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Object Oriented Programming
Irfan Wahyudin, S.Si, M.Kom
Pertemuan Sebelumnya...
 Top down/bottom up Programming
 Structured Programming
 Procedural Programming
Mengapa Perlu OOP?
 Top-Down/Bottom-Up Programming
Spaghetti Code
 Structured Programming  Tidak reusable
 Procedural Programming  Sudah reusable,
tetapi belum merepresentasikan object, belum
modular, dan hard-to-manage
Object Oriented Programming
 Untuk itu dikembangkan OOP
 Konsep dasar OOP:
Kenapa Butuh Enkapsulasi?
Representasi dalam Program
Class Animal{
string color;
bool canWrite;
Animal(bool _canWrite){
canRun = _canWrite;
void setColor(string _color){
color = _color;
void write(){
if (canWrite){
System.out.println(Wow...it can write);
Class AnimalTest{
public static void main(string [] Args){
Animal dog = new Animal(true);
Animal sheep = new Animal(false);
dog.color = red;
Contoh lain...
class Saving {
public class Account {
private decimal accountBalance = 5000;
private decimal registrationFee = 200;
public void deposit(decimal amount) {
amount = amount - registrationFee;
accountBalance += amount;
static void Main() {
Account myAccount = new Account();
MyAccount.accountBalance += 2000;
decimal myBalance = myAccount.deposit(2000);
Access Modifiers

Definition: The type or member can be accessed only by code in
the same class or struct.

Class Mahasiswa(){
private string nik;
private string nama;
private string getNama(){
return nama;
Class Universitas(){
public static void main(String [] args){
Mahasiswa mhs = new Mahasiswa();
 Definition: The type or member can be
accessed by any other code in the same
assembly or another assembly that references
 Definition: The type or member can be
accessed only by code in the same class or
struct, or in a class that is derived from that
 Penggunaan: Lebih banyak pada kasus
turunan class (Inheritance)

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P 3 object_oriented_programming

  • 1. Object Oriented Programming Irfan Wahyudin, S.Si, M.Kom
  • 2. Pertemuan Sebelumnya... Top down/bottom up Programming Structured Programming Procedural Programming
  • 3. Mengapa Perlu OOP? Top-Down/Bottom-Up Programming Spaghetti Code Structured Programming Tidak reusable Procedural Programming Sudah reusable, tetapi belum merepresentasikan object, belum modular, dan hard-to-manage
  • 4. Object Oriented Programming Untuk itu dikembangkan OOP Konsep dasar OOP: Objek Abstraksi Enkapsulasi Polimorfisme Inheritance
  • 7. Representasi dalam Program Class Animal{ string color; bool canWrite; Animal(bool _canWrite){ canRun = _canWrite; } void setColor(string _color){ color = _color; } void write(){ if (canWrite){ System.out.println(Wow...it can write); } } } Class AnimalTest{ public static void main(string [] Args){ Animal dog = new Animal(true); Animal sheep = new Animal(false); dog.write(); dog.color = red; dog.setColor(red); } }
  • 8. Contoh lain... class Saving { public class Account { private decimal accountBalance = 5000; private decimal registrationFee = 200; public void deposit(decimal amount) { amount = amount - registrationFee; accountBalance += amount; } } static void Main() { Account myAccount = new Account(); MyAccount.accountBalance += 2000; decimal myBalance = myAccount.deposit(2000); } }
  • 9. Access Modifiers Private Protected Public
  • 10. Private Definition: The type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or struct. Contoh: Class Mahasiswa(){ private string nik; private string nama; private string getNama(){ return nama; } } Class Universitas(){ public static void main(String [] args){ Mahasiswa mhs = new Mahasiswa(); System.out.print(mhs.nama); } }
  • 11. Public Definition: The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it.
  • 12. Protected Definition: The type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or struct, or in a class that is derived from that class. Penggunaan: Lebih banyak pada kasus turunan class (Inheritance)