paediatric monteggia fracture is often missed especially by less experienced orthopaedic surgeon.
once missed ,it can lead to progressive deformity of the elbow,restricted elbow and forearm movements.
subsequent management is often less satisfactory and give inferior results.
a high degree of suspicion is often needed in all pediatric elbow injuries brought to the emergency department.
the presentation is by prof.mohamed ashraf ,head of the department of orthopaedics. govt TD MEDICAL COLLEGE,ALLEPPEY,KERALA, INDIA
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3. Why important?
Rapid recovery of elbow mobility
Prevention of late complications
Symptomatic radial head
flexion block
cubitus valgus
supination limitation
4. How often missed
1.5-3 % of all pediatric elbow injuries
Peak age- 4 to 10 years
Missed- upto 20 %
Radial head unreduced for 4 weeks or more-
5. Why missed
Clinical suspicion
Proper interpretation of well exposed
properly centered x-rays.
Redisplacement of fracture or radial head
Plastic deformation-often missed
Most missed by non-pediatric ortho,ER
7. Patho anatomy
Shortened or angulated ulna leads to radial head
Interosseous membrane contracted and
shortened.[hence corrective osteotomy proximal]
Untreated- progressive elbow
instability,progressive deformity and stiffness of
elbow and forearm.
Missed case -multiple procedures with inferior
8. types
4 types
3 variants-isolated rad head,#ulna and rad
neck,bb#with radius proximal
Letts-green stick ulna
21. X-ray mimicker
Congenital head dislocation
Hypoplastic capitellum
Convex radial head
Radial shaft bowing and too long
No trauma
Difficult reduction
Usually post dislocation
Opposite elbow affected
Waters 2012
22. management
Closed reduction and casting[ under C-arm]
Open reduction and nailing [ESIN]
Open reduction and plating
23. Current principles
Restoration of length and alignment of ulna
Closedreduction-lengthstable fractures
[transverse and short oblique]
Unstable radial head in stable#- nail
plating-length unstable fractures
[long oblique and comminuted]
Osteotomy Plating ,radial head stabilisation-
24. Treatment
Depends on fracture pattern
Plastic deformation-closed manipulation
Greenstick injury-closed manipulation
Unstable radial head even @100-ulna fixation
Stable radial head-close observation
Transverse/short oblique-CMR +/_ fixation
Long oblique/comminuted- ORIF/plate fixation
ORIF- upto 4-6 weeks
25. Plastic deformity
Cosmetic and Functional aspects
10 yr - 15 deg
6-10 yrs- 20 deg
5 yrs-remodelling
Under GA ,3-5 mts transverse force over the
Avoid epiphysis INJURY
26. missed
If elbow not included in xray
If radial head position overlooked
27. Late cases
DCP or LCP preferred for neglected cases.
More chance of radial head dislocation
More chance of forearm restriction.
Plastic deformation difficult to identify later.
Dysplastic radial head may be the only sign
29. missed Radial head
Can be open reduced -6 months
After 6 months-1 year-leave till skeletal
maturity-excision later
Late annular reconstruction-
Extensor aponeurosis[boyd],
Triceps middle fascia[bell tawse]
Triceps lateral fascia[lloyd roberts]
30. Late cases
problem solving
Annular ligament reconstruction-
1]palmaris longus
2]pedicled forearm fascia
3]pedicled triceps fascia.
4]remnant repair
5]synthetic annular ligament
levin et al cureus
31. Late cases
surgical tips
Speed and boyd
-boyd approach
-Osteotomy ulna,
-radial head reduction,
-R-C or R-U pin stabilisation
-FA or triceps muscle facia 1.3x 11.5 cm around
neck and suture to itself,if stable pin can be
-fix ulna- transverse,oblique or step-cut osteotomy
chetan peshin 2020