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Basic Facts and Information about
  New Zealand

New Zealand is well developed modern nation, with     Population:            4.4 million
an efficient market orientated economy, first world
infrastructure, a world-class financial and banking   Currency:              New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
system, and a secure and stable government.
                                                      GDP:                   NZD 189.2 billion (approx. USD 135
As an upstanding member of the international          billion)
community, New Zealand is participant in several      GDP per capita:        NZD 43,269 (approx. USD 31,071 )
multinational organizations, including the United
Nations, World Trade Organization, International      Top Export Partners:
Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic              Australia              NZD 9.9 billion
Cooperation and Development, the South pacific        China                  NZD 4.2billion
Forum, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, and     USA                    NZD 3.7 billion
the Commonwealth.                                     Japan                  NZD 3.2 billion
                                                      UK                     NZD 1.5 billion

                                                      Total Exports          NZD 41,463 billion
                                                      Total Imports          NZD 40,597 billion
New Zealand                              New Zealand Business
Geographic Overview                      Overview
New Zealand is an island nation          In the past the New Zealand
located 2000 kilometers south-east       economy was constrained by                Double Taxation Agreements
of Australia. It is comprised of two     numerous government regulations,          Australia
primary landmasses, known as the         import tariffs, import controls,          Austria
North and South Islands, and a           subsidies and a platitude of other        Belgium
significant number of smaller islands.   legislations. Since 1984 the New          Canada
The largest city in New Zealand is                                                 Chile
                                         Zealand government has led an
                                                                                   People's Republic of China
Auckland, in the top half of the         overhaul and rethink of economic          Czech Republic
North Island, while the capital,         and financial legislations, staging the   Denmark
Wellington, lies in the Southern tip     path for the national economy to          Finland
of the northern island. The land         become deregulated, decentralized,        Fiji
mass of New Zealand consists of          and      open      to     international   France
368,680 square kilometers, making it                                               Germany
the 75th biggest nation in the world
and covers 0.18% of the world's          As part of the economic overhaul          Ireland
surface.                                 process, New Zealand has affirmed         Italy
                                         its aim to strengthen its political,      Japan

New Zealand                              economic and trade ties with nations      Korea
                                         in Asia and the Pacific Rim. This is
Government Overview                      evidenced by the large number of
                                         trade-pacts     currently     signed      Norway
New Zealand is a constitutional
                                         between New Zealand and Asian             Philippines
monarchy with a parliamentary
                                         countries. New Zealand was the first      Poland
democracy. The parliament building                                                 Russian Federation
                                         Western country to have signed a
resides in the capital, Wellington, in                                             Singapore,
                                         free-trade agreement with China.
a building dubbed "The Beehive".                                                   South Africa
Queen Elizabeth II is currently the                                                Spain
                                    Today New Zealand is internationally           Sweden
Queen of New Zealand, although is
                                    recognized      for     being      an          Switzerland
represented by the Governor-
                                    exceptionally easy and safe country            Taiwan
General. The Governor General of
                                    in which to do business. In the World          Thailand
New Zealand is able to exercise a                                                  United Arab Emirates
                                    Banks 2010 the Doing Business
certain number of reserve powers,                                                  United Kingdom
                                    survey, New Zealand was ranked as
like the appointing and dismissing                                                 United States of America
                                    the third for the overall Ease of
Governors and Prime Ministers,
                                    Doing Business category. It was also          Free Trade Agreements
dissolving Parliament, and refusing
                                    ranked top for the Ease of Starting a
the Prime-Minister's request for an                                                Australia
                                    Business and Investor Protection.           Peoples Republic of China
                                    The Transparency International                 Thailand
                                    Corruption Perceptions Index 2010
New Zealand is a common law                                                        Brunei
                                    ranked New Zealand as the least                Chile
jurisdiction, developed from case
                                    corrupt country in the world,                  Malaysia
law and statutes previously enacted                                                Hong Kong
                                    alongside Denmark and Singapore.
by the New Zealand Parliament.
Time Overview

                                                                               Standard time zone:
                                                                               UTC/GMT +12 hours

                                                                               Standard Public Holidays

                                                                               New Year's Day
                                                                               1 January

                                                                               Day after New Year's Day
                                                                               2 January
New Zealand Tax Overview
                                                                               Waitangi Day
Taxation in New Zealand is administered and operated by the Inland             6 February
Revenue Department (IRD). Any individual or business entity wishing to
work in the country is obligated to register for an IRD number. Even           ANZAC Day
companies which are registered but are not indented to operate                 25 April
immediately must register for an IRD number.
                                                                               Christmas Day
The New Zealand financial year runs from April 1 to March 31 . st              25 December

As of April 1st 2011 the primary tax rates faced by companies are:             Boxing Day
                                                                               26 December
Corporate Income Tax :                        28%
Goods and Service Tax:                        15%
Capital Gains Tax:                            0%

The New Zealand government has made a clear that non-resident receiving
income that was sourced from non-New Zealand activities will not be liable     Legal Disclaimer
for New Zealand tax liabilities. To that effect, several entity types are
currently available in New Zealand which can facilitate the governments 0%    Neither this brochure nor our
tax intentions: New Zealand Foreign Trusts, New Zealand Limited                website provides neither tax, nor
                                                                               legal or accounting advice. Please
Partnerships, and New Zealand Look-Through Companies.
                                                                               do not confuse the information
                                                                               given in our brochures, websites
New Zealand Banking and Finance Overview                                       and communications with a
                                                                               professional consultation. This
                                                                               brochure should not be construed
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is charged with implementing the               as a solicitation or offering of any
governments monetary policy in the country, and supervising the national      other service of Abaconda
banking sector. The banking industry is open to new entrants, from overseas    Management Group Ltd.
or locally, but they must be registered and approved by the Reserve Bank.
Companies wishing to offer financial services in New Zealand must also be
                                                                               Abaconda Management
approved and registered with a national Dispute Resolutions Scheme (if
providing retail services), which are aimed at providing some safeguards for   556 Cameron Rd, Office 3
consumers.                                                                     Tauranga South
                                                                               New Zealand
                                                                               +64 9 88 9 22 77

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Overview of New Zealand

  • 1. Basic Facts and Information about New Zealand New Zealand is well developed modern nation, with Population: 4.4 million an efficient market orientated economy, first world infrastructure, a world-class financial and banking Currency: New Zealand Dollar (NZD) system, and a secure and stable government. GDP: NZD 189.2 billion (approx. USD 135 As an upstanding member of the international billion) community, New Zealand is participant in several GDP per capita: NZD 43,269 (approx. USD 31,071 ) multinational organizations, including the United Nations, World Trade Organization, International Top Export Partners: Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Australia NZD 9.9 billion Cooperation and Development, the South pacific China NZD 4.2billion Forum, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, and USA NZD 3.7 billion the Commonwealth. Japan NZD 3.2 billion UK NZD 1.5 billion Total Exports NZD 41,463 billion Total Imports NZD 40,597 billion
  • 2. New Zealand New Zealand Business Geographic Overview Overview New Zealand is an island nation In the past the New Zealand located 2000 kilometers south-east economy was constrained by Double Taxation Agreements of Australia. It is comprised of two numerous government regulations, Australia primary landmasses, known as the import tariffs, import controls, Austria North and South Islands, and a subsidies and a platitude of other Belgium significant number of smaller islands. legislations. Since 1984 the New Canada The largest city in New Zealand is Chile Zealand government has led an People's Republic of China Auckland, in the top half of the overhaul and rethink of economic Czech Republic North Island, while the capital, and financial legislations, staging the Denmark Wellington, lies in the Southern tip path for the national economy to Finland of the northern island. The land become deregulated, decentralized, Fiji mass of New Zealand consists of and open to international France 368,680 square kilometers, making it Germany investment. Indonesia the 75th biggest nation in the world India and covers 0.18% of the world's As part of the economic overhaul Ireland surface. process, New Zealand has affirmed Italy its aim to strengthen its political, Japan New Zealand economic and trade ties with nations Korea Malaysia in Asia and the Pacific Rim. This is Government Overview evidenced by the large number of Mexico Netherlands trade-pacts currently signed Norway New Zealand is a constitutional between New Zealand and Asian Philippines monarchy with a parliamentary countries. New Zealand was the first Poland democracy. The parliament building Russian Federation Western country to have signed a resides in the capital, Wellington, in Singapore, free-trade agreement with China. a building dubbed "The Beehive". South Africa Queen Elizabeth II is currently the Spain Today New Zealand is internationally Sweden Queen of New Zealand, although is recognized for being an Switzerland represented by the Governor- exceptionally easy and safe country Taiwan General. The Governor General of in which to do business. In the World Thailand New Zealand is able to exercise a United Arab Emirates Banks 2010 the Doing Business certain number of reserve powers, United Kingdom survey, New Zealand was ranked as like the appointing and dismissing United States of America the third for the overall Ease of Governors and Prime Ministers, Doing Business category. It was also Free Trade Agreements dissolving Parliament, and refusing ranked top for the Ease of Starting a the Prime-Minister's request for an Australia Business and Investor Protection. Peoples Republic of China election. The Transparency International Thailand Singapore Corruption Perceptions Index 2010 New Zealand is a common law Brunei ranked New Zealand as the least Chile jurisdiction, developed from case corrupt country in the world, Malaysia law and statutes previously enacted Hong Kong alongside Denmark and Singapore. by the New Zealand Parliament.
  • 3. Time Overview Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +12 hours Standard Public Holidays New Year's Day 1 January Day after New Year's Day 2 January New Zealand Tax Overview Waitangi Day Taxation in New Zealand is administered and operated by the Inland 6 February Revenue Department (IRD). Any individual or business entity wishing to work in the country is obligated to register for an IRD number. Even ANZAC Day companies which are registered but are not indented to operate 25 April immediately must register for an IRD number. Christmas Day st The New Zealand financial year runs from April 1 to March 31 . st 25 December As of April 1st 2011 the primary tax rates faced by companies are: Boxing Day 26 December Corporate Income Tax : 28% Goods and Service Tax: 15% Capital Gains Tax: 0% The New Zealand government has made a clear that non-resident receiving income that was sourced from non-New Zealand activities will not be liable Legal Disclaimer for New Zealand tax liabilities. To that effect, several entity types are currently available in New Zealand which can facilitate the governments 0% Neither this brochure nor our tax intentions: New Zealand Foreign Trusts, New Zealand Limited website provides neither tax, nor legal or accounting advice. Please Partnerships, and New Zealand Look-Through Companies. do not confuse the information given in our brochures, websites New Zealand Banking and Finance Overview and communications with a professional consultation. This brochure should not be construed The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is charged with implementing the as a solicitation or offering of any governments monetary policy in the country, and supervising the national other service of Abaconda banking sector. The banking industry is open to new entrants, from overseas Management Group Ltd. or locally, but they must be registered and approved by the Reserve Bank. Companies wishing to offer financial services in New Zealand must also be Abaconda Management approved and registered with a national Dispute Resolutions Scheme (if Group providing retail services), which are aimed at providing some safeguards for 556 Cameron Rd, Office 3 consumers. Tauranga South Tauranga 3112 New Zealand +64 9 88 9 22 77 info@abaconda.info http://abaconda.info