The document discusses various topics related to art, architecture, education, and communications including defining difference in the marketplace, customer engagement, corporate strategy, brand loyalty, data discovery, brand building, team building, market segmentation, digital data, marketing, and leadership skills. It seeks candidates with interests in current events, politics, government, community, and media.
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Our Service Difference
1. Art: Defining Difference in the Marketplace
Art Education: Customer Engagement
Architecture: Corporate Strategy and Brand Loyalty
Architecture Education: Data Discovery
Art: Brand Building, Corporate Health and Education
Art Education: Team Building, Health and Finance
Architecture: Market Segmentation
ArchitectureEducation: Digital Data, Marketing and Communications
Journalism, PR, social media strategy or related stakeholder communications activity
Marketing/communications, journalism and/or digital communications
Leadership, planning and organisational skills
A high interest in current events, understanding of the political landscape and the way
government & community responds to media