This resume is for Chhaya Kirit Shah, who lives in Thane, Maharashtra. She has a bachelor's degree in commerce from Shobhit University and qualifications in typing, computers, and Tally accounting software. Her work experience includes positions as a senior accountant, back office executive, personal secretary, data entry executive, and accountant assistant. Her current salary is Rs. 23,000 per month.
Este documento es una gu鱈a tur鱈stica de la regi坦n de Puig-Sobir que describe sus atracciones culturales y naturales, as鱈 como opciones de alojamiento y eventos importantes. Incluye informaci坦n sobre salud, cultura, ocio, naturaleza y alojamientos como fondas y campings. Tambi辿n destaca varias festividades populares como las fiestas mayores de Od竪n, Cambrils y Canalda, as鱈 como un concurso de perros y una cena de San Jaime. El documento promueve el redescubrimiento de la localidad de
El documento habla sobre los conceptos b叩sicos del magnetismo. Explica que un im叩n tiene dos polos (norte y sur) donde se manifiesta mayor atracci坦n magn辿tica. Tambi辿n describe las l鱈neas de campo magn辿tico que van del polo sur al norte, y c坦mo la intensidad del campo depende de la distancia entre las l鱈neas. Finalmente, clasifica los materiales seg炭n su comportamiento magn辿tico, como ferromagn辿ticos, paramagn辿ticos y diamagn辿ticos.
Podsumowanie realizowanego dziki Starostwu Powiatowemu w Stalowej Woli projektu pt. ,,Poznanie niszczcej siy natury na przykadzie zniszcze dokonanych przez wiatry halne na terenie Tatrzaskiego Parku Narodowego"
El documento describe el origen y evoluci坦n de Facebook. Comenz坦 en 2004 como un directorio de estudiantes de Harvard que gener坦 muchas visitas en sus primeras horas. Luego se expandi坦 a otras universidades de EE.UU. y pa鱈ses con versiones traducidas por usuarios. Con el tiempo, Facebook dej坦 de usarse solo para fines acad辿micos y la gente comenz坦 a publicar m叩s datos personales y fotos, lo que impuls坦 su transformaci坦n a una red social m叩s general.
This document provides information about the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) program in Tiruvarur District. It lists the names of 5 teachers from schools in Tiruvarur who contributed a textual exercise and activity on phonetic spelling and definitions. The document gives the names and locations of the schools for each contributing teacher.
Breve comentario en torno a Antonio Machado y la Generaci坦n del 98Yago Y叩単ez
A trav辿s de este documento pretendemos analizar m鱈nimamente el sentir po辿tico de Antonio Machado, as鱈 como el influjo vital en su trayectoria po辿tica.
El documento describe el encuentro del Arcipreste de Hita con Do単a Endrina en la plaza p炭blica. Al ver su belleza, el Arcipreste se sinti坦 abrumado por el miedo y la verg端enza de hablar con ella en un lugar tan p炭blico. Aunque ten鱈a cosas que decirle, el temor a las miradas de los dem叩s le impidi坦 expresarse libremente. El Arcipreste concluye que es mejor conversar con una mujer en privado, donde no haya riesgo de ser observados.
This document discusses translational and rotational mechanical systems. It begins by defining variables for translational systems like displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, work, and power. It then discusses element laws for translational systems including viscous friction and stiffness elements. The document also introduces rotational systems and defines variables like angular displacement, velocity, acceleration, and torque. It discusses element laws for rotational systems including moment of inertia, viscous friction, and rotational stiffness. Finally, it covers interconnection laws for both translational and rotational systems and provides an example of obtaining the system model for a rotational system.
These slides are presented for my final year project. It is designed by HFSS and fabricated hardware for experimental measurement of S11 and Radiation Pattern Measurement. It is better to download the slides to see all the results presented as I put in animations.
this is a lesson on the common errors made by students of graduate classes in andhra pradesh, india. the lesson is made exclusively for a television presentation on Mana TV and was presented on may 19, 2010.
10 STD British English & American Englishdhilip raju
This document discusses some of the key differences between British English and American English vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. It provides numerous examples of words that differ in their spelling or meaning between the two variants of English. Some major differences include: the spelling of words ending in "-re" or "-our" changing to "-er" or "-or" in American English; words like "centre" becoming "center"; and vocabulary items like "biscuit" being called a "cookie" and "lorry" being a "truck" in American English. Pronunciation of some words also differs, such as pronouncing "z" instead of "s" in words like "realize."
This document defines and provides examples of simple, compound, and complex sentences. It explains that a sentence contains a subject and predicate, a phrase does not, and a clause contains both. A main clause can stand alone while a subordinate clause cannot. A simple sentence has one main clause, a compound sentence has two or more main clauses joined by a conjunction, and a complex sentence has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. It also discusses the different types of conjunctions, relative pronouns, phrasal verbs, and provides examples of transforming sentences between simple, complex, and compound.
This document discusses the modeling, simulation, and analysis of an ultra-wideband microstrip patch antenna. It provides background on microstrip patch antennas and their use in wireless communications. The objectives are to design a compact UWB microstrip patch antenna with improved gain and radiation pattern across the frequency range. Simulation software HFSS will be used to model and analyze the antenna design. Several techniques for obtaining UWB characteristics from prior research are summarized.
Naomi introduces a lesson on basic weather vocabulary. She defines sunny as when the sun is visible in the sky, cloudy as when clouds fill the sky, and rain as a precipitation that can fall lightly or heavily and create puddles. Snow is also introduced as another form of precipitation that occurs in many parts of America. The document encourages visiting the website or subscribing to the YouTube channel for more English learning content.
This document discusses the meaning of patriotism and love of country. It defines patriotism as recognition of one's role and responsibilities to their homeland, including caring for their fellow citizens, upholding justice and respecting others' rights. Some ways to show patriotism mentioned include educating oneself, being disciplined, respecting the national anthem, being honest, protecting natural resources, and choosing good leaders. The document encourages writing a letter of thanks to God for blessings as a Filipino citizen with love of country. It also suggests making a scrapbook of patriotic acts and producing an informercial about properly expressing love of nation.
El documento describe los principios fundamentales del electromagnetismo. Explica que el magnetismo es una manifestaci坦n de la electricidad en movimiento y que toda corriente el辿ctrica crea un campo magn辿tico circundante. Adem叩s, detalla que el electromagnetismo se origina en el movimiento de electrones dentro de los 叩tomos y que el magnetismo y la electricidad son manifestaciones de una misma fuerza electromagn辿tica. Por 炭ltimo, explica c坦mo los campos magn辿ticos pueden inducir corrientes el辿ctricas en conductores en movimiento a trav辿s del fen坦meno
El documento habla sobre los conceptos b叩sicos del magnetismo. Explica que un im叩n tiene dos polos (norte y sur) donde se manifiesta mayor atracci坦n magn辿tica. Tambi辿n describe las l鱈neas de campo magn辿tico que van del polo sur al norte, y c坦mo la intensidad del campo depende de la distancia entre las l鱈neas. Finalmente, clasifica los materiales seg炭n su comportamiento magn辿tico, como ferromagn辿ticos, paramagn辿ticos y diamagn辿ticos.
Podsumowanie realizowanego dziki Starostwu Powiatowemu w Stalowej Woli projektu pt. ,,Poznanie niszczcej siy natury na przykadzie zniszcze dokonanych przez wiatry halne na terenie Tatrzaskiego Parku Narodowego"
El documento describe el origen y evoluci坦n de Facebook. Comenz坦 en 2004 como un directorio de estudiantes de Harvard que gener坦 muchas visitas en sus primeras horas. Luego se expandi坦 a otras universidades de EE.UU. y pa鱈ses con versiones traducidas por usuarios. Con el tiempo, Facebook dej坦 de usarse solo para fines acad辿micos y la gente comenz坦 a publicar m叩s datos personales y fotos, lo que impuls坦 su transformaci坦n a una red social m叩s general.
This document provides information about the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) program in Tiruvarur District. It lists the names of 5 teachers from schools in Tiruvarur who contributed a textual exercise and activity on phonetic spelling and definitions. The document gives the names and locations of the schools for each contributing teacher.
Breve comentario en torno a Antonio Machado y la Generaci坦n del 98Yago Y叩単ez
A trav辿s de este documento pretendemos analizar m鱈nimamente el sentir po辿tico de Antonio Machado, as鱈 como el influjo vital en su trayectoria po辿tica.
El documento describe el encuentro del Arcipreste de Hita con Do単a Endrina en la plaza p炭blica. Al ver su belleza, el Arcipreste se sinti坦 abrumado por el miedo y la verg端enza de hablar con ella en un lugar tan p炭blico. Aunque ten鱈a cosas que decirle, el temor a las miradas de los dem叩s le impidi坦 expresarse libremente. El Arcipreste concluye que es mejor conversar con una mujer en privado, donde no haya riesgo de ser observados.
This document discusses translational and rotational mechanical systems. It begins by defining variables for translational systems like displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, work, and power. It then discusses element laws for translational systems including viscous friction and stiffness elements. The document also introduces rotational systems and defines variables like angular displacement, velocity, acceleration, and torque. It discusses element laws for rotational systems including moment of inertia, viscous friction, and rotational stiffness. Finally, it covers interconnection laws for both translational and rotational systems and provides an example of obtaining the system model for a rotational system.
These slides are presented for my final year project. It is designed by HFSS and fabricated hardware for experimental measurement of S11 and Radiation Pattern Measurement. It is better to download the slides to see all the results presented as I put in animations.
this is a lesson on the common errors made by students of graduate classes in andhra pradesh, india. the lesson is made exclusively for a television presentation on Mana TV and was presented on may 19, 2010.
10 STD British English & American Englishdhilip raju
This document discusses some of the key differences between British English and American English vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation. It provides numerous examples of words that differ in their spelling or meaning between the two variants of English. Some major differences include: the spelling of words ending in "-re" or "-our" changing to "-er" or "-or" in American English; words like "centre" becoming "center"; and vocabulary items like "biscuit" being called a "cookie" and "lorry" being a "truck" in American English. Pronunciation of some words also differs, such as pronouncing "z" instead of "s" in words like "realize."
This document defines and provides examples of simple, compound, and complex sentences. It explains that a sentence contains a subject and predicate, a phrase does not, and a clause contains both. A main clause can stand alone while a subordinate clause cannot. A simple sentence has one main clause, a compound sentence has two or more main clauses joined by a conjunction, and a complex sentence has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. It also discusses the different types of conjunctions, relative pronouns, phrasal verbs, and provides examples of transforming sentences between simple, complex, and compound.
This document discusses the modeling, simulation, and analysis of an ultra-wideband microstrip patch antenna. It provides background on microstrip patch antennas and their use in wireless communications. The objectives are to design a compact UWB microstrip patch antenna with improved gain and radiation pattern across the frequency range. Simulation software HFSS will be used to model and analyze the antenna design. Several techniques for obtaining UWB characteristics from prior research are summarized.
Naomi introduces a lesson on basic weather vocabulary. She defines sunny as when the sun is visible in the sky, cloudy as when clouds fill the sky, and rain as a precipitation that can fall lightly or heavily and create puddles. Snow is also introduced as another form of precipitation that occurs in many parts of America. The document encourages visiting the website or subscribing to the YouTube channel for more English learning content.
This document discusses the meaning of patriotism and love of country. It defines patriotism as recognition of one's role and responsibilities to their homeland, including caring for their fellow citizens, upholding justice and respecting others' rights. Some ways to show patriotism mentioned include educating oneself, being disciplined, respecting the national anthem, being honest, protecting natural resources, and choosing good leaders. The document encourages writing a letter of thanks to God for blessings as a Filipino citizen with love of country. It also suggests making a scrapbook of patriotic acts and producing an informercial about properly expressing love of nation.
El documento describe los principios fundamentales del electromagnetismo. Explica que el magnetismo es una manifestaci坦n de la electricidad en movimiento y que toda corriente el辿ctrica crea un campo magn辿tico circundante. Adem叩s, detalla que el electromagnetismo se origina en el movimiento de electrones dentro de los 叩tomos y que el magnetismo y la electricidad son manifestaciones de una misma fuerza electromagn辿tica. Por 炭ltimo, explica c坦mo los campos magn辿ticos pueden inducir corrientes el辿ctricas en conductores en movimiento a trav辿s del fen坦meno