PLOSSYS netdome is a document output management system that provides:
1) Print and electronic distribution from multiple sources in various formats like text, graphics, and sizes.
2) Spooling, conversion, device/media control, and administration/operation functions.
3) Modular configuration to cost-effectively meet enterprise needs and adapt to changes.
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P L O S S Y S Netdome En
1. O U T P U T M A N A G E M E N T
PLOSSYS® netdome
Document Output Management
Print and electronic distribution
Large and small size formats
Text and graphics
Single and bulk printing
Device/Media control
Multi Source Input – Multi Channel Output
2. PLOSSYS® netdome
Document Output Management
Providing and distributing documents and Advantages by System
information: Output and distribution processes with PLOSSYS®
Print and electronic distribution, netdome are fast, economic, and innovative:
from all sources by using uniform stan- increased productivity through automized
dards and processes, procedures
simply administrated, usable by all reduced administration with solid processes
uniform application integration from
All data formats from all company-wide established standards
applications: CAD, Office, digital archives, paperless distribution through electronic
DMS, PLM, and ERP. means instead of printing
Text, raster, and hybrid data. optimized device control for digital reprography
One system for all applications and pro- high availability of devices and system compo-
cesses: nents
Multi Source Input and ISO 9000 compatible document control for cer-
Multi Channel Output. tified document distribution
investment protection by market leading pro-
duct and large innovation capability
Modular System
no licensing based on the number of users for
PLOSSYS® netdome can be configured exactly to enterprise-wide implementation
the needs of the enterprise, due to its modular
structure. Thus, cost effective solutions are imp- PLOSSYS® netdome prints and distributes from all
lemented, which can be adapted according to the applications.
changing requirements. It is secure and simple to integrate.
3. PLOSSYS® netdome
Output Interfaces Administration/Operation
Print Output Order Management
PLOSSYS® netdome supports the print output on Changing
devices of all leading manufacturers, brands and
Change sequence
Small size and large format output
Desktop and central print peripherals Information Service
Inkjet, Laser, LED Job tracking
High volume printers and standard devices Ready messages
System overview
PLOSSYS® netdome controls and triggers the finis- Device Management
hing equipment of the output devices:
Setup and supervision
Punching/filing edges Accounting
Clipping/binding Information on jobs for accounting, administration
and system optimization
Electronic Distributing
Print-to-file from all origin data such as TIFF or
CD/DVD output with indexing and optional au-
tomated robotic production control
eMail distribution as attachment in standard
WEB Portal: notification via eMail, download via
an order specific WEB Portal
ETKAT Electronic spare parts catalog
4. PLOSSYS® netdome
User Interfaces Application Integration
Uniform standard output processes simp-
lify the operation and enables complete
access to all PLOSSYS® services from all
The simple easy-to-use order dialog.
NWC WEBclient
Enables output job creation and management
through a web based browser.
Direct Processing
... of graphic and file formats: PDF, TIFF, Post-
Script, HPGL, C907, CGM, JPEG, GIF, TXT, XML, AS-
Microsoft Windows Print Processes
... are directly supported via standard Windows dri-
vers and enhanced output drivers: improved lar-
ge format support and usage of all PLOSSYS® ser-
PLM and Document Management
Via PLOSSYS® standard user interfaces there are
direct integrations for all commercially available
... output via standard interfaces, output clients or
direct integration.
SAP® R/3® and mySAP® PLM
Standard output interfaces for SAP DMS docu-
ment output from DMS, CAD desktop, product
structure browser, and all document interfaces
Interface SAP spool output to all PLOSSYS® net-
dome periphery via BC-XOM
Sequenced complete output of SAP output and
documents for production, procurement, main-
tenance, and documentation
5. PLOSSYS® netdome
Services Additional Services
Media Management Stamp/Watermark/Document Security
Various kinds of paper and drawing materials can Dynamic text and graphic information as covered
be chosen depending upon project relation. or transparent additional information during out-
put guarantee for secure document control and
For cost computation, accounting and system opti-
mization: page specific user and device specific
Set Collation Processing
registration. Single pages and documents are combined to con-
nected output jobs with optional cover sheets and
trailer pages.
All outputs can be displayed on the output server
via console and client functions.
Pool Device
The virtual output system decides automatically,
according to possible settings (format, color, finis-
Margin Printing hing options, etc ...) the optimal output device or
As a standard: configurable margin printing output method.
simplify document control and distribution.
Load Balancing and System Stability
Scaling For best reliability and large output volume proven
Many scaling options and methods are available processes are available.
for optimized automatic output and economic pro-
Bar Code Printing
Output of various bar code types on text and gra-
Priority Control phic documents for secure information control and
Output and distribution jobs for optimized device identification.
usage and reduced queuing times are specifically
Processing and output of XML formatted data.
Color/Pen/Line Management
For all CAD requirements: pre-configured hierarchic
tables control the color, pen, and line width ma-
System environment
PLOSSYS® netdome is available for all main stream
enterprise operating systems: Windows, IBM-AIX,
HP-UX, Solaris, Linux