Pension is a fixed payment for retirement or surviving dependants as stated in The Pensions Act 1980. In Malaysia, pensions are usually for public service officers. State pensions provide payments for those over 66 with sufficient social security in countries like the UK, Ireland, New Zealand and France, though schemes differ by country and are not applicable in Malaysia. Occupational pensions are set up by employers to provide lump sums and benefits for employees and their dependants. Personal pensions allow individuals to make regular contributions invested by insurance companies or other financial institutions to fund their retirement. Defined benefit pensions guarantee monthly payments based on earnings and service time, while defined contribution pensions depend on investment returns from employee and employer contributions that are paid out individually.
2. Pension
Pension is a fixed payment for a person
retirement or surviving dependants
It is stated on The Pensions Act 1980
In Malaysia, a person who entitle pension
is usually an officer under public services
3. State Pension
People above age 66 who have enough social
social security insurance or national insurances
Country that involve: UK, Ireland, New Zealand,
State pension scheme may differ from country
to country
Not applied in Malaysia
4. Occupational Pension
The employer may set up occupational scheme
for their employee
tax-free lump sum benefits for their employees
at retirement
Widows/widowers and dependants' benefits in
the event of death before retirement, or death in
5. Personal Pension
personal pension is when a person make regular
payments (contributions) into their pension
This is then invested, for example in stocks and
shares, to give them an income when they retire.
provided by insurance companies, banks and
building societies, and sometimes workplace.
6. Defined benefit
employer/sponsor promises a specified monthly
benefit on retirement that is predetermined by a
formula based on the :
employee's earnings history
Duration of service
rather than depending directly on individual
investment returns.
7. Defined contribution schemes
Both, employer and employee make a
contribution to this scheme.
Paid under individual account
Benefit depends on investment success.
Employee may choose the investment.
Future benefits are not guaranteed or insured