guadalupe is both Indian daughter and Spanish daughter and she epitomizes the commandment of love Love your neighbor as yourself.  She is a visual manifestation of this love embraced. Therefore, it is a true codex or love letter written in gold that indigenous people were able to read immediately. Holy Mary of Guadalupe is the root of a new civilization of love. That is TOB Hallowed Be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will Be Done St. Francis pictured with St. Anthony of Padua.  It was actually Bl John Duns Scott, another Franciscan  who worked out the theology of the Immaculate Conception.  St. Francis assured the link between this apparition and Our Lady of Guadalupe by linking it with Guadalupe Spain's similarities.
Bishop Z, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Maximilian Kolbe, all submitted their wills to give Their gifts in service to God and made Christ King of their lives.  His Kingdom reigns in their souls and they bring Christ to others allowing His Will to be done.  ArchBishop Fulton Sheen said that she gave the hands and feet and body to  Christ in which he hung on the cross and died with. Franciscans are a Marian order that identify with hidden life of Mary Immaculate and poor crucified Christ. Their Marian piety has been characterized by total consecration to the mother of God under title of Immaculate Conception mediatrix of all graces.
On Earth As It Is In Heaven Fr. Mario Sanchez and Dr. Juan Hernandez used computers to prove their hunch that stars on mantle were the constellations of December sky 1531 when Mary appeared.  The constellations are represented as seen from outside the dome of the heavens, reversed as if through God's eyes. Christian iconography is like a bible for the poor representing biblical truths of religious beliefs to instruct the illiterate in faith and lift up their hearts in worship.
On Earth as it is in heaven Draco (Dragon) Scorpio (stinging Dragon) and Hydra (serpent)  form a mock trinity. Our lady in battle.  If the head of dragon drawn out, the head would seem to be looking into the eyes of Our Lady. Corona Borealis:  Crowning her Queen of Heaven and earth. Showing her royalty. (Rev 12:1) Virgo:  near her heart showing her purity and virginity (Lk1:35) Leo:  Lion, identifying Christ as the lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5) by her abdomen represents virginal conception.  Regulus:  means royalty and is Leo's brightest star and symbolizes Christs Kingship. Gemini : Twins.  Twins can be identical in which their DNA is identical and splits from one source.  Jesus and Mary are flesh of the same flesh.  Not a mixture of two biological parents, Jesus is fashioned from Mary much like Eve was fashioned from Adam.  Here the new Eve and the New Adam are announced!
Ursa Major:  (great bear) represents work of Satan through man (Dn 7:5; Rev 13:2) Lupus:  (the wolf) represents Satan's attack on the church (Jn 10:12) Bootes:  (the herdsmen) the shepherds in the gospel (Rom 10:15) Canes:  (shepards staff) shows shepherds authority over the church. Libra: Gods Justice through the gospel Southern Cross : Cross of Christ Ophiuchus:  serpent holder Lynx:  power of spiritual vision to discern Gospel given by Holy Spirit. Centaurus:  遜 man 遜 animal: wickedness on earth. Auriga:  goat, those who are damned. Orion, Canis and Taurus:  Hunter, his dog and the bull represents man, animal and life and death struggle for salvation against devil.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread; The Angel with wings underneath her could be symbolic of the Arch Angel Gabriel come to Mary at the Annunciation and the Holy Spirit Overshadowed her.  I thought of this when looking at Caryll Houselander's picture of the Holy Spirit.  She has a baby angel with wings holding up the larger image of the bird.  She ties in the Annunciation to the image of the Holy Spirit.  Interesting how Mary is in each image of the trinity...  The Angel likens  Our Lady to the Immaculate Conception.  She become a vessel, an ark, the first tabernacle of our Lord.  She is brings us the Eucharist...she brings Jesus who says: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.  For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.  He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.  As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me.  This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live forever.(John:6, 52-58)  It is the Almighty God who gives himself in sacrifice for love on the cross.  Thus, Holy Mary of Guadalupe is presented as the Eucharistic Woman.. She is the dispenstrix of God's mercy and grace and this is shown by the angels that support her feet, it is her upon whom the angels wait and the angels venerate.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Divine Mercy: Water and Blood.  Shape of Corn: the staple of their diet food. Foot shaped as kernal.
Holy Mary of Guadalupe is the mother who takes us in Her merciful sight. She is the mother who takes our hearts to God in Her hands. This is most pertinent to Her image since Her blessed hands are joined in a prayerful position. However, if we look at them carefully, especially if we observe them as the natives did, these people being used to codices, we will see that the golden flower on Her gown seems to be between Her hands. This flower has the exact shape of a heart, therefore they understood immediately that She had our hearts in Her hands, so that in prayer, She can present them to the one true God for whom one lives. The heart shaped flowers have stems or rivers which show the healing of sacraments, the growth of spiritual life. The Jerusalem Cross is the shape of her broach and is representative of the 5 wounds of Christ. It also reveals suffering as well as her being a holy temple.  Forgive Us Our Trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Deliver Us From Evil Many primitive people have practiced sacrifices but none ever done so to the scale of the aztecs.  For every temple, 50,000 sacrifices a year was the law. . A universal symbol of mexican religion was the serpent. Drums made of snake skins were beaten and heard for over 2 miles away. No where in human histroy has Satan so formalized and institutionalized  his worship using so many of his titles and symbols. Tlacaelel was the most feared and evil leader. Within 4 days he had over 20,000 to 80,000 men sacrificed.  1 out of every 5 children was sacrificed. Human sacrifice is contrary to the natural law written on our hearts, yet even now it would seem our nations support by it's highest leader of the land, exspecially media. It seems there is an attempt to out do the Aztecs. In the U.S. Over 1.5 million babies are killed each year and that does not include abortificients.
The serpent god Quetzalcoatl was crushed by Our Lady when the Indians converted to Catholicism It appears that there is a resurgence of interest in the Aztec Mother-goddess Tonantzin, presenting her as nothing more than the embodiment of the "feminine"... whatever that might be. I don't think it's pure coincidence that this goddess who required human sacrifice has made her reappearance at a time when thousands of babies are killed by abortion under the guise of "a woman's right to choose." Let us hope this Icon, so rich in Christian Symbolism is destined to be the heaven sent means of effecting unity and peace in the whole world according to Our Lady of Fatima: When my immaculate heart triumphs, THEN the world will have peace.  Pope John XXII Fr. Miguel Guadalupe wrote in the Seven veils of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that there is an image of her sacred heart on her hands. He also alludes to a crown on her head that has been painted over and is emerging slowly.  Will this come out from under the paint signaling the triumph of her immaculate heart?
Our Lady of the Trinity Holy Virgin Mary, there is none like you among women born in the world. Daughter and handmaid of the heavenly Father, the almighty King. Mother of our most high Lord Jesus Christ, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us to your most holy Son, our Lord and Master. Hail holy Lady, most noble Queen, Mother of God, and Mary ever Virgin. You were chosen by the heavenly Father, who has been pleased to honor you with the presence of his most holy Son and the Divine Paraclete. You were blessed with the fullness of grace and goodness, Hail, Temple of God, his dwelling place, his masterpiece, his handmaid. Hail, Mother of God. I venerate you for the holy virtues which- through the grace and light of the Holy Spirit- you bring into the hearts of your clients to change them from unfaithful Christians to faithful children of God. - St. Francis of Assisi

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Our Lady Of Guadalupe; An Icon of Life, Love and The New Evangelization

  • 2. Our Lady Of Guadalupe; An Icon of Life, Love and the New Evangelization Open the eyes of my heart Song... Our Father Who Art In Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil Hail Mary Full of Grace The Lord Is With You Blessed Are You Among Women Blessed Is The Fruit of They Womb, Jesus Holy Mary, Mother Of God Pray For Us Sinners Now And At The Hour Of Our Death.
  • 4. Father+ Mother+ Son= Family The future of the world and the of the church passes through the family. Pope John Paul II Familiaris Consortio The Family Under Attack In Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI affirmed that contraception was not Gods plan for married love. He warned that embracing artificial means of birth control would result in a breakdown of the family.
  • 5. Scientists have discovered that Marys eyes possess the three effects of image refraction in a living eye . Reflected in Marys eyes are 13 tiny figures, including Bishop Zumarraga and St. Juan Diego. A man, woman and children are present as representing a family.
  • 6.
  • 7. Mother; The image of Holy Mary of Guadalupe is that of a Virgin and at the same time a Mother. This was clear to the indigenous population since Her image has a dark ribbon on the upper part of her Immaculate womb. That meant she was with child (in Spanish 'encinta' or 'with ribbon' means pregnant) expecting Jesus Christ, our Lord, and so She is a woman of Advent, an expecting woman, a woman carrying the living and true God. Ob/Gyn Dr. Carlos Del Castillo suggests she is close to giving birth.
  • 8. 4 Maternal Gifts: 1. My Love to the People All People, she excludes no one. She is a vision, an image of love and life to all nations. 2.My Compassion 3. My Help 4. My protection: She extinguished human sacrifice in the Aztec world of the 16 th century, standing for life and offering new life won by self-sacrifice of herself and her son. She holds within her womb, the unborn Christ. This proclaims the sanctity of life within a mother's womb. She truly is the mother of all mankind.
  • 9. MOTHER "Here I will show myself as a loving Mother to you and to all those born in these lands, and to all those who love me and trust in me, for I am your loving mother." "...Know for certain that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God...here I will show and offer all my love, my compassion and protection to the people. I am your merciful Mother, the Mother of all who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who have confidence in me. Here I will hear their weeping and their sorrows...their necessities and misfortunes..Listen and let it penetrate your heart... Listen and let it penetrate your heart do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?
  • 10. Hallowed Be Thy Name; In Holy Mary of Guadalupes image we find a true codex . Let us remember Indians did not have a writing system like ours. They had drawings and learned their meanings by heart that is why oral tradition was so important that they had techniques for accurate memorization. Thus, analyzing what the Spaniards called 'arabesques' on the Virgins gown, we see a series of drawings, which by comparing them with codices lead us through our reading. Among the flower drawings a unique flower stands out, a four petal flower, which means the four courses of the universe, a flower which also means the 'ever moving'. Such a flower is placed exactly on the Immaculate womb of the Virgin of Guadalupe, so that they understood clearly that this Maid, this Virgin, was carrying the eternal God, creator of heaven and earth. So the encounter of Holy Mary of Guadalupe and Juan Diego is actually the encounter with God, who is in Marys womb, and mankind represented by Juan Diego.
  • 11. Hallowed Be Thy Name God has had many names. Using the language of the people, the iconic imagery and codex language of the mesoamericans uses the names, the symbols that they are familiar with to reveal the one true God to them. During advent, we use the name of Emmanuel which means God is with us. Here, in this image, using the language of the codex we see that truly, God is with us and it is revealed by the flower on her womb. Fr. Mario 1 st to perceive flowers where Nahuatl glyphs. This flower showed them that the new sun would be born to them. For these people, poetry, song, philosophers and flowers represent the only truth on earth. In the Secret Song 43
  • 12. The face within means wise man. I believe this is the Holy Spirit revealing that Pope John Paul 11 work of Theology of The Body as well as Love and Responsibility to name a few are revealed through this imagery. That is why the spray of fluid looks like it come from the mouth of the wise old man. The top of the heart shaped glyph is triangular which reveals that the message is going to reveal a trinitarian truth. The heart shape reveals that it will be about love, the upside heart reveals that it's purpose is to make hearts right since they are upside down and or twisted. The fact that a face is within the heart shaped flower says that the message will be of putting a face into the hearts of others...the peace of the interior gaze, to see someone since the opposite of love is use, then to see a person and not an object would be symbolized here. I want to also point out that the concept of putting a face on the glyph could mean that TOB puts a face on persons, giving them dignity. This could be a key to the new evangelization. After the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the spanish and the indians looked at the face of Mary and saw the face of themselves, their neighbors (her skin was a mixture of both) they saw enemies, they saw each other and to reject her would be to reject themselves and vice versa. Our Lady of Guadalupe is both Indian daughter and Spanish daughter and she epitomizes the commandment of love Love your neighbor as yourself. She is a visual manifestation of this love embraced. Therefore, it is a true codex or love letter written in gold that indigenous people were able to read immediately. Holy Mary of Guadalupe is the root of a new civilization of love. That is TOB Hallowed Be Thy Name
  • 13. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will Be Done St. Francis pictured with St. Anthony of Padua. It was actually Bl John Duns Scott, another Franciscan who worked out the theology of the Immaculate Conception. St. Francis assured the link between this apparition and Our Lady of Guadalupe by linking it with Guadalupe Spain's similarities.
  • 14. Bishop Z, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Maximilian Kolbe, all submitted their wills to give Their gifts in service to God and made Christ King of their lives. His Kingdom reigns in their souls and they bring Christ to others allowing His Will to be done. ArchBishop Fulton Sheen said that she gave the hands and feet and body to Christ in which he hung on the cross and died with. Franciscans are a Marian order that identify with hidden life of Mary Immaculate and poor crucified Christ. Their Marian piety has been characterized by total consecration to the mother of God under title of Immaculate Conception mediatrix of all graces.
  • 15. On Earth As It Is In Heaven Fr. Mario Sanchez and Dr. Juan Hernandez used computers to prove their hunch that stars on mantle were the constellations of December sky 1531 when Mary appeared. The constellations are represented as seen from outside the dome of the heavens, reversed as if through God's eyes. Christian iconography is like a bible for the poor representing biblical truths of religious beliefs to instruct the illiterate in faith and lift up their hearts in worship.
  • 16. On Earth as it is in heaven Draco (Dragon) Scorpio (stinging Dragon) and Hydra (serpent) form a mock trinity. Our lady in battle. If the head of dragon drawn out, the head would seem to be looking into the eyes of Our Lady. Corona Borealis: Crowning her Queen of Heaven and earth. Showing her royalty. (Rev 12:1) Virgo: near her heart showing her purity and virginity (Lk1:35) Leo: Lion, identifying Christ as the lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5) by her abdomen represents virginal conception. Regulus: means royalty and is Leo's brightest star and symbolizes Christs Kingship. Gemini : Twins. Twins can be identical in which their DNA is identical and splits from one source. Jesus and Mary are flesh of the same flesh. Not a mixture of two biological parents, Jesus is fashioned from Mary much like Eve was fashioned from Adam. Here the new Eve and the New Adam are announced!
  • 17. Ursa Major: (great bear) represents work of Satan through man (Dn 7:5; Rev 13:2) Lupus: (the wolf) represents Satan's attack on the church (Jn 10:12) Bootes: (the herdsmen) the shepherds in the gospel (Rom 10:15) Canes: (shepards staff) shows shepherds authority over the church. Libra: Gods Justice through the gospel Southern Cross : Cross of Christ Ophiuchus: serpent holder Lynx: power of spiritual vision to discern Gospel given by Holy Spirit. Centaurus: 遜 man 遜 animal: wickedness on earth. Auriga: goat, those who are damned. Orion, Canis and Taurus: Hunter, his dog and the bull represents man, animal and life and death struggle for salvation against devil.
  • 18.
  • 19. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread; The Angel with wings underneath her could be symbolic of the Arch Angel Gabriel come to Mary at the Annunciation and the Holy Spirit Overshadowed her. I thought of this when looking at Caryll Houselander's picture of the Holy Spirit. She has a baby angel with wings holding up the larger image of the bird. She ties in the Annunciation to the image of the Holy Spirit. Interesting how Mary is in each image of the trinity... The Angel likens Our Lady to the Immaculate Conception. She become a vessel, an ark, the first tabernacle of our Lord. She is brings us the Eucharist...she brings Jesus who says: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live forever.(John:6, 52-58) It is the Almighty God who gives himself in sacrifice for love on the cross. Thus, Holy Mary of Guadalupe is presented as the Eucharistic Woman.. She is the dispenstrix of God's mercy and grace and this is shown by the angels that support her feet, it is her upon whom the angels wait and the angels venerate.
  • 20. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Divine Mercy: Water and Blood. Shape of Corn: the staple of their diet food. Foot shaped as kernal.
  • 22. Holy Mary of Guadalupe is the mother who takes us in Her merciful sight. She is the mother who takes our hearts to God in Her hands. This is most pertinent to Her image since Her blessed hands are joined in a prayerful position. However, if we look at them carefully, especially if we observe them as the natives did, these people being used to codices, we will see that the golden flower on Her gown seems to be between Her hands. This flower has the exact shape of a heart, therefore they understood immediately that She had our hearts in Her hands, so that in prayer, She can present them to the one true God for whom one lives. The heart shaped flowers have stems or rivers which show the healing of sacraments, the growth of spiritual life. The Jerusalem Cross is the shape of her broach and is representative of the 5 wounds of Christ. It also reveals suffering as well as her being a holy temple. Forgive Us Our Trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
  • 23. Deliver Us From Evil Many primitive people have practiced sacrifices but none ever done so to the scale of the aztecs. For every temple, 50,000 sacrifices a year was the law. . A universal symbol of mexican religion was the serpent. Drums made of snake skins were beaten and heard for over 2 miles away. No where in human histroy has Satan so formalized and institutionalized his worship using so many of his titles and symbols. Tlacaelel was the most feared and evil leader. Within 4 days he had over 20,000 to 80,000 men sacrificed. 1 out of every 5 children was sacrificed. Human sacrifice is contrary to the natural law written on our hearts, yet even now it would seem our nations support by it's highest leader of the land, exspecially media. It seems there is an attempt to out do the Aztecs. In the U.S. Over 1.5 million babies are killed each year and that does not include abortificients.
  • 24. The serpent god Quetzalcoatl was crushed by Our Lady when the Indians converted to Catholicism It appears that there is a resurgence of interest in the Aztec Mother-goddess Tonantzin, presenting her as nothing more than the embodiment of the "feminine"... whatever that might be. I don't think it's pure coincidence that this goddess who required human sacrifice has made her reappearance at a time when thousands of babies are killed by abortion under the guise of "a woman's right to choose." Let us hope this Icon, so rich in Christian Symbolism is destined to be the heaven sent means of effecting unity and peace in the whole world according to Our Lady of Fatima: When my immaculate heart triumphs, THEN the world will have peace. Pope John XXII Fr. Miguel Guadalupe wrote in the Seven veils of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that there is an image of her sacred heart on her hands. He also alludes to a crown on her head that has been painted over and is emerging slowly. Will this come out from under the paint signaling the triumph of her immaculate heart?
  • 25. Our Lady of the Trinity Holy Virgin Mary, there is none like you among women born in the world. Daughter and handmaid of the heavenly Father, the almighty King. Mother of our most high Lord Jesus Christ, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us to your most holy Son, our Lord and Master. Hail holy Lady, most noble Queen, Mother of God, and Mary ever Virgin. You were chosen by the heavenly Father, who has been pleased to honor you with the presence of his most holy Son and the Divine Paraclete. You were blessed with the fullness of grace and goodness, Hail, Temple of God, his dwelling place, his masterpiece, his handmaid. Hail, Mother of God. I venerate you for the holy virtues which- through the grace and light of the Holy Spirit- you bring into the hearts of your clients to change them from unfaithful Christians to faithful children of God. - St. Francis of Assisi