Action-research project on stand-alone Pay-Go appliances for off-grid households - concept note developed with CLASP.
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P4G SC + CLASP P4G Partnerships Fund Concept v1
Prepared by:
Binagwaho Gakunju (Grants Consultant, SureChill)
CLASP Grant Partnership Proposal
Grant: P4G Partnerships Fund
Deadline (Concept Note): 31st July 2021
- The SureChill Company
Annual call for applications to the P4G Partnerships Fund for 2021 is currently active.
Fund supports pilots and scale projects centred on market-based solutions to address the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) in renewable energy and multiple sectors.
Partnership must involve both a private sector actor, and a non-governmental organization (NGO) or business association
responsible for the management and administration of funds.
Each awarded partnership will benefit from some combination of these services, tailored to the partnerships specific
needs and path toward commercialization:
Catalytic Funding up to USD 1 million, with a 50% cost-share in-kind
Co-Creation and Co-Investment
Strategic Leadership, Commercial and Financial Advice
Engagement with Investors and Policymakers
Partnership Governance
Global Recognition
Learning and Knowledge Sharing
The SureChill Company Ltd. (SureChill) have launched a Grants strategy in July 2021, focused on sustainable pathways to
distribute best-in-class off-grid household refrigerators in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Established in 2013, with the company headquarters based in Cardiff, Wales
Inventors and developers of the award-winning SureChillTM technology for off-grid refrigeration:
Our cooling technology uses water as a natural energy store, like an endlessly rechargeable battery, using its
thermodynamic properties to create an efficient and resilient refrigerator.
If the power goes off, SureChill fridges can stay perfectly cool for days, some for as long as 12 days, even with the
refrigerator in normal use in 43尊C ambient temperatures.
60+ countries, 20,000+ refrigerators, and over 36 million vaccines administered through our work.
Since 2020, operating in Kenya through SureChill Africa, a subsidiary working with distributors and consumer
finance organizations to deploy refrigerators for home and productive use, targeting off-grid and weak-grid
households in Sub-Saharan Africa
4. SureChill Concept: Standalone PayGo B2B Results-Based Facility for Action Research Partnership for
Cooling Services (SDG7)
Despite consumer financing being identified as the key to scaling access to household cooling technologies, no action-research has been compiled to
model the steps to developing a sustainable and scalable model for stand-alone appliances, with a bias towards distributing products as upsell
appliances through Solar Home System (SHS) channels.
This partnership will be an action-research partnership aimed at implementing and building a sustainable Pay-Go value chain for the distribution of
stand-alone off-grid refrigerators, focusing on the B2B partnership between manufacturers and distributors. The goal is to identify, build, and refine on
the key elements of the Pay-Go value chain for refrigerator manufacturers (represented by SureChill) distributing stand-alone appliances with local
partners, with a focus on the Kenya and a view to replicate the model in-country and within the region once proof-points on financial sustainability
demonstrated to commercial investors.
Implement and build a value-chain to reach a positive cash-flow from a cohort of ~1000 customers as a proof-point for sustainable scaling
of the distribution of stand-alone pay-Go refrigerators for households.
2 years allocated, with a maximum of 18 months to run action-learning activities as per the business model.
Budget (note of 50% cost-share):
USD 1 million budgeted, with 50% provided by P4G as follows:
1) $120,000 working capital facility deployed in the form of an RBF to subsidize value-chain building by refrigerator distributor over 3 phases of
the action-research (A, B, C)
2) $230,000 provided as insights + action research testing of value-chain levers with external service providers to drive cohort scale, including
Marketing, Operations & Maintenance, After-Sales, Logistics, and other Pay-Go value-chain elements.
3) $150,000 provided as administrative + research + communications expenses between CLASP + SureChill over the 2 year project
SureChill is seeking an INGO partner (CLASP)
to act as the fund administrator, research
partner, and support engagement with
investors and policymakers with the findings of
the action-research.
The first step is the submission of the concept
note developed by SureChill (draft ready),
which if approved, will begin a pathway
towards approval as per the infographic.
P4G anticipate the process between Step 3 7
to take between 2-5 months, so anticipation to
start the project activities from the beginning
of 2022 latest (earliest is Q4 2021).