䴡ÇAitiGGVols entretenir-te una estona, endevina de quina cançó es tracta creant un joc de ciruits, però primer hauràs de crear una referència com aquest power point.
GIOrquestra - Programa Concert PresentacióGIOrquestraPrograma de mà del concert de presentació de la GIO a l'Auditori de Girona el 5 de febrer de 2012.
La música tradicional valencianaedukadorAquest multimèdia tracta sobre la música tradicional valenciana, fent un xicotet recorregut per diferents estils i instruments propis del nostre país
䴡ÇAitiGGVols entretenir-te una estona, endevina de quina cançó es tracta creant un joc de ciruits, però primer hauràs de crear una referència com aquest power point.
GIOrquestra - Programa Concert PresentacióGIOrquestraPrograma de mà del concert de presentació de la GIO a l'Auditori de Girona el 5 de febrer de 2012.
La música tradicional valencianaedukadorAquest multimèdia tracta sobre la música tradicional valenciana, fent un xicotet recorregut per diferents estils i instruments propis del nostre país
JEAN DUBUFFET NEW.pptxnivaca2Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) was a famous French painter and sculptor. He was born in Le Havre and studied painting in Paris. Dubuffet is known for using unusual textures in his work, often painting with materials like sand, tar, and straw. He also limited himself to using red, white, black, and blue in some pieces. Later in his career, Dubuffet turned more to sculpture, creating polystyrene works that he painted with vinyl paint.
MARTA TORRESnivaca2Marta Torres is an Ibizan painter who received a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona in 1990. She has been painting professionally for 20 years. Her unique style blends painting and sculpture by incorporating found objects like wood, tiles, and shells into her textured paintings. Torres' paintings typically feature themes from Ibiza like the island's country houses, almond trees, and the Mediterranean Sea. She collects materials directly from locations around Ibiza to integrate multidimensionally into her one-of-a-kind paintings.
Let’s you tube nivaca2The document appears to be a list of song lyrics with multiple choice options for filling in blanks in the lyrics. Each entry includes the song name, artist, and YouTube link. There are 12 entries total that provide snippets of lyrics from popular songs along with contextual multiple choice answers to fill in the blanks.
Scape Room with QR codesnivaca2The document provides instructions for a virtual detective adventure involving Sherlock Holmes. Students will take on the role of young detectives helping Holmes and Watson solve a case. Moriarty has kidnapped Watson and left clues around the world. Students must complete challenges at different locations to find clues and earn stars. The challenges include observation of details in an image, solving riddles or codes, and investigating a crime scene for clues. The goal is to rescue Watson and earn a golden detective card.
Tanit the ibicencan goodessnivaca2Tanit was the main goddess of Carthage and an important goddess in the Mediterranean. She was the goddess of love, fertility, life, prosperity, harvest, death and the moon. Tanit protected Carthage and its inhabitants from enemies and poisonous animals. She later became the goddess of Ibiza in the 5th century. The ancient city of Carthage was founded by the Phoenicians in 800 BC and was a major trading center until conquered by Rome in 146 BC. The Carthaginians discovered Ibiza in 654 BC and founded the city, making it an important trading center due to its port and salt production.
We are going on a bear huntnivaca2This children's story tells about going on a bear hunt but not doing it again. It was illustrated by 27 children with various names listed, including Naim, Jannat, Mayra, Amine, Hannah, Rayan, Ayman, Arantxa, Indara, Emily, Angel, Alonso, Omar, Emma, Shamira, Lucia, Lola, Piedad, Marta, Lola S. Jesica, Sergio and Marwan.
Sherlock Holmes nivaca2This document introduces a detective adventure game where students will help Sherlock Holmes solve challenges to find his kidnapped assistant, Dr. Watson. The adventure begins in England in the Victorian era. Students are told they must travel to different locations, observe clues, and answer questions correctly to earn stars and eventually a golden detective card. The first challenge involves observing a picture and answering questions about it. The story then continues with challenges set up by the villain Professor Moriarty that involve finding QR codes, answering questions, identifying ingredients in a trifle, learning about Egyptian pyramids, investigating clues at a crime scene, and redrawing a famous painting.
The world with Georgia O'keeffe nivaca2Georgia O'Keeffe was an American artist born in 1887 known for her paintings of Southwestern landscapes and flowers. She developed her unique style of abstract painting inspired by nature after studying art in Chicago and New York. O'Keeffe lived part of her life in New Mexico where she was inspired by the desert landscapes, animal skulls, and adobe architecture to produce many iconic paintings until losing her eyesight later in life.
Wassily kandinsky for kidsnivaca2Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian artist born in 1866 who helped establish abstract art. He grew up enjoying music and initially pursued a career in law before becoming an artist at age 30. Kandinsky felt that abstract shapes and colors alone could constitute art, and that different colors represented different instruments and emotions. For example, he associated yellow with the trumpet and thought color combinations could be harmonious like musical chords. He often used circles, triangles, and squares in his paintings to represent spiritual, aggressive, and calm feelings respectively. Kandinsky helped pioneer abstract expressionism through his experimentation with form and color divorced from objective reality.
Japanese art for kidsnivaca2Japan is an archipelago of islands located in East Asia. Some key facts about Japan include:
- The capital and largest city is Tokyo. The country's currency is the Japanese yen and the official language is Japanese.
- Japanese art encompasses a wide variety including painting, calligraphy, ceramics and architecture. A traditional form of ink painting called sumi-e uses monochrome ink and influences from Chinese calligraphy in its brush strokes.
- Traditional crafts taught in the document include making a Japanese fan, practicing sumi-e painting techniques, and creating koinobori carp streamers and okiagari-koboshi dolls often seen during Children's Day celebrations
Prototiponivaca2Lainer se siente solo al dejar su país y no poder hablar inglés. Los estudiantes van a empatizar con él y usar un traductor para comunicarse en portugués, ayudarlo a sentirse bienvenido y no solo. Juntos enfrentarán retos en Brasil para que Lainer aprenda inglés y cultura a través de juegos colaborativos que rompan barreras lingüísticas e incluyan a todos en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
Who wants to be sherlock holmes colleague nivaca2The document outlines a series of challenges for students to complete to earn the title of Sherlock Holmes' colleague. It begins with background research on Sherlock Holmes' life and origins. Students are then presented with 6 detective tasks involving locations in Egypt, France, England, Spain, and a video about Sherlock Holmes. Upon completing all the challenges, students will receive a golden detective card.
Yayoi Kusama for kidsnivaca2Yayoi Kusama is a famous Japanese artist known for her polka dot motifs. She began incorporating polka dots into her paintings and other artworks at age 10. Despite her parents' disapproval, she was determined to become an artist. Kusama later moved to New York City where she had successful exhibitions and influenced American pop artists like Andy Warhol. Now in her 90s, Kusama continues producing art from her studio in Japan.
School trip advisers "flipped the classroom" finalnivaca2Este documento describe un proyecto entre dos escuelas primarias en Ibiza que tiene como objetivo mejorar las habilidades lingüísticas y de colaboración de los estudiantes. El proyecto consiste en tres fases donde los estudiantes trabajarán en equipos para crear agencias de viajes virtuales y presentar destinos turísticos. Utilizarán herramientas TIC para desarrollar sus habilidades digitales y trabajar colaborativamente a pesar de la distancia entre las escuelas.
School trip advisers "flipped the classroom"nivaca2Este proyecto involucra a dos escuelas primarias que trabajarán juntas durante tres trimestres para crear agencias de viajes simuladas. Los estudiantes trabajarán en equipos para diseñar paquetes turísticos, presentarlos a través de stands virtuales y encuentros en persona, y evaluar su trabajo al final del proyecto. El objetivo es que los estudiantes practiquen su inglés de manera significativa y colaborativa mientras desarrollan competencias clave.
keith Haring for kidsnivaca2Keith Haring was a pop artist born in 1958 in Pennsylvania who was fascinated by cartoons as a child. He began his career drawing in the New York City subway system in the 1980s, inspired by the graffiti art there. Haring's art featured vibrant, rhythmic line drawings of figures appearing to vibrate or move. He opened two Pop Shops to make his art more accessible to the public.
Happy Halloween for Kidsnivaca2Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. Its origins come from the Celtic tradition of believing spirits of the dead come alive on this day. Common Halloween traditions include carving pumpkins, putting them outside as jack-o-lanterns, dressing up in costumes, and children going trick-or-treating by going door-to-door saying "trick or treat" to receive candies.
the very hungry caterpillarnivaca2The story follows a caterpillar that hatches from an egg on a leaf and spends the week eating through various fruits - one apple on Monday, two pears on Tuesday, and so on - yet remains hungry each day. By Saturday, he eats so much that he gets a stomach ache. The next day, he eats a green leaf instead and feels better, having grown into a large caterpillar. He then spins a cocoon and emerges two weeks later as a beautiful butterfly.
2. Francisco Fernández
Moreno, més conegut com
Paco Fernández (Zújar,
Espanya, 12 de agost de
1957), és un guitarrista
flamenc, conegut per la
seva experimentació en el
mestissatge de la guitarra
flamenca i l'electrònica, en
el marc del moviment
Chillout nascut a Eivissa
3. Quan era petit ja tenia
capacitats notables en el
seu maneig de la guitarra.
En companyia de familiars,
tocava gairebé cada nit en
els bars de la illa. Aquesta
activitat, la compaginava
amb l'escola i els seus
estudis de guitarra.
Va ser enviat a
estudiar guitarra clàssica a
4. Al seu retorn a la illa, Paco va conèixer
a Michele Webb, ciutadana americana amb la
qual es va casar. La seva experiència en
generar beneficis a través de la música va
ser instrumental en decidir emigrar amb la
seva nova família als E.E.U.U. on va
llaurar una fràgil subsistència tocant en
nombrosos bars i sales.
5. La seva música
L'art de Paco va prosperar
sota l'influència dels nous
sons que sentia, i va
començar a explorar altres
estils de música. Aquestes
exploracions i la seva
incessant inquietud per
experimentar noves
sensacions el va portar a
emigrar temporalment. Es va
mudar durant un breu temps
als Estats Units, on va
treballar tocant en locals
6. La seva progressió musical ha
cristal·litzat en una banda que no
només combina el flamenc amb
l'electrònica, sinó també el Rap i sons
caribenys, així com el ball en una fusió
d'estils Flamencs, Clàssics, Dansa
Contemporània i fins i tot el Blues. Tal
ha estat l'èxit durant els últims anys,
que els seus concerts setmanals a l'illa
atreuen sovint a públics de milers de
persones. La seva integració a les
discoteques ha estat massivament
reeixida, i ha omplert locals de gom a
gom, incloent una residència de
diversos anys a la popular festa
"Manumission", classificada pel llibre
Guinness com "la festa més
multitudinària del món".
7. Premis
El passat diumenge 22 de març li
va ser atorgat per l'Ajuntament
de Sant Antoni el Premi
honorífic "Portmany" com a
reconeixement per la seva
dedicació a la creació artística
com a guitarrista i compositor
musical amb una música
particular i icònica que forma
part de l'atmosfera sonora de
l’Eivissa dels últims 30 anys
8. Discografia
Vivir en el Mediterráneo (1986)
Atman (1997)
Sal y Sol (2003)
Entre Islas (2009)
Buenos Tiempos (2013)
9. Col·laboracionsAmb Café del Mar
Volumen 4 – Tema “Grillos”
Volumen 5 – Tema “Mani”
Volumen 6 – Tema “Home”
Volumen 12 – Tema “Junto al Mar”
Volumen 13 – Tema “Flores de Libertad”
Volumen 15 – Tema “What Are We Living”
Volumen 17 – Tema “Mani in Da House”
30 Years of Music – Tema “Pez Volador”
Souvenir (1998)
Sueño de Ibiza (2002) – Banda sonora
Navigator (2001)
Con B-Tribe
Spiritual Spiritual 2001
Sensual Sensual 1998
Altres Col·laboracions
(2000) Undiscovered Ibiza Vol.1 – Tema “Halcón Vuela”
(2001) Feeling Ibiza – temas “Arena Blanca” & “Talamanca”(de Manolo Diaz)
Lo Mejor del Flamenco Chill – Tema - Nieve Paece
Lo Mejor del Flamenco Chill 2 – Tema - “Halcón Vuela”
(2000) Café Ibiza Vol.4 – Tema – Grillos
(2004) Café Ibiza Vol. 8 – Tema – I Never Knew a Light Like This
(2008) Acoustic Ibiza – Temas – Mani, Donde están mis gafas, Talamanca (de Manolo Díaz) y Oh
Good Desire (de Lee Harris)
(2005) Villa Mercedes – Producción Completa con Steve Fernández
10. Gira
Després de diversos anys de
residències a Eivissa i ocasionals
concerts en llocs com Romania,
Hong Kong, Moscou, Dubai o Abu
Dhabi.. Paco va continuar girant
per ciutats Europees com Londres,
Manchester, Berlin, Munic, Viena,
Maastricht, Niça, Milan, Roma o
Atenes. Aquesta gira va portar
també a ciutats espanyoles com
Valladolid, Tenerife, Madrid,
Barcelona, Palma, Huelva o
Després d'un llarg hivern a l'estudi,
i una gira primaveral per Holanda.