The document discusses how public relations is changing with the rise of social media. It emphasizes using online tools like YouTube, Twitter, Flickr and blogs to directly share information with the public in a more immediate way. Some key skills needed for modern PR include relationship building, communication skills, and expertise with web content management and social media platforms. The new model of PR allows organizations to directly push their message out themselves through these channels rather than waiting for traditional media. However, some obstacles remain in getting executives onboard and having influence within organizations.
2. Why Am I Here? ODU alumnae P.R. Practitioner experience
3. Telling a Story YouTube--great for presentations, product videos, demonstrations, announcements, training City of Norfolk on YouTube Light Rail is Coming to Norfolk (insert YouTube video--Steeling the Tide)
4. Telling a Story Twitter Up-to-the-minute updates Public Works uses Twitter for: Lane closures/openings Reporting potholes Announcing classes, other information for public involvement (link to Twitter)
6. Suggested Reading Add links here Get this at: Social media bookmarking: delicious
7. Skills Relationship building Intellectual curiosity Continue to be a student! Learn all you can about the organization, how it is structured, mission, values: what does the organization want its publics (audience) to know?
8. Skills Excellent verbal & written communication skills Ability to work well individually & as a team member A can-do attitude: the more you know how to do, the better: web content management Social media Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, Excel) Research Strategic thinker
9. PR the Old Way Press release Pitch story/article idea Wait for media to do interview or run story (insert New Rules of PR here p. 5-7
10. PR the New Way Online newsrooms--where media & public go to get facts/latest product info/bios/articles Push the message out yourself--dont wait for the media Post news to web site Video streaming/YouTube Instant news--Twitter Social media--blogs, Facebook
11. The Do-it-Yourself Advantage Direct to the customer/public Cost-effective--in some cases, it may eliminate the need for expensive P.R./advertising campaigns
12. Obstacles Getting executives on board with blogs & other social media (fear of becoming too accessible to public and their opinions) Getting a seat at the table--youve got to be an insider if you are going to tell a story