What is Our Way Ahead?
An OPEN event to build voice, agency and grassroots infrastructure at a
time of crisis and division.
The Great Hall TR1-04, Holloway Campus, London Metropolitan University, 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DP
2. Twitter: @Matt_LVSC #OURWAYAHEAD
Communities in the driving seat?
From control to creativity
* Arnsteins Ladder of Participation
An OPEN event to build voice, agency and grassroots infrastructure at a
time of crisis and division.
Aiming to network and contribute to a wider movement that is
democratic, sustainable and genuinely supportive of each other.
Includes storytelling, open space, testimonies and presentations from
community organisations.
Time to reflect and plan action:
Brexit, Austerity, Grenfellso many more
Lets share our experiences, agree common purpose and plan for
collective action.
To book a place: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/communities-in-the-driving-seat-
Venue is fully wheelchair accessible: if you have any specific access requirements to take part in
the event or dietary requirements or want to make further inquires please email
matt@lvsc.org.uk or call 07827 258411
Map / directions see below
3. Twitter: @Matt_LVSC #OURWAYAHEAD
Directions for the Event:
Address: The Great Hall, TR1-04 Holloway Campus, London
Metropolitan University, 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7
The event is held in the Great Hall, which is above the Rocket
The venue is two minutes' walk from Holloway Road tube station