Presentation given by Sarah McAfoose, Brianna Marshall, Taylor Greene, and Valerie Lazalier at the 2012 Society of Indiana Archivists Annual Meeting.
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Outreach Initiatives by Graduate Student Workers at IU-B
1. Outreach Initiatives by Graduate
Student Workers at IU-B Archives
and Special Collections
Sarah McAfoose, Brianna Marshall, Taylor Greene,
Valerie Lazalier, Indiana University Bloomington
3. Record Sale
Major Fundraiser for ATM (has no budget)
Includes 33 1/3 rpm, 45 rpm, and 78 rpm
discs, Books, etc.
Interact with Bloomington Community
Radio, Television, Newspaper Advertisement
Interact with IU-B Students
Fliers, Listserv Posting, Word of Mouth
4. Outcome
Stats from 2010 Sale
Definition A
Definition B
Stats from 2012 Sale
7. Tips for effective use of Twitter
Identify your audience and purpose
Person responsible for tweeting should be
informed and passionate
8. Tips for effective use of Twitter
Identify your audience and purpose
Person responsible for tweeting should be
informed and passionate
Maintain your Twitter presence
13. Letters from
Dear Dr. Kinsey
Dr. Kinsey Masters and John Money
Johnson letter
Thomas Painter
Alice Field data Collection
Dr. Kinseys
Microscope Louise Vertical File
Scrapbook John Money
15. Items from
Letter from the 2004
Letter from George film Kinsey
Sigmund Platt Lynes
Freud to Dr.
16. IU Art Museum Archive
Over 43,000
Art Objects
Paper Records
Digital Records
Object Folders
Dealer/Donor Files
Exhibition Archive
17. IUAM Tour
Part of SAA-SC conference
at IU-B
Toured in previous years
This year with the museum's
Not only IU-B students
Raised awareness of
museum archives in general
18. Kinsey Institute Tour
Society of Art Librarianship
Students at IU-B
Tour led by the Curator of
Art, Artifacts, and
Included library and art
Promoted as a resource for
student research and a
potential internship site
19. From which of the following IU-B Archives have
you used archival resources?
20. From which sources have you learned about the
existence of an IU-B archive?
21. Which of the following prompted you to
physically go to an archive on the IU-B campus?
22. Which of the following dissuaded you from
visiting an archive?
23. Would you like an archive on Facebook?
Would you follow an archive on Twitter?