Mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation can help us overcome the insatiable desire or greed that drives climate change and the economic injustice protested by the Occupy movement.
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Overcoming Greed with Love and Mindfulness
1. Overcoming Greed with Love, Mindfulness, and Neuroscience Presented by Rick Heller to Ethical Society of Boston
11. Habituation If reward is predictable: Habit System (inner robot) takes over. Conscious sense of pleasure dwindles. Need more of substance to get the same high
12. American Happiness Plateau US real income doubled 1960 -> 1990 NO increase in happiness Increases in depression
13. Well-being plateaus at $75K Kahneman and Deaton, High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being, PNAS, 2010
14. Life satisfaction doesnt Plateau Life satisfaction more cognitive than emotional. Higher rank in income distribution makes people think better of themselves. Status competition found repeatedly in evolutionary biology
15. Status race is zero-sum game To get ahead someone must fall behind Society as a whole cant win But sure brings a lot of CO2 Inequality is painful (Spirit Level book)
16. Ads Reinforce Treadmill Race Applied Psychology Edward Bernays Nephew of Freud Father of Propaganda
17. Solutions Meet peoples basic physical needs through economic production Meet peoples psychological needs through positive psychology
18. Do we all need therapy? Wouldnt hurt, but People resist because of stigma Expensive
19. Mindfulness is Paying attention to present moment with Acceptance Friendliness Loving-kindness
20. Mindfulness Thwarts Habituation Restores first time feeling S ense of wonder and richness in everyday life With so much, feel less need to acquire more Less financial desire (Kirk Warren Brown)
21. Loving-kindness Metta toward people and things Empathy training promotes oxytocin release and generosity (Barraza and Zak, 2009)
22. Mindfulness Secularized To fit in medical settings To fit into public education Promotes inclusiveness Most religious/philosophical traditions have a mindfulness element that can be recovered.
23. Meditation vs. Mindfulness Meditation usually concentrative Mindfulness is wide-focused awareness Both focused on present w/o judgment
24. How does mindfulness work? Daniel Siegel, The Mindful Brain Jeff Hawkins, On Intelligence Stephen Grossberg, Adaptive Resonance Theory
26. Focus on Present Inner voice arises by top-down on cortex. Source: How hallucinations may arise from brain mechanisms of learning, attention, and volition, Stephen Grossberg, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2000), 6: 583-592 Sensory focus promotes bottom-up, inhibits inner voice. Silences ruminations that cause suffering
27. Enhances Sense of Wonder Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, U. Michigan psychologists, say natures restorative effects due to amplified sensory flow Mindfulness can amplify sensory flow, increase novelty, joy, sense of wonder in everyday life
28. Rachel Carson The Sense of Wonder ...becoming receptive to what lies all around you. It is learning again to use your eyes, ears, nostrils, and finger tips, opening up the disused channels of sensory impressionOne way to open your eyes to unnoticed beauty is to ask yourself, What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?
29. Mindfulness of Status Mindfulness directly promotes emotional well-being Mindfulness can help us recognize when were caught up in status competition. Indirectly helps cognitive life satisfaction.
30. Policy Agenda Grow happiness, not natural resource use Reduce working hours, enjoy more free time, pollute less (Juliet Schor). First step: Election Day Holiday!
33. Summary Changing our culture to one that is more loving and mindful can help us overcome the insatiable desire that drives climate change and inequality.