This document outlines the objectives and concepts for Drawing 1. The 14 objectives include learning to draw simple objects from observation with an understanding of foreshortening and spatial relationships. Students will draw a still life demonstrating scale, proportion and compositional balance. They will also learn to use different drawing media like pen, charcoal and the grid method of reproduction. The goals are to develop technical skills to produce finished works meeting professional standards while demonstrating originality and creativity. Students will perform critiques to identify uses of design principles and elements.
3. 1. Draw simple objects from observation in
pencil order to produce an accurate rendering of
the figure-ground shapes in pen.
10. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of
foreshortening, eye-level and spatial
19. 3. Draw a simple still life from observation in
contour lines demonstrating an understanding
of scale, proportion, foreshortening, and
compositional balance.
25. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the variety
of line quality and weight using pen as well as
the relationship of line to perceived value.
32. 5. Demonstrate an understanding and fluency
with various charcoal media in regards to value
and value gradations
37. 8. Demonstrate an understanding and ability to
reproduce the light logic of chiaroscuro
including highlight, reflected light, cast shadow,
and crest shadow in a simple still life with
49. 7. Demonstrate an understanding and ability to
utilize the grid-method of reproduction in
individual and group projects.
63. 8. Demonstrate an ability to understand the
conceptual requirements of each assigned
project and a willingness/ability to adhere to
standard guidelines.
68. 13. Demonstrate an ability to compose design
elements with a sufficient degree of originality
and creativity rather than copying examples
74. 14. Perform aesthetic judgment during class
critiques in order to identify the uses of the
Principles and Elements in a work of art.