Gambier is the dried aqueous extract of leaves and young twigs of Uncaria gambier, a plant from the Rubiaceae family. It is sourced from several Southeast Asian countries. Macroscopically, gambier has a cuboidal shape, reddish-brown color, and an astringent taste. It contains several chemicals including catechin, catechu tannic acid, catechu red, quercetin, and gambier fluorescein. A chemical test identifies gambier fluorescein by producing a green fluorescent color when reacted with sodium hydroxide and petrolium ether. Gambier is used as an astringent and in industries like leather, fabric dyeing due
5. Preparation procedure:
Leaves & twigs are collected & boiled with
Extract is filtered & cooled.
During cooling semi solid pasty mass
Placed in different dies.
Alcoholic extract of Gambier
Filtered then collect the filtrate
To the filtrate add NaOH with shaking
Petrolium ether is added & stands for few
Green colour fluorescence is observed
8. USES:
I. Used as Astringent.
II. Source of tannic acid
III. Used in Leather & Fabric industry
IV. Used in dyeing industry