Financing Industry Decarbonization: Marcia Yu, IFC.pdfOECD Environment
This document summarizes a workshop on financing industry decarbonization held in April 2022. It discusses two main categories of sustainable finance - "use of proceeds" instruments and "target driven" sustainability-linked financings. For the latter, pricing is linked to achieving sustainability performance targets which are verified and can result in interest rate adjustments. The document also outlines strategic, transactional, and implementation support the International Finance Corporation can provide clients in developing decarbonization strategies and executing sustainable finance deals.
Energy & Sustainability Goal-Setting: A Guide To 7 Top Third Party StandardsLeon Pulman
Recent research finds that organizations have more success on energy and sustainability initiatives when they set public goals. But with so many options available, how do you determine which goals will drive the greatest value for your organization? And against what criteria should you assess them?
Our goals primer eBook summarizes the top global, third-party benchmarking standards and recommends how to choose the right one to accelerate your energy and sustainability ambitions.
Sustainability goal setting guide to 7 top third party standardsJackson Seng
Recent research finds that organizations have more success on energy and sustainability initiatives when they set public goals. But with so many options available, how do you determine which goals will drive the greatest value for your organization? And against what criteria should you assess them?
Our goals primer eBook summarizes the top global, third-party benchmarking standards and recommends how to choose the right one to accelerate your energy and sustainability ambitions.
Soteria Global investor presentation v2.3Daniel Heuri
Soteria plans to aggressively enter the LATAM insurance market in early-to-mid 2016 through a blended strategy of acquiring traditional brokers and implementing next-generation technology like big data, predictive marketing, and geofencing to drive direct sales. They have agreed to acquire three brokers in Brazil and Argentina and are negotiating additional acquisitions in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. Soteria will expand its product portfolio beyond traditional offerings to include innovative products suitable for the "New Consumer" in LATAM markets.
Soteria plans to aggressively enter the Latin American market in early 2016 through a blended strategy of acquiring traditional insurance brokers and implementing next-generation technology like big data, predictive marketing, and geofencing. The presentation outlines Soteria's acquisition targets in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, as well as plans to expand product offerings and leverage new digital marketing strategies to drive growth. Financial forecasts estimate the current $15 million investment in acquisitions and technology could increase Soteria's valuation to between $120-377 million by mid-2016.
Session 4 - Presentation by Andreas Lunding, Green Climate FundOECD Environment
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was established by the UNFCCC to combat climate change and aims to keep global temperature rise below 2属C, with its Private Sector Facility (PSF) providing financing to catalyze private investment in climate projects in developing countries. The PSF offers various financial instruments like debt, equity and guarantees to unlock private climate finance and has already invested over $1 billion across 11 projects focusing on areas like renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate-resilient infrastructure.
A business needs to have unique concepts to represent their services and their functionalities. One of the best mediums to simulate such instances is through presentations. The formulation of presentation is not just restricted to content management but also the designing of the presentation is the core element to garner the interest of the target masses.
For gaining a good business or for the collaboration of a project, designing plays a crucial part. The slides that you opt for, may it be online or offline, most of the businesses these days are highly opting for designing the presentations in the form of PPT or PDFs. Our skilled professionals are the artistic dexterous who will understand your vision and accurately fit in the mottoes of your companys functionalities.
We are highly skilled in formulating the best of the designing structures in the online presentation which is 際際滷Share and offline presentation in the form of PPT and PDF.
The Berlin Group Pty Ltd was incorporated in 2016 and focuses on creating investment platforms. It acquired DRO Holdings Pty Ltd in 2015 which secured a coffee supply contract with Woolworths. The Director's vision is for the company to lead in recycling and environmental markets. It has formed joint ventures with companies experienced in areas like ocean cleanups, construction materials from recycled waste, and intellectual property. Current projects include producing affordable housing from waste panels, reducing landfill, and helping third world countries. The company aims to raise capital through various means to fund its projects and fulfill joint venture obligations. It has manufacturing plants planned in locations like the US, Australia and Germany.
A business needs to have unique concepts to represent their services and their functionalities. One of the best mediums to simulate such instances is through presentations. The formulation of presentation is not just restricted to content management but also the designing of the presentation is the core element to garner the interest of the target masses.
For gaining a good business or for the collaboration of a project, designing plays a crucial part. The slides that you opt for, may it be online or offline, most of the businesses these days are highly opting for designing the presentations in the form of PPT or PDFs. Our skilled professionals are the artistic dexterous who will understand your vision and accurately fit in the mottoes of your companys functionalities.
We are highly skilled in formulating the best of the designing structures in the online presentation which is 際際滷share and offline presentation in the form of PPTs and PDFs.
KTN Digital and Creative Business Briefing September 2019 with information on events, funding and support initiatives for innovative UK based digital businesses
This document brings together a set
of latest data points and publicly
available information relevant for
Banking Industry. We are very
excited to share this content and
believe that readers will benefit from
this periodic publication immensely.
Enterprise Sustainability Investments in TechnologySG Analytics
A few decades ago, organizations were turning a blind eye to the environmental repercussions of integrating sustainability policies that were growing in vigor due to capitalism. But the scenario is now changing. Sustainable business practices are finding their way into corporate obligation, and businesses are taking sincere initiatives to measure and minimize environmentally unfriendly operations. A KPMG study highlighted that sustainability reporting in G250 companies is growing - from 64% in 2005 to 96% in 2020.
This document provides an overview of ESG principles and sustainable finance. It discusses key ESG factors including environmental, social and governance issues. It also outlines major international agreements and regulatory developments driving sustainable finance. Examples of sustainable financing instruments like green bonds, loans and sustainability-linked bonds are presented. The document concludes with two case studies, one on an ADB clean technology fund financing a geothermal plant, and another on a sustainability-linked corporate bond and credit facility.
KKrish Energy is a startup founded in 2020 that provides a platform for sustainability performance certifications and an e-marketplace for greener solutions. It is seeking $250k in seed funding with a pre-money valuation of $2.5M. The platform will provide diagnostic audits, recommendations, and connect customers to vetted solution providers through a subscription-based SaaS model. The target market is restaurants, hotels, and other businesses seeking to measure and improve their sustainability practices.
7 Innovative Funding
Trends for Startups
in 2024.
Facing the Funding Challenge in 2024? How Will Your Startup Adapt?
As the funding landscape transforms, we're curious, what's your approach to embracing these new opportunities?
Here are seven evolving funding trends that are crucial for startups in 2024. Discover ground-breaking funding avenues beyond traditional VC, tailored for pre-seed and seed startups.
Whether it's leveraging revenue-based financing or capitalizing on ESG investments, each trend offers a unique pathway for growth.
Challenges and best practices in financing to accelerate industry decarbonisa...OECD Environment
"Challenges and best practices in financing to accelerate industry decarbonisation", OECD Series of Webinars on low carbon hydrogen and industry decarbonisation, 14 June 2023
Green Bonds are any type of bond instrument where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or re-finance new and/or existing eligible Green Projects. They are driven by increasing investor demand from those aiming to integrate environmental, social and governance factors into their investment decisions. Over 1500 investors with $62 trillion in assets under management have signed the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment to promote sustainability.
The document provides case studies and summaries of work EcoAlign has done with various clients in the energy and environmental sectors. It describes projects developing marketing strategies and branding for companies in areas like utility customer experience, smart grid technology, LED lighting, geothermal heating, and daylighting. For each client, it summarizes the client and situation, EcoAlign's proposed solution, and the outcomes of the work.
Partnering with ICCCAD, LUCCC, GRP, Climate-KIC, WRI
with support from Adaptation Fund, EU Commission and The GEF, @UNDP launched the #AdaptationInnovationMarketplace at the #Gobeshona conference to catalyze innovative climate solutions. Learn more about the platform.
ESG Assurance and Reporting The road to ESG Leadershipdrriteshdubey84
This document provides an overview of ESG assurance. It begins with an agenda and introductions. It then discusses why companies undertake ESG reporting and assurance to meet stakeholder expectations. Regulators are increasingly requiring assurance over ESG disclosures. Investors want reliable ESG information and trust assured reports more. There are different types and levels of assurance. Common areas assured include emissions, social practices, and governance. Assurance is also provided for green bonds and sustainability-linked financing. Overall, assurance brings credibility and transparency to ESG reporting.
Brief study on financial health/goal of Vodafone IdeaAjayVerma335
The document is an annual report of Vodafone Idea Limited that includes information such as:
- An acknowledgement section thanking various individuals for their support.
- Overviews of the company's vision, mission, and chairman.
- Financial statements like the balance sheet and statement of profit and loss.
- Details of strategic initiatives to improve revenue and financial position.
- Explanations of the company's liquidity ratio and current ratio calculation.
The document provides an overview of Clorox's Q2 FY17 investor deck. Some key points:
1) Clorox has an advantaged portfolio with over 80% of sales from #1 or #2 share brands across cleaning, household, lifestyle, and international categories.
2) Clorox is pursuing a strategy focused on maximizing economic profit through brand investment, reducing waste, and growing into new categories and geographies.
3) Clorox is driving growth through innovation, portfolio management, international expansion, and digital transformation to engage consumers.
The document provides an overview of Clorox's Q2 FY17 investor deck. Some key points:
1) Clorox has an advantaged portfolio with over 80% of sales from #1 or #2 share brands across cleaning, household, lifestyle, and international categories.
2) Clorox is pursuing a strategy focused on maximizing economic profit through brand investment, reducing waste, and growing into new categories and geographies.
3) Clorox is driving growth through innovation, portfolio management, international expansion, and digital transformation to engage consumers.
Accessing debt capital markets to finance energy efficiency investments in th...OECD Environment
National Policy Dialogue on Improving Access to Green Finance for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Georgia
Accessing debt capital markets to finance energy efficiency investments in the SME sector: Experience from Mexico - Kristian Brining
The Fashion Climate Fund and Climate Solutions Portfolioringoyu2
The Fashion Climate Fund is a $250M donor-pooled fund with contributions from apparel brands and philanthropy. The Climate Solutions Portfolio (CSP) is Aiis collection of proven carbon-reducing programs and solutions from pre-seed to pilot to model to scale phase. The CSP Platform is an online registry of those programs; its a database of all the solutions across stages of development. Grants will be distributed from the Fashion Climate Fund to select programs in the Climate Solutions Portfolio, and programs in the portfolio will also benefit from connections to other forms of funding and capital (e.g. debt and equity).
Cadrage en cycle court : Veolia optimise la gestion de la ressource en eau ...Agile En Seine
Pr辿sent辿 par Elsa Pairaud, Fr辿d辿ric Fleury et Jean-Laurent Gazave le 21 septembre 2022 Agile en Seine
Cadrer un nouveau service digital en cycle court : lAgile au service dun enjeu coeur m辿tier fort impact.
Dans le cadre de son plan strat辿gique Impact, et de son ambition de devenir lacteur de r辿f辿rence de la Transformation cologique, Veolia a lobjectif de construire et de d辿ployer l辿chelle mondiale dix solutions digitales dici 2023.
Parmis ces 10 solutions digitales, Water Resource Advisor a pour ambition de fournir aux Collectivit辿s en charge des services deau sur leur territoire un outil permettant danticiper le d辿r竪glement climatique en optimisant la gestion de la ressource en eau l辿chelle mondiale (disponibilit辿 et qualit辿 de la ressource).
Afin de cadrer cette solution, Veolia a sollicit辿 une 辿quipe pluridisciplinaire, compos辿e dun expert Intelligence Collective Devoteam Digital Impulse, ainsi que dun Product Manager et dun Business Analyst Devoteam Creative Tech.
Ce dispositif sest accost辿 l辿quipe Veolia pour r辿aliser en 2 mois le cadrage en cycle court de la solution digitale, et ainsi agir comme un v辿ritable catalyseur au sein de l辿cosyst竪me complexe de Veolia (DSI Corporate, pays, experts m辿tiers).
R辿sultats :
Minimum Lovable Product cadr辿 en 2 mois et GO TO REAL donn辿 par la Digital Core Team lissue du cadrage
Mise en place des fondamentaux de lagilit辿, installation des r担les cl辿s pour la phase de r辿alisation, initialisation et priorisation du backlog, initialisation des sprints
7 pays sponsors engag辿s co-construire et d辿ployer le MLP, et assumer les co短ts de RUN.
Advancing Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes highlights the progress made since 2018 in integrating gender considerations into NAP processes from the latest NAPGN report.
The Berlin Group Pty Ltd was incorporated in 2016 and focuses on creating investment platforms. It acquired DRO Holdings Pty Ltd in 2015 which secured a coffee supply contract with Woolworths. The Director's vision is for the company to lead in recycling and environmental markets. It has formed joint ventures with companies experienced in areas like ocean cleanups, construction materials from recycled waste, and intellectual property. Current projects include producing affordable housing from waste panels, reducing landfill, and helping third world countries. The company aims to raise capital through various means to fund its projects and fulfill joint venture obligations. It has manufacturing plants planned in locations like the US, Australia and Germany.
A business needs to have unique concepts to represent their services and their functionalities. One of the best mediums to simulate such instances is through presentations. The formulation of presentation is not just restricted to content management but also the designing of the presentation is the core element to garner the interest of the target masses.
For gaining a good business or for the collaboration of a project, designing plays a crucial part. The slides that you opt for, may it be online or offline, most of the businesses these days are highly opting for designing the presentations in the form of PPT or PDFs. Our skilled professionals are the artistic dexterous who will understand your vision and accurately fit in the mottoes of your companys functionalities.
We are highly skilled in formulating the best of the designing structures in the online presentation which is 際際滷share and offline presentation in the form of PPTs and PDFs.
KTN Digital and Creative Business Briefing September 2019 with information on events, funding and support initiatives for innovative UK based digital businesses
This document brings together a set
of latest data points and publicly
available information relevant for
Banking Industry. We are very
excited to share this content and
believe that readers will benefit from
this periodic publication immensely.
Enterprise Sustainability Investments in TechnologySG Analytics
A few decades ago, organizations were turning a blind eye to the environmental repercussions of integrating sustainability policies that were growing in vigor due to capitalism. But the scenario is now changing. Sustainable business practices are finding their way into corporate obligation, and businesses are taking sincere initiatives to measure and minimize environmentally unfriendly operations. A KPMG study highlighted that sustainability reporting in G250 companies is growing - from 64% in 2005 to 96% in 2020.
This document provides an overview of ESG principles and sustainable finance. It discusses key ESG factors including environmental, social and governance issues. It also outlines major international agreements and regulatory developments driving sustainable finance. Examples of sustainable financing instruments like green bonds, loans and sustainability-linked bonds are presented. The document concludes with two case studies, one on an ADB clean technology fund financing a geothermal plant, and another on a sustainability-linked corporate bond and credit facility.
KKrish Energy is a startup founded in 2020 that provides a platform for sustainability performance certifications and an e-marketplace for greener solutions. It is seeking $250k in seed funding with a pre-money valuation of $2.5M. The platform will provide diagnostic audits, recommendations, and connect customers to vetted solution providers through a subscription-based SaaS model. The target market is restaurants, hotels, and other businesses seeking to measure and improve their sustainability practices.
7 Innovative Funding
Trends for Startups
in 2024.
Facing the Funding Challenge in 2024? How Will Your Startup Adapt?
As the funding landscape transforms, we're curious, what's your approach to embracing these new opportunities?
Here are seven evolving funding trends that are crucial for startups in 2024. Discover ground-breaking funding avenues beyond traditional VC, tailored for pre-seed and seed startups.
Whether it's leveraging revenue-based financing or capitalizing on ESG investments, each trend offers a unique pathway for growth.
Challenges and best practices in financing to accelerate industry decarbonisa...OECD Environment
"Challenges and best practices in financing to accelerate industry decarbonisation", OECD Series of Webinars on low carbon hydrogen and industry decarbonisation, 14 June 2023
Green Bonds are any type of bond instrument where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or re-finance new and/or existing eligible Green Projects. They are driven by increasing investor demand from those aiming to integrate environmental, social and governance factors into their investment decisions. Over 1500 investors with $62 trillion in assets under management have signed the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment to promote sustainability.
The document provides case studies and summaries of work EcoAlign has done with various clients in the energy and environmental sectors. It describes projects developing marketing strategies and branding for companies in areas like utility customer experience, smart grid technology, LED lighting, geothermal heating, and daylighting. For each client, it summarizes the client and situation, EcoAlign's proposed solution, and the outcomes of the work.
Partnering with ICCCAD, LUCCC, GRP, Climate-KIC, WRI
with support from Adaptation Fund, EU Commission and The GEF, @UNDP launched the #AdaptationInnovationMarketplace at the #Gobeshona conference to catalyze innovative climate solutions. Learn more about the platform.
ESG Assurance and Reporting The road to ESG Leadershipdrriteshdubey84
This document provides an overview of ESG assurance. It begins with an agenda and introductions. It then discusses why companies undertake ESG reporting and assurance to meet stakeholder expectations. Regulators are increasingly requiring assurance over ESG disclosures. Investors want reliable ESG information and trust assured reports more. There are different types and levels of assurance. Common areas assured include emissions, social practices, and governance. Assurance is also provided for green bonds and sustainability-linked financing. Overall, assurance brings credibility and transparency to ESG reporting.
Brief study on financial health/goal of Vodafone IdeaAjayVerma335
The document is an annual report of Vodafone Idea Limited that includes information such as:
- An acknowledgement section thanking various individuals for their support.
- Overviews of the company's vision, mission, and chairman.
- Financial statements like the balance sheet and statement of profit and loss.
- Details of strategic initiatives to improve revenue and financial position.
- Explanations of the company's liquidity ratio and current ratio calculation.
The document provides an overview of Clorox's Q2 FY17 investor deck. Some key points:
1) Clorox has an advantaged portfolio with over 80% of sales from #1 or #2 share brands across cleaning, household, lifestyle, and international categories.
2) Clorox is pursuing a strategy focused on maximizing economic profit through brand investment, reducing waste, and growing into new categories and geographies.
3) Clorox is driving growth through innovation, portfolio management, international expansion, and digital transformation to engage consumers.
The document provides an overview of Clorox's Q2 FY17 investor deck. Some key points:
1) Clorox has an advantaged portfolio with over 80% of sales from #1 or #2 share brands across cleaning, household, lifestyle, and international categories.
2) Clorox is pursuing a strategy focused on maximizing economic profit through brand investment, reducing waste, and growing into new categories and geographies.
3) Clorox is driving growth through innovation, portfolio management, international expansion, and digital transformation to engage consumers.
Accessing debt capital markets to finance energy efficiency investments in th...OECD Environment
National Policy Dialogue on Improving Access to Green Finance for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Georgia
Accessing debt capital markets to finance energy efficiency investments in the SME sector: Experience from Mexico - Kristian Brining
The Fashion Climate Fund and Climate Solutions Portfolioringoyu2
The Fashion Climate Fund is a $250M donor-pooled fund with contributions from apparel brands and philanthropy. The Climate Solutions Portfolio (CSP) is Aiis collection of proven carbon-reducing programs and solutions from pre-seed to pilot to model to scale phase. The CSP Platform is an online registry of those programs; its a database of all the solutions across stages of development. Grants will be distributed from the Fashion Climate Fund to select programs in the Climate Solutions Portfolio, and programs in the portfolio will also benefit from connections to other forms of funding and capital (e.g. debt and equity).
Cadrage en cycle court : Veolia optimise la gestion de la ressource en eau ...Agile En Seine
Pr辿sent辿 par Elsa Pairaud, Fr辿d辿ric Fleury et Jean-Laurent Gazave le 21 septembre 2022 Agile en Seine
Cadrer un nouveau service digital en cycle court : lAgile au service dun enjeu coeur m辿tier fort impact.
Dans le cadre de son plan strat辿gique Impact, et de son ambition de devenir lacteur de r辿f辿rence de la Transformation cologique, Veolia a lobjectif de construire et de d辿ployer l辿chelle mondiale dix solutions digitales dici 2023.
Parmis ces 10 solutions digitales, Water Resource Advisor a pour ambition de fournir aux Collectivit辿s en charge des services deau sur leur territoire un outil permettant danticiper le d辿r竪glement climatique en optimisant la gestion de la ressource en eau l辿chelle mondiale (disponibilit辿 et qualit辿 de la ressource).
Afin de cadrer cette solution, Veolia a sollicit辿 une 辿quipe pluridisciplinaire, compos辿e dun expert Intelligence Collective Devoteam Digital Impulse, ainsi que dun Product Manager et dun Business Analyst Devoteam Creative Tech.
Ce dispositif sest accost辿 l辿quipe Veolia pour r辿aliser en 2 mois le cadrage en cycle court de la solution digitale, et ainsi agir comme un v辿ritable catalyseur au sein de l辿cosyst竪me complexe de Veolia (DSI Corporate, pays, experts m辿tiers).
R辿sultats :
Minimum Lovable Product cadr辿 en 2 mois et GO TO REAL donn辿 par la Digital Core Team lissue du cadrage
Mise en place des fondamentaux de lagilit辿, installation des r担les cl辿s pour la phase de r辿alisation, initialisation et priorisation du backlog, initialisation des sprints
7 pays sponsors engag辿s co-construire et d辿ployer le MLP, et assumer les co短ts de RUN.
Advancing Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes highlights the progress made since 2018 in integrating gender considerations into NAP processes from the latest NAPGN report.
What explains the productivity gap of less developed regions? Carlo MenonOECD CFE
Presentation by Carlo Menon, Economist, Co-ordinator of the Spatial Productivity Lab, CFE, OECD at the 25th Spatial Productivity Lab meeting, held online on 26 February 2025.
More info:
Historic places hold the stories of our past, are an important part of building community, and create connections between who we were and who we aspire to be. But how effective is the work of preservation if the next generation doesn't understand the value and significance of these places to our present moment? How do we ignite a passion for history and culture, sparking a lifelong affinity and understanding of the power of place along the way?
Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWO
This article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
Brief History
油Africa is the 'cradle of humankind', the place where the first human beings lived 5 to 10 million years ago.
Fossils found in Africa, show that the modern human beings spread from this continent. One of the earliest evidences of human life were found in South Africa.
Many powerful kingdoms existed on the African continent in the early history and the Middle Ages.
Between the 5th and 15th century, African slaves were traded mainly by Arab traders.
In the late 19th century Europeans started conquering Africa which was then colonised in the 19th and 20th century mainly from Britain and France, but also from the Dutch, Italian and Germans.
The Next Democracy: Reimagining how we govern ourselves through the power of ...DonkeyRepublic
The Next Democracy: Reimagining how we govern ourselves through the power of data and markets
This is a book that sets out visions for future of democracy with radical suggestions for transformation.
Change a Child's Life Donate for OrphansSERUDS INDIA
At SERUDS Joy Home, were dedicated to giving orphaned children the love, care, and opportunities they deserve. With your support, we can provide them with:
A Safe and Loving Home
Nutritious Meals and Medical Care
Quality Education
A Bright Future
Donate Us:
#sponsororphanage #sponsororphanchild, #donatefororphan, #sponsorforchild, #childeducation, #ngochildeducation, #donateforeducation, #donationforchideducation, #sponsorforpoorchild, #donation, #education, #charity, #educationforchild, #seruds, #kurnool
Zambia's Process for Tracking Climate Finance and Integrating Adaptation into...NAP Global Network
P4G SC + CLASP P4G Partnerships Fund Concept v1
Prepared by:
Binagwaho Gakunju (Grants Consultant, SureChill)
CLASP Grant Partnership Proposal
Grant: P4G Partnerships Fund
Deadline (Concept Note): 31st July 2021
- The SureChill Company
Annual call for applications to the P4G Partnerships Fund for 2021 is currently active.
Fund supports pilots and scale projects centred on market-based solutions to address the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) in renewable energy and multiple sectors.
Partnership must involve both a private sector actor, and a non-governmental organization (NGO) or business association
responsible for the management and administration of funds.
Each awarded partnership will benefit from some combination of these services, tailored to the partnerships specific
needs and path toward commercialization:
Catalytic Funding up to USD 1 million, with a 50% cost-share in-kind
Co-Creation and Co-Investment
Strategic Leadership, Commercial and Financial Advice
Engagement with Investors and Policymakers
Partnership Governance
Global Recognition
Learning and Knowledge Sharing
The SureChill Company Ltd. (SureChill) have launched a Grants strategy in July 2021, focused on sustainable pathways to
distribute best-in-class off-grid household refrigerators in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Established in 2013, with the company headquarters based in Cardiff, Wales
Inventors and developers of the award-winning SureChillTM technology for off-grid refrigeration:
Our cooling technology uses water as a natural energy store, like an endlessly rechargeable battery, using its
thermodynamic properties to create an efficient and resilient refrigerator.
If the power goes off, SureChill fridges can stay perfectly cool for days, some for as long as 12 days, even with the
refrigerator in normal use in 43尊C ambient temperatures.
60+ countries, 20,000+ refrigerators, and over 36 million vaccines administered through our work.
Since 2020, operating in Kenya through SureChill Africa, a subsidiary working with distributors and consumer
finance organizations to deploy refrigerators for home and productive use, targeting off-grid and weak-grid
households in Sub-Saharan Africa
4. SureChill Concept: Standalone PayGo B2B Results-Based Facility for Action Research Partnership for
Cooling Services (SDG7)
Despite consumer financing being identified as the key to scaling access to household cooling technologies, no action-research has been compiled to
model the steps to developing a sustainable and scalable model for stand-alone appliances, with a bias towards distributing products as upsell
appliances through Solar Home System (SHS) channels.
This partnership will be an action-research partnership aimed at implementing and building a sustainable Pay-Go value chain for the distribution of
stand-alone off-grid refrigerators, focusing on the B2B partnership between manufacturers and distributors. The goal is to identify, build, and refine on
the key elements of the Pay-Go value chain for refrigerator manufacturers (represented by SureChill) distributing stand-alone appliances with local
partners, with a focus on the Kenya and a view to replicate the model in-country and within the region once proof-points on financial sustainability
demonstrated to commercial investors.
Implement and build a value-chain to reach a positive cash-flow from a cohort of ~1000 customers as a proof-point for sustainable scaling
of the distribution of stand-alone pay-Go refrigerators for households.
2 years allocated, with a maximum of 18 months to run action-learning activities as per the business model.
Budget (note of 50% cost-share):
USD 1 million budgeted, with 50% provided by P4G as follows:
1) $120,000 working capital facility deployed in the form of an RBF to subsidize value-chain building by refrigerator distributor over 3 phases of
the action-research (A, B, C)
2) $230,000 provided as insights + action research testing of value-chain levers with external service providers to drive cohort scale, including
Marketing, Operations & Maintenance, After-Sales, Logistics, and other Pay-Go value-chain elements.
3) $150,000 provided as administrative + research + communications expenses between CLASP + SureChill over the 2 year project
SureChill is seeking an INGO partner (CLASP)
to act as the fund administrator, research
partner, and support engagement with
investors and policymakers with the findings of
the action-research.
The first step is the submission of the concept
note developed by SureChill (draft ready),
which if approved, will begin a pathway
towards approval as per the infographic.
P4G anticipate the process between Step 3 7
to take between 2-5 months, so anticipation to
start the project activities from the beginning
of 2022 latest (earliest is Q4 2021).