The document appears to be a yearbook from PAL (Presumably a program) from the 2014-2015 year. It lists the names of various elementary schools and programs including Escandon Elementary, Fields Elementary, and Special Ed. It then asks students questions about what they learned about themselves, any regrets, and their fondest memories from the year.
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Thanks for a
Great Year
PAL 2014-15
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5. What will you take with you that you learned about
yourself or that made you a better person?
• You can make anyone happy/smile
6. What is one thing that you may regret, that you wanted to do
differently, or that you struggled with?
• Take more pictures!
• Get to know my kids faster
7. What have been your fondest memories and/or experiences
this year, what will you take with you?
• The times we all spent together outside of school
• The bond we have with each other