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that resorted to questioning the
sincerity of Duke's conversion
to Christ ianity-even c hal-
lenging him to name his 'official
church." Even my old friend
                                     picked up 55 percent of the
                                     white vote; he lost in the runoff
                                     because the fear campaign
                                     brought out a massive out-
                                     pouring of black voters. But
                                                                          an instructive metaphor for
                                                                          what will eventusally the fate
                                                                          of Establishment Conserva-
                                                                                 A left-wing populist,
Doug Bandow par-                                     note the excite-     former Governor Edwards is a
ticipated in this                                    ment; politics in    long-time Cajun crook, whose
cabal in the Wall                                    Louisiana rose       motto has been the rollicking
Street Journal,                                     from the usual        laissez les bon temps roulez
which virtually                                     torpor that we        ('let the good times roll"). He
flipped its wig in                                   have been used       has always been allegedly
anti-Duke hyste-                                    to for decades        hated by businsssmen and by
ria, to the extent of                                and brought out      conservative elites. But this
attacking Duke for                                   a turnout rate-      was crisis time; and in crisis
being governed by                                    80 percent-that      the truth is revealed: there is
self-interest(!)-                                    hasn't been seen     no fundamental difference be-
presumably in                                        since the nine-      tween left-wing populism and
contrast to all other                               teenth century,       the system we have now. Left-
politicians moti-                                    when party poli-     wing populism: rousing the
vated by deep de-                                    tics was fierce-     masses to attack 'the rich,"
votion to the pub-                                   ly partisan and      amounts to more of the same:
lic weal?! It took a                                 ideological.         high taxes, wild spending,
lot of gall for                                         One point         massive redistribution of
Bandow to do this,                                   that has nowhere     working and middle class in-
since he is not                                      been noted: pop-     comes to the ruling coalition
a sacramental                                        ulism won in         of: big government, big busi-
Christian (where                                     Louisiana, be-       ness, and the New Class of
one can point out                                    cause in the first   bureaucrats, technocrats, and
that the person under attack         primary the two winners were         ideologues and their numerous
was not received into the sac-       Duke, a right-wingpopulist, and      dependent groups. And so, in
ramental Church), but a pietist      Edwin Edwards, a left-wing           the crunch, left-wing popu-
one, who is opposed to any           populist. Out in the cold were        lism-phony populism-disap-
sort of official creed or liturgy.   th,e two Establishment candi-         peared, and all crookery was
So how can a pietist Christian       dates: incumbent Governor            forgiven in the mighty Edwards
challenge the bona fides of          Buddy Roemer, high-tax, high-        coalition. It is instructive that
another one? And in a world          spend "reform" Democrat em-          the Establishment professes to
where no one challenges the          braced by the Bush Adminis-           believe in Edwards' teary
Christian credentials of a           tration in an attempt to stop the     promises of personal reform
Chuck Colson or a Jeb                dread Duke; and the forgotten         ('I'm 65 now; the good times
 Magruder? But logic went out        man, Clyde Holloway, the offi-        have mellowetj"), while refus-
the window: for the entire Es-       cial Republican candidate, a          ing to believe in the sincerity
tablishment, the ruling elite,       good Establishment conserva-          of David Duke's conversion.
was at stake, and in that sort of    tive, who got only five percent              They said1in the 60%when
 battle, all supposedly clashing     of the vote. (Poor Human             they gently chided the violent
wings of the Establishment           Events kept complaining dur-          Left: 'stop using violence, work
weld together as one unit and        ing the campaign: why are the        within the system." And sure
fight with any weapons that          media ignoring Clyde                  enough it worked, as the former
 might be at hand.                   Holloway? The simple answer           New Left now leads the re-
       But even so: David Duke       is that he never got anywhere:        spectable intellectual classes.

6   January 1992
                                  LICENSED TO UNZ.ORG

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  • 1. that resorted to questioning the sincerity of Duke's conversion to Christ ianity-even c hal- lenging him to name his 'official church." Even my old friend picked up 55 percent of the white vote; he lost in the runoff because the fear campaign brought out a massive out- pouring of black voters. But -- an instructive metaphor for what will eventusally the fate be of Establishment Conserva- tism.) A left-wing populist, Doug Bandow par- note the excite- former Governor Edwards is a ticipated in this ment; politics in long-time Cajun crook, whose cabal in the Wall Louisiana rose motto has been the rollicking Street Journal, from the usual laissez les bon temps roulez which virtually torpor that we ('let the good times roll"). He flipped its wig in have been used has always been allegedly anti-Duke hyste- to for decades hated by businsssmen and by ria, to the extent of and brought out conservative elites. But this attacking Duke for a turnout rate- was crisis time; and in crisis being governed by 80 percent-that the truth is revealed: there is self-interest(!)- hasn't been seen no fundamental difference be- presumably in since the nine- tween left-wing populism and contrast to all other teenth century, the system we have now. Left- politicians moti- when party poli- wing populism: rousing the vated by deep de- tics was fierce- masses to attack 'the rich," votion to the pub- ly partisan and amounts to more of the same: lic weal?! It took a ideological. high taxes, wild spending, lot of gall for One point massive redistribution of Bandow to do this, that has nowhere working and middle class in- since he is not been noted: pop- comes to the ruling coalition a sacramental ulism won in of: big government, big busi- Christian (where Louisiana, be- ness, and the New Class of one can point out cause in the first bureaucrats, technocrats, and that the person under attack primary the two winners were ideologues and their numerous was not received into the sac- Duke, a right-wingpopulist, and dependent groups. And so, in ramental Church), but a pietist Edwin Edwards, a left-wing the crunch, left-wing popu- one, who is opposed to any populist. Out in the cold were lism-phony populism-disap- sort of official creed or liturgy. th,e two Establishment candi- peared, and all crookery was So how can a pietist Christian dates: incumbent Governor forgiven in the mighty Edwards challenge the bona fides of Buddy Roemer, high-tax, high- coalition. It is instructive that another one? And in a world spend "reform" Democrat em- the Establishment professes to where no one challenges the braced by the Bush Adminis- believe in Edwards' teary Christian credentials of a tration in an attempt to stop the promises of personal reform Chuck Colson or a Jeb dread Duke; and the forgotten ('I'm 65 now; the good times Magruder? But logic went out man, Clyde Holloway, the offi- have mellowetj"), while refus- the window: for the entire Es- cial Republican candidate, a ing to believe in the sincerity tablishment, the ruling elite, good Establishment conserva- of David Duke's conversion. was at stake, and in that sort of tive, who got only five percent They said1in the 60%when battle, all supposedly clashing of the vote. (Poor Human they gently chided the violent wings of the Establishment Events kept complaining dur- Left: 'stop using violence, work weld together as one unit and ing the campaign: why are the within the system." And sure fight with any weapons that media ignoring Clyde enough it worked, as the former might be at hand. Holloway? The simple answer New Left now leads the re- But even so: David Duke is that he never got anywhere: spectable intellectual classes. 6 January 1992 LICENSED TO UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED