This document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language by outlining various chapters and sections that cover topics such as:
- What Ruby is and its origins
- Language features like being fully object-oriented and dynamically typed
- Supported operating systems and installation options
- Using tools like IRB, RDoc, and Ri
- Language fundamentals around scripts, functions, blocks, and naming conventions
- Built-in datatypes like numbers, strings, booleans, and collections
- Operators, branching statements, loops, and iterators
2. Chapter& Headings
Introduction To Ruby
* What is Ruby
* Origin of Ruby
* Version History
* Language Features
* Supported Operating Systems
* Installation Options
* Using irb (as a REPL tool)
* Running ruby tools (ruby -v, ri,rdoc)
* Create a Hello World
* Shebang (on Unix)
* ftype on Windows
* Editing Ruby in a text editor
* Benefits of IDEs
* List of IDEs
* Using Eclipse
* Create Hello World in Eclipse
Language Fundamentals
* Script Structure
* Function
* Blocks
* Reserved Words
* Syntax Rules
* Naming Identifiers
* Comments
* What is a Datatype
* List of Datatypes
* Literals
* Numbers
* String
* Boolean
3. * Time
* Nil
* Constants
* Creating
* Predefined __FILE__, __LINE__, ARGV, DTA
* Variables
* Local
* Instance
* Class
* Global
* Pseudo
String Closer Look
* Single quotes
* %q
* Double quotes
* %Q
* Escape Sequences
* Assignment (reference vs value)
* Interpolation
* Here documents
* String methods
* What are collection types
* Array intro
* Hash intro
* Arrays
* Creating Arrays
* Adding values to Arrays
* Ranges
* Useful Array Methods
* Hash
* Creating Hash
* Subscripting with Symbols
* Useful Hash Methods
* Arithmetic
4. * Relational
* Logical
* Concatenation
* Assignment
* Shorthand
* Multiple Assignment
* Parrallel Assignment
* Conditional Assignment
Branching Statements
* What is branching
* if
* unless
* if-else
* if-elsif-else
* short-if
* case
* while
* until
* for
* Loop modifiers
* break
* next
* redo
* Iterators
* Introduction
* do/end
* { }
* Numerical Iterators
* String Iterators
* Collection Iterators
5. What Is Ruby
Ruby is a server-side, object-oriented scripting-language.
Ruby development was started in 1993 by Yukihiro Matz
Ruby was developed as an alternative language to Perl and Python
and borrows from both languages.
Many operations support both the Perl & Python constructs.
E.g. both || (Perl) and or (Python) are supported.
Ruby runs on Linux, Mac and Windows operating systems.
It is pre-installed on Macs and certain versions of Linux.
Like other languages, Ruby has undergone various revisions.
Version 1.9.0 was released in December 2007.
Version 2.0.0 was released in February of 2013.
Version 2.2.0 was released in December of 2015.
6. Language Features
Ruby is a fully objectoriented language. Everything is an object
instance including literals.
Every object has a type. This type is the class the object is based
Every object has methods
Ruby is flexible and allows you to create the following types of
Classes: These are structures that hold data and methods
Modules: These are groupings of methods.
Scripts: Ruby also allows you to write executable script outside
of both classes and modules.
Ruby is dynamically typed.
Ruby is interpreted. Which means the code must be available at
execution time.
7. Supported Operating Systems
Ruby is supported by all major operating systems i.e Linux,
Mac OS X, Windows.
Ruby comes pre-installed on Mac OS X and many distributions
of Linux.
Ruby is available on Windows too and is fully supported there.
Ruby runs slower on Windows, since the require
statement in Ruby scripts take a good chunk of time on
Windows platform.
Ruby (v 1.9.2 ) has passed all the core tests on Windows.
8. Installation Options
In Mac OS X, Ruby can be installed with the following options:
In Linux systems, each variant has its own way to install Ruby.
Debian/Ubuntu systems use Synaptic or apt.
Red Hat Linux uses command line tool RPM
Ruby can be installed on Windows in following ways:
Downloading compiled binaries from Ruby site
9. Using IRB
Ruby comes in interactive mode too which can be put into use
by using Interactive Ruby Shell( irb).
IRB acts as a read-eval-print loop tool for Ruby where actual
Ruby code can be executed.
IRB can be used by typing irb in a UNIX-basedshell prompt.
IRB output is slightly different than the actual Ruby output in
the following way:
An assignment in IRB also prints out that assigned value
while in actual Ruby code, the value is not printed just
10. Running Ruby Tools
There are several handy tools that can be used along with Ruby
ruby v
RDoc is a Ruby gems that automatically creates documentation
from the comments and structure of your Ruby code.
Ri provides offline help for Ruby and acts as a command line
manual for Ruby language.
ri Enumerator will open docs for Enumerator class.
11. Create a Hello World
In Unix systems create a hello_world.rb file and include a
shebang line on top of the script. Shebang is ignored by
interpreter as it is treated as a comment.
Shebang line cannot be preceded by blank lines or any
leading spaces.
It is used by shell to determine which program to use to
run the script
In Windows command prompt, use ftype command to point to
the ruby.exe installation path.
12. Editing Ruby in Text Editor
Ruby code can be written in any text editor. Some of the popular
text editors to write Ruby code are:
TextMate is a Mac OS X text editor.
Sublime Textis available on Linux, Mac OS X and
Vim is available on Linux systems.
Emacs is a popular Vim alternative.
13. Benefits of IDEs
Code completion and code insight
Resource Management
Debugging tools
Less time to build project.
Easier Project Management
14. List of IDEs
IDE is one of the most important part tools in a developers kit.
The most popular IDEs for Ruby are following:
IntelliJs RubyMine
15. Using Eclipse
Eclipse provides support for Ruby with Ruby
Development Tools (RDT) plug-in.
Allows navigation of Ruby files within a Ruby project.
16. Hello World with Eclipse
Create a file with a .rb extension in eclipse after downloading
RDT plugin.
Use the puts statement to print out Hello World in the console.
17. Script Structure
Blocks and functions are one of the many important parts of a
Ruby script.
Keeping with Rubys object-oriented design, the functions are
called methods in Ruby.
Defined with the def keyword
Return keyword can be used to explicitly return a value.
Value of the last line executed is returned if return not
Accepts default value for arguments as well as variable
length arguments.
Any code surrounded by {} are blocks in Ruby. But blocks are
more powerful than just that.
They are also everything inside doend part in Ruby
They are also used to construct Proc objects.
They can be passed to methods as arguments. One per
Yield keyword used inside methods to evaluate a block.
18. Reserved Words
Ruby has some reserved words which cant be used as
Some of the reserved words in Ruby v2.1.0 are :
19. Naming Identifiers
Identifiers name can be made up of alphanumeric characters
and underscores but cannot start with a digit.
Identifiers name length is only limited by a computers memory,
otherwise no restrictions.
Identifiers which are method names can end with a question
mark, equals sign or exclamation mark.
Reserved words cannot be used as identifiers.
Single line comments start with a # character to the end of the
Tocomment several lines of code, you can use the # symbolat
the start of each line. But this will be inconvenient. A better
approach is to use the Ruby multiline comment feature.
This is done by using the =begin and =end tags at the start
of the lines you wish to comment.
Every statement between these tags is considered a
21. What is Datatype
Datatypes are the types of things that are used to represent
data in a programming language.
Literals are the values we assign to a variable.
Ruby supports various data types:
Literals include:
Booleans and nil
Regular expressions
22. Numbers
Numbers consist of two main data types. Integer and Floats.
Integers are number with no decimal place. They are objects in
10/3 will yield 3 instead of 3.333 since both of the numbers
are integers.
Since they are objects, they have methods defined onto
them e.g. 3.times {block}
Floats are numbers with decimal places.
10.0/3 will yield 3.333 since one of the numbers is a float.
23. Strings
Since everything is an object in Ruby, strings are also objects
belonging to the class String.
Simplest string literals are enclosed by single quotes.
String literals can also contain Ruby variables through
expression substitution.
Strings can also be concatenated in Ruby through multiple ways.
The plus operator (+) is one of the methods.
Every time a string literal is used for assignment, a new String
object is formed.
A lot of methods are defined on String objects:
One can even open the String class at runtime and define their
own methods for the String class.
24. Boolean
Booleans in ruby, just like any other programming language can
just take one of these two values:
They are used to branch out our code according to conditionals.
Booleans in ruby are different from truthy and falsey values.
25. Time
Time class represents dates and times in Ruby. Storing dates and
time in string literals is bad and not recommended at all.
There are minor differences between Time and DateTime in
DateTime has minor understanding of time zones and no
concept of daylight time savings.
DateTime has no concept of leap seconds.
26. Nil
Nil is an object in Ruby too.
nil.class actually returns NilClass.
5.nil? and nil.nil? are valid Ruby statements.
Object_id of nil equals 4 as nil is a singleton instance of NilClass.
27. Constants
Constants start with capital letters. Foo is a constant while
foo isnt.
Ruby allows you to redefine and modify the value of constants
but gives a warning during redefining.
Constants can be frozen by using method freeze on constants
which will not allow modification of constants.
Ruby has some predefined constants too:
28. Variables
Local variables name begins with a lowercase letter or
Accessible from within the blocks of its initialization.
Scope ends when the function returns.
Instance variables name begin with @ symbol.
They belong to an instance. Each instance has its own
Uninitialized instance variables are nil by default.
They are not passed along the inheritance chain.
Class variables belong to the class unlike instance variables
They are denoted by @@ syntax.
Class variables shared by all descendents of the class.
Act like global variable visible just in the inheritance tree.
Global variables start with a $ symbol. They can be accessed
anywhere in the program during runtime.
Pseudo variables are predefined and we cannot assign values to
them. Some of these are :
29. Single Quotes
Single quoted strings cannot be interpolated.
Single quoted strings cant be used for expression substitution.
Single quoted strings are not subject to escape sequences except
for escaping single quotes themselves.
%q is shorthand syntax to generate single quoted string literals.
30. Double Quotes
Double quoted strings can be interpolated.
Expression substitution can be performed with double quoted
string literals.
They are subject to escaping sequences.
%Q is shorthand syntax for double quoted strings.
31. Escaping sequences
Some of the escape sequences used inside double quoted string
literals are:
double quote
- single backlash
b backspace
n newline
s space
t tab
32. Assignment (Reference vs value)
String assignment (a = hello) always creates new object_ids.
String assignment (b = a) always stores reference of string
Assigning new value to either aor b wont affect each others
Usage of methods like gsub! on one string will affect the value of
other one since it will change the value present at the reference.
33. Interpolation
Interpolation allows Ruby code to appear within a string.
Expression can be any valid Ruby code.
Interpolation requires double-quoted string literals.
Automatically calls to_s on the result.
34. Here document
Here document is constructed by << symbolfollowed by the
identifier marking end of the document.
End mark is called terminator.
Here documents are interpolated unless single quotes are used
around the delimiter.
Multiple here documents can be used together too.
35. String methods
Strings have a lot of methods defined onto them.
Some of the methods are :
capitalize returns the string with first character in upper
upcase returns the string with lowercase letters replaced
with their uppercase counterparts.
downcase returns the string with uppercase letters
replaced with their lowercase counterparts.
split divides string into substrings based on delimiter and
returns an array.
hash sums up the characters in a string.
sum returns a n-bit checksum of the characters in string.
36. What are collection types
Collections types are the data types which can hold more than
one item.
The most used collection types in Ruby are:
Arrays hold items against an index with random access.
Hashes hold items in key/value pairs.
37. Arrays
Arrays can hold different data types in Ruby. A single array can
consist of strings, integers and even booleans.
Arrays are indexed by a non-negative integer when accessed
from start.
Negative integer index accesses the array from the last.
38. Creating Arrays
Arrays can be created in two ways:
array = []
String splitting
In all of the cases, a new array object is constructed in memory
possessing an object_id.
%w delimiter is used to convert single or double quoted string
literals into arrays.
Splitting a string with a delimiter converts strings into arrays.
39. Adding values to arrays
There is more than one way to add a value in an array object.
<< syntax
push method
<< and push adds elements to the end of array.
Unshift method adds elements to the start of the array
Insert method can be used to add element at any index.
40. Ranges
Arrays can be accessed through range of indexes too e.g a[1..3]
Range has a start point and an end point separated by double
periods or triple periods.
The end position is counted with double periods but omitted
with tripe periods.
41. Useful Array Methods
Array objects have a lot of handful method defined unto
each iterates over a collection with an iterator
variable holding enumerable value one by one.
each_with_index iterates over a collection with two
iterator variables representing the enumerable and
the index of the enumerable respectively.
map is same as each except it returns the modified
enumerable unlike each which returns the original
collect is same as map. More like an alias fofor map.
sample chooses a random element(s) from an array.
permutation yields all permutations for n element of
an array.
flatten extracts all the elements of an array which
itself are an array into a new array.
42. Hash
Hash is a way to store a collection of data in key/value
A key can only appear once in a hash.
The keys can be strings, symbols or even integers. Mostly,
strings and symbols are preferred.
43. Creating Hash
Hashes can be constructed in two ways:
Explicitly declaring the hash with curly braces {}
The value of hash when not initialized is {}.
The default value of a hash can be specified when by passing a
parameter to This sets the default value
to greeting.
44. Subscripting with symbols
Ruby symbol is an internal representation of the name.
Ruby symbols have the same object_id throughout the
application unlike strings which represent different objects with
same literals.
They are only initialized once.
They dont store values or objects.
After Ruby 2.2.0, symbols can now be garbage collected too.
Symbol.all_symbols results in all the symbols predefined in
Ruby other than the ones we create.
45. Useful Hash Methods
Hashes are equipped with some very handy methods:
mergecombines one hash with other.
each iterates over a hash providing a key and value against
it as iterator variables.
has_keys?checks if a hash contains key(s).
46. Arithmetic Operators
Ruby has all the basic arithmetic operators
+ Adds the values on both sides of it.
- Substracts the value on the right of the operator from the
one of the left.
* Multiplies the operands.
/ Divides the number on left by the number on right of it.
% - Modulus operator. Gives the remainder of a division
** - Exponent operator. 2**3 i.e 8
47. Relational Operators
Relational operators are constructs that define relationship
between two entities.
== checks the equality of left and right side variables.
!== checks if the left and right side are not equal.
> checks if the left side is greater than the right side.
< checks if the left side is smaller than the right side.
>= checks if the left side is greater than or equal to right
<= checks if the left side is smaller than or equal to the right
<=> is called the spaceship operator. It returns 0, -1, 1 after
comparing the left value to the right value. If equal, it
returns 0. If left is greater then right, it returns 1. If left
smaller then right, it returns -1. It returns nil otherwise.
=== checks for equality of value and type of the operands.
48. Logical Operators
Logical operators are more commonly called Boolean operators.
and, or, not are logical operators and each of them come in two
and, &&
or and ||
not and !
The latter versions of each of them have higher precedence than
their former part.
49. Assignment Operators
Operators used to assign new value to a variable.
= (a = 5 assigns a value to a variable)
+= (a+=3 equals a = a+3)
-= (a-= 3 equals a = a-3)
*= (a*=3 equals a = a*3)
/= (a/=3 equals a = a/3)
%= (a%=3 equals a = a%3)
**= (a**=3 equals a = a**3)
||= (a||=b will assign a to b only if a is undefined or nil)
Ruby lets you assign multiple variables at once. Supports
multiple assignment e.g a,b = 3,4.
Parallel assignment works by comparing the left hand side, also
called the receiving side, to the right-hand side.
50. What is Branching
Conditional branching takes the result of an expression and
further executes code based on whether the result of expression
is true or false.
There are many control structures that provide such branching
51. If expression
If expressions execute code based on the Boolean value provided
to if condition.
If expression is terminated by the end statement.
If expression is one of the most basic element and control
structure often used for branching inside a script.
If expression can be written in one line if followed by a then
If expression is evaluated on basis of a true-or-false values.
In Rubys context, true and false is a boolean, but there are some
other truthy and falsey values that can be used to evaluate an if
Only nil and false will evaluate to false in an if expression in
52. If-else statement
The else case of the if-else statement executes when if clause
evaluates to false.
So the else case will only be considered when if case evaluates to
53. If-elsif-else expression
The elsif and else blocks give you further control over your code
since it accommodates further tests.
There is no limit on the number of elsif blocks but the if and else
block can only be one.
54. Short-if expression
Short-if statement is a space-saving short way of evaluating an
expression and returning a value.
The syntax is :
(condition)? (expression if true) : (expression if false)
Also referred to as ternary operator.
Shortened if statements can also be written as:
puts hello if a == 0
55. Case expression
Case is an alternative to the aforementioned if-elsif-else
You give an expression to a case keyword and evaluate the
choices in the when keyword.
The statement when can be supplied with more than
one value.
When can also be evaluated against string
computation and regular expressions.
The else keyword can be used as a default value
provider for the case expression in the end.
56. While loop
It starts with the while keyword and ends with end keyword.
The code block in between will keep on executing as long
as the expression provided to while statement evaluates to
The while loop can shortened too.
<code> while <expression>
57. Until loop
Until statement has the exact same syntax as the aforementioned
while loop.
Until and while loops are same in functionality except that until
loop runs as long as the expression evaluates to false.
58. For loop
For loop is provided with an expression which can be iterated
over. The expression can be a string, range or an array.
for is just syntax sugar for each method, the only difference
being the scope of the iterator variable after the block ends.
It will throw an exception if the expression provided evaluates to
Loop modifiers
59. Loop modifiers are constructs that can alter the normal flow of a
Some of the loop modifiers are:
break alters the normal flow of a loop by breaking out of the
entire loop on some condition.
redo repeates the current iteration on some condition
next immediately continues to the next iteration in the loop on
some condition.
60. Iterators are methods supported by collection objects.
They return all the elements of the collection, one after the other.
Most common type of iterators are :
Numerical iterators iterate on a number and the code block gets
executed that number times.
String iterators iterate on a string literal.
Collection iterators iterate on collection objects.