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多Qu辿 es planking? 多C坦mo y cu叩ndo surgi坦? y 多Por qu辿 se ha convertido en un

Estas son algunas de las preguntas que muchos alrededor del mundo se hacen tras la noticia de que
un joven de 20 a単os muri坦 en Queensland, Australia, al caer desde un s辿ptimo piso mientras
practicaba el planking.

El planking consiste en acostarse boca abajo en lugares inusuales y muchas veces
peligrosos con el prop坦sito de documentar la haza単a y luego publicar fotos o videos
en las redes sociales.

Dos grupos proclaman haberlo inventado: uno en Somerset en el 2000 que le llam坦 "jugar a
acostarse" y otro seis a単os despu辿s en Australia, con el nombre de planking.

El planking se ha convertido en la 炭ltima obsesi坦n en internet y su popularidad ha aumentado,
particularmente en Australia.

La estrella de rugby australiano, David "Wolfman" Williams celebr坦, tras anotar un punto,
haciendo planking, mientras que una de las principales presentadoras de chatshows de ese
pa鱈s, KerriAnneKennerley, inici坦 uno de sus programas haciendo planking en un sof叩.

Pero ahora, tras la muerte del joven de 20 a単os, las autoridades de Queensland han advertido a los
aficionados del juego que podr鱈an recibir cargos por"actividades riesgosas no autorizadas".

Pese a la popularidad en Australia, los pioneros fueron los brit叩nicos Gary Clarkson y
Christian Langdon en el 2000, quienes comenzaron a recostarse en espacios p炭blicos
en la poblaci坦n inglesa de Taunton para ser fotografiados. Ellos le llamaron "jugar a

Sin embargo, en 2007, su amigo Daniel Hoppin llev坦 el fen坦meno a internet:"ellos
comenzaron a acostarse boca abajo en bares y clubs y a competir haciendo girar a la
gente, y a partir de ah鱈 comenzamos un grupo en Facebook para ver quienes lograban
las fotos m叩s locas".

Los medios brit叩nicos documentaron el fen坦meno en julio de 2009 y el resultado fue que la p叩gina
de Facebook pas坦 de 8 mil a 35 mil miembros. En la actualidad tiene 107 mil.

En septiembre de 2009, personal de emergencia de un hospital en Swindon fue suspendido por
jugar al planking en horas laborables.

Pero 多por qu辿 acostados?

"Por que es extremadamente rid鱈culo", se単al坦 Hoppin, quien hoy en d鱈a reside en Sidney.
"Pensamos que ser鱈a comiqu鱈simo, si vas de vacaciones, tomarte una foto frente a la torre Eiffel o
frente a la torre inclinada de Pisa, y hacerlo acostado, luciendo completamente desinteresado".

En Australia, "jugar a acostarse" pas坦 a ser planking.
"Planking fue el t辿rmino que un amigo y yo acu単amos en el verano de 2008 坦 2009",
dijo Sam Weckert, un carpintero que reside en el sur de Australia.

All鱈 comenz坦 como una broma en salones de baile y de ah鱈 evolucion坦 como un juego en el que la
persona se acostaba balance叩ndose sobre tarros de plantas o basureros.

Algunos llevaron el juego a Melbourne y a partir de ah鱈 Weckert decidi坦 crear una grupo en
Facebook para compartir fotos.

"Su popularidad no aument坦 hasta que algunas estaciones de radio difundieron la
historia y comenzaron a hacer competencias, y de ah鱈 se expandi坦
r叩pidamente. Nunca pens辿 que lograr鱈amos 5.000 坦 10.000 seguidores, pero ahora
tenemos 120.000".

El crecimiento de este fen坦meno es un ejemplo de "meme", una idea o evento cultural que surge
online y se convierte en una tendencia global a fuerza de repetici坦n. Otros ejemplos son Lolcats y

"El exhibicionismo ha existido desde el origen de los tiempos", se単al坦NateLanxon,
editor de wired.co.uk. "YouTube y las c叩maras digitales lo han llevado a una nueva dimensi坦n. El
objetivo por excelencia ahora es que tu foto sea la m叩s popular en internet".

Lanxon se単ala que la esencia del planking no es s坦lo acostarse r鱈gido como una tabla, sino combinar
esto con un lugar inusual.

Seg炭n 辿l, la muerte en Australia no har叩 m叩s que acelerar esta tendencia porque a m叩s gente le
picar叩 la curiosidad y buscar叩 el t辿rmino en Google.

Pero para uno de los fundadores, esta muerte cambia todo. "Quiz叩s se ha ido la magia", se単al坦
Hoppin. "Probablemente yo no lo har辿 m叩s. Creo que la gente tiene que concentrarse en el humor
m叩s que en el peligro extremo".

Planking -- also known as the Lying Down Game -- is the seemingly harmless trend
of lying face down, perfectly stiff, on various structures in public. It seems the game
originated in 1997, and it became known as "planking" in Australia. Although a
seemingly harmless activity, planking gained further attention recently after a
Australian man was killed after trying to plank off his roof. He fell seven stories to his
death. "There's a difference between a harmless bit of fun done somewhere that's
really safe and taking a risk with your life,'' Julia Gillard apparently told reporters
according toThe Australian.
Still many are participating in the craze, and the movement is only growing larger.
Here's a collection of planking Twitpics uploaded recently.

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504943_162-20064275-
The lying down game (also known as planking,[1] or face downs) is an activity, popular in various parts of the
world, consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides
of the body, and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part
of the game.[2] Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.[2] The
location should also be as public as possible, and as many people as possible should be involved.[3]

The lying down game is claimed to have been invented by Gary Clarkson and Christian Langdon in 1997[4] It
first became popular in North East England,[5] then all of Britain by the summer of 2009 [6] reaching the
point by late 2010 where it was described by Andrew Sullivan as "sweeping Britain".[7] The game made
news in September 2009, when seven doctors and nurses working at the Great Western Hospital in
Swindon, England were suspended for playing the lying down game while on duty.[6][8][9] The game has
been described by some as "pointless" *3+*10+ and as "Parkour for those who cant be arsed".*6+

The lying down game spread to the rest of the world where it has also been known as "豌企" ("playing
dead") (2003,South Korea),*11+*12+ " plat ventre" ("On ones belly", France 2004),[13] "extreme lying
down", (2008, Australasia)[14] "facedowns" (2010, USA and Ireland),[15][16] and Planking (2011, Australia &
New Zealand).[17]


The term "planking" was coined in Australia and the practice became a fad in 2011.[18] Planking is described
as the practice of lying down flat with arms to the side, to mimic a wooden plank. It has its origins in the
"lying down game".[19]

Australian National Rugby League player David "Wolfman" Williams planked after a try during the Manly-
Warringah Sea Eagles vs Newcastle Knights game on 27 March 2011.[20] He went on to talk about it on The
Footy Show, where Williams described it as "pretty much, active lying down".[21]

On 13 May 2011, a 20-year-old man from Gladstone in central Queensland was charged for allegedly
planking on a police vehicle.[22] Popular planking locations include park benches and other public places. On
15 May 2011, Acton Beale, a 20-year-old man, plunged to his death after reportedly "planking" on a
seventh-floor balcony in Brisbane, Australia. Beale became the first known casualty of the planking fad.[23]
Acton Beale's friends have accused Paul Carran, a New Zealander living in Sydney who claims to have
invented planking in 2008, of bearing responsibility for Beale's death by promoting planking.[14] Australia's
Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, warned plankers that the "focus has to be on keeping yourself safe first".[24]
The Queensland Opposition and the state's police have called for people to stop participating in the fad.[25]

On 18 May 2011, IndyCar Series driver Scott Dixon planked on the tires of his race car, prompting fellow
racer Tony Kanaan and his pit crew to compete with him.[26]

On 19 May 2011, a New Zealand student was caught planking on the ledge of a secondary-school building in
the central North Island.[27] On 25 May 2011, a student was caught planking on a railway line, in front of an
oncoming train. Authorities will not reveal in which part of New Zealand this occurred, but the student was
reportedly not harmed. This led to some school principals speaking out against the fad. Numerous students
in NSW have also been caught planking during school time, and reportedly planking people's cars in
driveways and doorways after knocking. The colloquial term for this behaviour is "Knock 'n' Plank", related
to "Knock 'n' run".[28]

On 29 May 2011, Max Key, son of New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, uploaded a photograph to
Facebook of himself planking on a lounge suite, his father standing behind him. After the photograph was
reproduced on the front page of the New Zealand Herald two days later, the Prime Minister's office initially
declined comment,[29] but later that day, confirming that the photograph was indeed genuine, Mr. Key
remarked that he doesn't see anything wrong with planking when done safely, and that it was he who had
actually introduced Max to planking in the first place, having seen a video of the phenomenon on

On 10 June 2011, SigmarGu丹mundsson, host of the primetime news magazine show Kastlj坦s on Icelandic
public television channel RV, delivered a live introduction before a commercial break while planking on top
of the news desk.[31][32] Sigmar performed the stunt immediately following a segment documenting the
recent spread of planking in Iceland.

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P lanki ng

  • 1. 多Qu辿 es planking? 多C坦mo y cu叩ndo surgi坦? y 多Por qu辿 se ha convertido en un fen坦meno?. Estas son algunas de las preguntas que muchos alrededor del mundo se hacen tras la noticia de que un joven de 20 a単os muri坦 en Queensland, Australia, al caer desde un s辿ptimo piso mientras practicaba el planking. El planking consiste en acostarse boca abajo en lugares inusuales y muchas veces peligrosos con el prop坦sito de documentar la haza単a y luego publicar fotos o videos en las redes sociales. Dos grupos proclaman haberlo inventado: uno en Somerset en el 2000 que le llam坦 "jugar a acostarse" y otro seis a単os despu辿s en Australia, con el nombre de planking. El planking se ha convertido en la 炭ltima obsesi坦n en internet y su popularidad ha aumentado, particularmente en Australia. La estrella de rugby australiano, David "Wolfman" Williams celebr坦, tras anotar un punto, haciendo planking, mientras que una de las principales presentadoras de chatshows de ese pa鱈s, KerriAnneKennerley, inici坦 uno de sus programas haciendo planking en un sof叩. Pero ahora, tras la muerte del joven de 20 a単os, las autoridades de Queensland han advertido a los aficionados del juego que podr鱈an recibir cargos por"actividades riesgosas no autorizadas". "JUGAR A ACOSTARSE" Pese a la popularidad en Australia, los pioneros fueron los brit叩nicos Gary Clarkson y Christian Langdon en el 2000, quienes comenzaron a recostarse en espacios p炭blicos en la poblaci坦n inglesa de Taunton para ser fotografiados. Ellos le llamaron "jugar a acostarse". Sin embargo, en 2007, su amigo Daniel Hoppin llev坦 el fen坦meno a internet:"ellos comenzaron a acostarse boca abajo en bares y clubs y a competir haciendo girar a la gente, y a partir de ah鱈 comenzamos un grupo en Facebook para ver quienes lograban las fotos m叩s locas". Los medios brit叩nicos documentaron el fen坦meno en julio de 2009 y el resultado fue que la p叩gina de Facebook pas坦 de 8 mil a 35 mil miembros. En la actualidad tiene 107 mil. En septiembre de 2009, personal de emergencia de un hospital en Swindon fue suspendido por jugar al planking en horas laborables. Pero 多por qu辿 acostados? "Por que es extremadamente rid鱈culo", se単al坦 Hoppin, quien hoy en d鱈a reside en Sidney. "Pensamos que ser鱈a comiqu鱈simo, si vas de vacaciones, tomarte una foto frente a la torre Eiffel o frente a la torre inclinada de Pisa, y hacerlo acostado, luciendo completamente desinteresado". En Australia, "jugar a acostarse" pas坦 a ser planking.
  • 2. "Planking fue el t辿rmino que un amigo y yo acu単amos en el verano de 2008 坦 2009", dijo Sam Weckert, un carpintero que reside en el sur de Australia. All鱈 comenz坦 como una broma en salones de baile y de ah鱈 evolucion坦 como un juego en el que la persona se acostaba balance叩ndose sobre tarros de plantas o basureros. Algunos llevaron el juego a Melbourne y a partir de ah鱈 Weckert decidi坦 crear una grupo en Facebook para compartir fotos. POPULARIDAD "Su popularidad no aument坦 hasta que algunas estaciones de radio difundieron la historia y comenzaron a hacer competencias, y de ah鱈 se expandi坦 r叩pidamente. Nunca pens辿 que lograr鱈amos 5.000 坦 10.000 seguidores, pero ahora tenemos 120.000". El crecimiento de este fen坦meno es un ejemplo de "meme", una idea o evento cultural que surge online y se convierte en una tendencia global a fuerza de repetici坦n. Otros ejemplos son Lolcats y flashmobs. "El exhibicionismo ha existido desde el origen de los tiempos", se単al坦NateLanxon, editor de wired.co.uk. "YouTube y las c叩maras digitales lo han llevado a una nueva dimensi坦n. El objetivo por excelencia ahora es que tu foto sea la m叩s popular en internet". Lanxon se単ala que la esencia del planking no es s坦lo acostarse r鱈gido como una tabla, sino combinar esto con un lugar inusual. Seg炭n 辿l, la muerte en Australia no har叩 m叩s que acelerar esta tendencia porque a m叩s gente le picar叩 la curiosidad y buscar叩 el t辿rmino en Google. Pero para uno de los fundadores, esta muerte cambia todo. "Quiz叩s se ha ido la magia", se単al坦 Hoppin. "Probablemente yo no lo har辿 m叩s. Creo que la gente tiene que concentrarse en el humor m叩s que en el peligro extremo". Planking -- also known as the Lying Down Game -- is the seemingly harmless trend of lying face down, perfectly stiff, on various structures in public. It seems the game originated in 1997, and it became known as "planking" in Australia. Although a seemingly harmless activity, planking gained further attention recently after a Australian man was killed after trying to plank off his roof. He fell seven stories to his death. "There's a difference between a harmless bit of fun done somewhere that's really safe and taking a risk with your life,'' Julia Gillard apparently told reporters according toThe Australian. Still many are participating in the craze, and the movement is only growing larger. Here's a collection of planking Twitpics uploaded recently. Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504943_162-20064275- 10391715.html#ixzz1Pi3S9mCt
  • 3. The lying down game (also known as planking,[1] or face downs) is an activity, popular in various parts of the world, consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body, and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game.[2] Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.[2] The location should also be as public as possible, and as many people as possible should be involved.[3] The lying down game is claimed to have been invented by Gary Clarkson and Christian Langdon in 1997[4] It first became popular in North East England,[5] then all of Britain by the summer of 2009 [6] reaching the point by late 2010 where it was described by Andrew Sullivan as "sweeping Britain".[7] The game made news in September 2009, when seven doctors and nurses working at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon, England were suspended for playing the lying down game while on duty.[6][8][9] The game has been described by some as "pointless" *3+*10+ and as "Parkour for those who cant be arsed".*6+ The lying down game spread to the rest of the world where it has also been known as "豌企" ("playing dead") (2003,South Korea),*11+*12+ " plat ventre" ("On ones belly", France 2004),[13] "extreme lying down", (2008, Australasia)[14] "facedowns" (2010, USA and Ireland),[15][16] and Planking (2011, Australia & New Zealand).[17] Planking The term "planking" was coined in Australia and the practice became a fad in 2011.[18] Planking is described as the practice of lying down flat with arms to the side, to mimic a wooden plank. It has its origins in the "lying down game".[19] Australian National Rugby League player David "Wolfman" Williams planked after a try during the Manly- Warringah Sea Eagles vs Newcastle Knights game on 27 March 2011.[20] He went on to talk about it on The Footy Show, where Williams described it as "pretty much, active lying down".[21] On 13 May 2011, a 20-year-old man from Gladstone in central Queensland was charged for allegedly planking on a police vehicle.[22] Popular planking locations include park benches and other public places. On 15 May 2011, Acton Beale, a 20-year-old man, plunged to his death after reportedly "planking" on a seventh-floor balcony in Brisbane, Australia. Beale became the first known casualty of the planking fad.[23] Acton Beale's friends have accused Paul Carran, a New Zealander living in Sydney who claims to have invented planking in 2008, of bearing responsibility for Beale's death by promoting planking.[14] Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, warned plankers that the "focus has to be on keeping yourself safe first".[24] The Queensland Opposition and the state's police have called for people to stop participating in the fad.[25] On 18 May 2011, IndyCar Series driver Scott Dixon planked on the tires of his race car, prompting fellow racer Tony Kanaan and his pit crew to compete with him.[26] On 19 May 2011, a New Zealand student was caught planking on the ledge of a secondary-school building in the central North Island.[27] On 25 May 2011, a student was caught planking on a railway line, in front of an oncoming train. Authorities will not reveal in which part of New Zealand this occurred, but the student was reportedly not harmed. This led to some school principals speaking out against the fad. Numerous students in NSW have also been caught planking during school time, and reportedly planking people's cars in
  • 4. driveways and doorways after knocking. The colloquial term for this behaviour is "Knock 'n' Plank", related to "Knock 'n' run".[28] On 29 May 2011, Max Key, son of New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, uploaded a photograph to Facebook of himself planking on a lounge suite, his father standing behind him. After the photograph was reproduced on the front page of the New Zealand Herald two days later, the Prime Minister's office initially declined comment,[29] but later that day, confirming that the photograph was indeed genuine, Mr. Key remarked that he doesn't see anything wrong with planking when done safely, and that it was he who had actually introduced Max to planking in the first place, having seen a video of the phenomenon on YouTube.[30] On 10 June 2011, SigmarGu丹mundsson, host of the primetime news magazine show Kastlj坦s on Icelandic public television channel RV, delivered a live introduction before a commercial break while planking on top of the news desk.[31][32] Sigmar performed the stunt immediately following a segment documenting the recent spread of planking in Iceland.