Page 27Eagle_in_NYCThe document questions who owns wealth and whether it should be spread around or stolen through mugging. It implies that someone is lost without a teleprompter to guide them and references Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe.
Compliance_Proof_MIXEDCentury 21 MastersThe document is a letter from Lydia Santa Cruz, a real estate broker, to a friend. She informs the friend that her real estate company has expanded to have offices in multiple cities. She offers her services as a broker and provides referrals for property management, mortgages, travel notary services, and more. She signs off by thanking the friend and stating that she is available to help with any real estate needs.
Aqm Opening Reception Dec 8 2008guestbeb22eThe document summarizes an inaugural reception for the Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) program at UCLA on December 8, 2008. The AQM program offers interdisciplinary doctoral training in quantitative research methods for education through joint faculty from Education, Psychology, Biostatistics, and Sociology departments. It provides opportunities for research related to teaching, learning, and testing in mathematics. Over 20 faculty and fellows attended the celebration of the program's first year.
Propiedades Físico-Químicas de los Metalesdiegomejias2212Haiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by providing a link to do so. It aims to inspire the reader to try out Haiku Deck's unique presentation style.
Textos biblioteca nº1Ies NumerounEste conto descreve uma sociedade onde as pessoas esquecem tudo o que fizeram durante o dia quando chega a noite. Uma menina chamada Memória inventa a escrita para deixar testemunhos diários e assim as pessoas começam a escrever cada vez mais, reunindo todas as suas obras numa biblioteca para que possam descobrir parte da sua história todos os dias.
DMI Views - Managing Chinese Cultures: Breaking The Taboo and StereotypesMLD/Mel Lim DesignThis document summarizes an article about managing Chinese culture in business. It discusses 8 main points for understanding Chinese cultural nuances that are important for foreign businesses, such as saving face, indirect communication styles, traditions/superstitions, societal classes, language, geography, business etiquette, and social events like karaoke. Mastering these cultural aspects can help companies avoid mistakes and better connect with Chinese partners and markets.
La InformaciónEAE Business SchoolEstudio del SRC de EAE sobre La Inversión en I+D+i (año 2012) en el periódico digital La Informació
Más información del estudio aquí:
20160225How to plan and run a feasible UX workshopDarla HuangThe document provides guidance on planning and running an effective UX workshop. It discusses why workshops are useful for collaborating to solve problems, outlines the key steps to prepare including setting goals, choosing activities and participants, and piloting the agenda. Tips are provided such as focusing activities on games and discussions, managing time, and concluding by summarizing the outputs to improve the design. Workshops are recommended when stakeholders need to prioritize ideas or get insights from experts to inform solutions.
PharmacodynamicsIPMS- KMU KPK PAKISTANThis document discusses pharmacodynamics, which refers to how drugs act on the body. It describes different types of drug actions like stimulation, depression, irritation, and replacement. The mechanisms of drug action are either receptor-mediated or non-receptor mediated. Non-receptor mediated mechanisms include physical actions like osmosis, chemical actions like acids neutralizing gastric acid, and actions through enzymes, ion channels, antibody production, and transporters. Receptor-mediated mechanisms involve drugs binding to receptors on cells and can be agonists, antagonists, partial agonists, or inverse agonists. The main receptor families are ligand-gated ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, enzymatic receptors, and nuclear receptors.
SuturasKatherine GonzalezEl documento describe los tipos y características de materiales para sutura, incluyendo suturas absorbibles y no absorbibles de origen natural y sintético. También cubre las características de las agujas quirúrgicas y diferentes técnicas de sutura, como nudos cuadrados y con instrumental. Finalmente, discute factores como el tiempo de retirada de puntos y posibles complicaciones de la sutura.
CandidiasisRajan KumarCandidiasis, also known as oral thrush, is a fungal infection caused by Candida species such as C. albicans. It presents as white or yellowish patches in the mouth that can affect various areas including the tongue and cheeks. Risk factors include antibiotics use, dentures, immunodeficiency and other underlying diseases. Symptoms vary depending on the infected site but may include white or red patches that can be wiped away. Diagnosis is usually clinical and treatment involves topical or oral antifungal medications.
NERRS Oct 2013 Thoracic Radiology Case UnknownsNERRSCase 1 describes a 45-year-old woman presenting with chest pain and fever who has a history of lupus. Case 2 involves a 79-year-old Ukrainian man who worked in a textile factory and presents with chronic cough, shortness of breath, and new fever. Case 3 is about a 79-year-old male with chronic cough. Case 4 is a young woman who received bilateral lung transplants and is now presenting with fever, cough, hypoxia, tachycardia, and hypotension.
Sandra castro 1klaumilenithaEste documento describe la historia de Sandra Castro, una estudiante que enseñó a Cecilia Díaz, una mujer de 55 años, a usar las redes sociales como Facebook para comunicarse con familiares lejanos. Sandra primero le enseñó a prender la computadora e ingresar a Internet, y luego cómo usar redes sociales, lo que hizo feliz a Cecilia al poder ahora comunicarse con otros a través de estas plataformas.
Dworek i park w GarbniespmaldytyDominika Karolina Kwiatkowska - Zespół dworsko-folwarczny w Garbnie - prezentacja wykonana na konkurs "Ogrody przeszłości Warmii i Mazur"
Aqm Opening Reception Dec 8 2008guestbeb22eThe document summarizes an inaugural reception for the Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) program at UCLA on December 8, 2008. The AQM program offers interdisciplinary doctoral training in quantitative research methods for education through joint faculty from Education, Psychology, Biostatistics, and Sociology departments. It provides opportunities for research related to teaching, learning, and testing in mathematics. Over 20 faculty and fellows attended the celebration of the program's first year.
Propiedades Físico-Químicas de los Metalesdiegomejias2212Haiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by providing a link to do so. It aims to inspire the reader to try out Haiku Deck's unique presentation style.
Textos biblioteca nº1Ies NumerounEste conto descreve uma sociedade onde as pessoas esquecem tudo o que fizeram durante o dia quando chega a noite. Uma menina chamada Memória inventa a escrita para deixar testemunhos diários e assim as pessoas começam a escrever cada vez mais, reunindo todas as suas obras numa biblioteca para que possam descobrir parte da sua história todos os dias.
DMI Views - Managing Chinese Cultures: Breaking The Taboo and StereotypesMLD/Mel Lim DesignThis document summarizes an article about managing Chinese culture in business. It discusses 8 main points for understanding Chinese cultural nuances that are important for foreign businesses, such as saving face, indirect communication styles, traditions/superstitions, societal classes, language, geography, business etiquette, and social events like karaoke. Mastering these cultural aspects can help companies avoid mistakes and better connect with Chinese partners and markets.
La InformaciónEAE Business SchoolEstudio del SRC de EAE sobre La Inversión en I+D+i (año 2012) en el periódico digital La Informació
Más información del estudio aquí:
20160225How to plan and run a feasible UX workshopDarla HuangThe document provides guidance on planning and running an effective UX workshop. It discusses why workshops are useful for collaborating to solve problems, outlines the key steps to prepare including setting goals, choosing activities and participants, and piloting the agenda. Tips are provided such as focusing activities on games and discussions, managing time, and concluding by summarizing the outputs to improve the design. Workshops are recommended when stakeholders need to prioritize ideas or get insights from experts to inform solutions.
PharmacodynamicsIPMS- KMU KPK PAKISTANThis document discusses pharmacodynamics, which refers to how drugs act on the body. It describes different types of drug actions like stimulation, depression, irritation, and replacement. The mechanisms of drug action are either receptor-mediated or non-receptor mediated. Non-receptor mediated mechanisms include physical actions like osmosis, chemical actions like acids neutralizing gastric acid, and actions through enzymes, ion channels, antibody production, and transporters. Receptor-mediated mechanisms involve drugs binding to receptors on cells and can be agonists, antagonists, partial agonists, or inverse agonists. The main receptor families are ligand-gated ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, enzymatic receptors, and nuclear receptors.
SuturasKatherine GonzalezEl documento describe los tipos y características de materiales para sutura, incluyendo suturas absorbibles y no absorbibles de origen natural y sintético. También cubre las características de las agujas quirúrgicas y diferentes técnicas de sutura, como nudos cuadrados y con instrumental. Finalmente, discute factores como el tiempo de retirada de puntos y posibles complicaciones de la sutura.
CandidiasisRajan KumarCandidiasis, also known as oral thrush, is a fungal infection caused by Candida species such as C. albicans. It presents as white or yellowish patches in the mouth that can affect various areas including the tongue and cheeks. Risk factors include antibiotics use, dentures, immunodeficiency and other underlying diseases. Symptoms vary depending on the infected site but may include white or red patches that can be wiped away. Diagnosis is usually clinical and treatment involves topical or oral antifungal medications.
NERRS Oct 2013 Thoracic Radiology Case UnknownsNERRSCase 1 describes a 45-year-old woman presenting with chest pain and fever who has a history of lupus. Case 2 involves a 79-year-old Ukrainian man who worked in a textile factory and presents with chronic cough, shortness of breath, and new fever. Case 3 is about a 79-year-old male with chronic cough. Case 4 is a young woman who received bilateral lung transplants and is now presenting with fever, cough, hypoxia, tachycardia, and hypotension.
Sandra castro 1klaumilenithaEste documento describe la historia de Sandra Castro, una estudiante que enseñó a Cecilia Díaz, una mujer de 55 años, a usar las redes sociales como Facebook para comunicarse con familiares lejanos. Sandra primero le enseñó a prender la computadora e ingresar a Internet, y luego cómo usar redes sociales, lo que hizo feliz a Cecilia al poder ahora comunicarse con otros a través de estas plataformas.
Dworek i park w GarbniespmaldytyDominika Karolina Kwiatkowska - Zespół dworsko-folwarczny w Garbnie - prezentacja wykonana na konkurs "Ogrody przeszłości Warmii i Mazur"
2. Pałac wraz z ogrodem
znajduje się
w województwie
w powiecie węgorzewskim,
w gminie Węgorzewo.
Położony jest nad Jeziorem
Sztynorckim, na półwyspie
między trzema jeziorami
Dargin, Kirsajty i Mamry.
3. Pałac od 1420 r. do1944 r.
należał do rodu
Przejęła go Polsko-
Niemiecka Fundacjia
Ochrony Zabytków Kultury.
Przeszedł on dużo
przebudowań przez ten
okres. Jednakże do dnia
dzisiejszego jego stan nie
jest idealny.,20,20/woj.warminsko-mazurskie.html
4. Zbigniew Morsztyn-hrabina, urządził 18-hektarowy park okalający pałac od
północy. Nawet do dziś istnieje aleja z buków zwyczajnych (Fagus sylvatica) i
dębów szypułkowych (Quercus robur) prowadząca
do niektórych z kapliczek.
5. Widok historyczny i współczesny na aleję
6. Park zdobiony był licznymi rzeźbami. Z tak obszernego
terenu znalazłyśmy je tylko dwie.
7. W XIX w. wzniesiono kilka budowli w parku, które obecnie
są w złym stanie architektonicznym.
Neogotycka kaplica (ok.1830r.) w części zachodniej.
9. Do dzisiaj w parku
zachowały się dęby
szypułkowe Quercus
robur, które są
pomnikami przyrody.
Największy z nich to dąb
o obwodzie 560cm, wieku
349 lat, wysokości 26m.