This document summarizes a study that constructed a global dataset of paleoshoreline positions throughout most of the Cretaceous period (76-140 million years ago) to ground-truth dynamic topography models. The researchers reverse engineered paleogeographic maps to develop time-dependent paleoshorelines and compared them to fossil records and literature. They analyzed changes in shoreline positions over time to quantify subsidence and uplift, helping constrain vertical motions of tectonic plates and blocks. This dataset can be used to evaluate models of mantle convection and surface dynamics throughout the Cretaceous.
The document discusses methods for stabilizing slopes through terracing or constructing benches. Specifically, it describes:
1) Building benches or flat areas into slopes to break them up into smaller slopes and improve stability. Dimensions of typical benches are mentioned.
2) Modifying the slope geometry, such as through controlled excavation, to redistribute forces and create a more stable configuration.
3) The purpose of benches is to slow water flow, drain water away from slopes, and prevent erosion and scouring that can destabilize slopes. Proper bench design and drainage is important for stability.
Somnath soni (iit ism) dhanbad presentation vphepSomnath Soni
The document provides details about the Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project (VPHEP) being constructed in Chamoli district, Uttarakhand. It includes construction of a 65m high diversion dam and underground powerhouse complex. A study was conducted to determine the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) of the rock mass to define appropriate rock support systems for the tunnels. Based on the RMR classification and characteristics of the rock mass, various support systems like rock bolting, steel fibre reinforced shotcrete, steel ribs and lattice girders have been proposed. Joint data was also collected and 3D geological mapping was conducted for future reference.
e-SOTER Regional pilot platform as EU contribution to a Global Soil Observing...FAO
This presentation was made during the GSP/E-SOTER Global Soil Information workshop that took place at the FAO HQ, Rome , Italy from 20-23 March 2012. This presentation was made on the second day by Ulrich Schuler, and it presents a new classification of soil parent material.
Outlook for the coke market in 2010 & onward [Met Coke 2009]Smithers Apex
- Market prices for different coke grades
- Coke battery closures in 2008-9 and their future impact on the market
- Future Chinese policy on exports
- Coke demand outlook
Andrew Jones, Analyst, RESOURCE-NET, Belgium
This document describes research on fabricating and testing an artificial ion pump using microfluidic and nanofluidic devices. The devices contain microchannels and nanochannels etched into glass slides. Electrolyte solutions containing different ions are flowed through the channels and voltages are applied to gates over the nanochannels to regulate ion transport. Variables tested include ion type, concentration, and alternating current versus direct current gate voltages. The experiments aim to better understand ion transport at the nanoscale and develop technologies for applications like water purification and drug delivery.
The Mercedes-Benz "Concept IAA" is a concept car that transforms between an aerodynamic mode and design mode. In aerodynamic mode, various body parts extend and adjust to achieve a world record Cd value of 0.19. The interior continues the design of Mercedes' other models with flowing lines, high quality materials, and touch-based controls. The concept car previews future Mercedes vehicles by demonstrating new aerodynamic technologies and an increasingly digitized development process.
TechEd 2010: SQL Server com Foco em Diagn¨®stico de DesempenhoFabr¨ªcio Catae
O documento discute diagn¨®stico de desempenho no SQL Server, abordando altos consumos de CPU, waits e locks. ? apresentada uma metodologia para identificar a causa do alto consumo de CPU analisando logs e planos de execu??o de queries. Wait statistics s?o explicadas como forma de identificar gargalos como I/O e log writes. Problemas de travamento s?o discutidos, com foco em compatibilidade e hierarquia de locks.
This document contains information about various architectural projects designed by Alejandro Del Pino Alia, including:
1. A project to renovate an existing food market square in Spain, incorporating new uses and providing a public space.
2. A center for alternative and complementary medicine linked to student housing.
3. A structure for thermal baths connecting a port to an old town.
4. A cultural center in Tangier dedicated to studying the artist Matisse.
5. A reimagining of the concept of a university residence as a space connecting students.
This document is an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Business Immigration program. It requests information from the principal applicant such as personal details, family information, education/work history, language ability, financial details, and a declaration of truthfulness. The form must be completed by the principal applicant only for their family members to be considered under the application.
5. factores series uniformes (p a) (a p) (f a) y (af)tatyanasaltos
1) El documento explica los factores para series uniformes, incluyendo factores para valor presente (P/A) y recuperaci¨®n de capital (A/P), as¨ª como factores para fondo de amortizaci¨®n (A/F) y cantidad compuesta (F/A).
2) Estos factores permiten calcular el valor presente P de una serie uniforme A, o viceversa, as¨ª como el fondo de amortizaci¨®n A de un valor futuro F, o viceversa.
3) Las f¨®rmulas para los factores se derivan considerando cada flujo de efectivo como un valor futuro
The document provides information about exploring career possibilities in the emerging green economy. It discusses what a green economy and green jobs are, as well as sustainability and emerging markets. The document then outlines a career certification program called Transitioning to Green Careers that helps participants develop green career plans, enhance skills, and find green jobs or start green businesses.
Form is one of the seven art elements and refers to a three-dimensional geometrical figure. It differs from shape in that it encloses volume with width, height, and depth, whereas a shape only has width and height as it is two-dimensional. The document provides biographical details of the influential American photographer Edward Weston, noting his early interest in photography, portrait work, move to California, and shift in later years to photographing close-up images of natural forms and textures like shells and vegetables in high detail. Weston is credited with making the commonplace unusual through his artistic photography.
This document contains information about various architectural projects designed by Alejandro Del Pino Alia, including:
1. A project to renovate an existing food market square in Spain, incorporating new uses and providing a public space.
2. A center for alternative and complementary medicine linked to student housing.
3. A structure for thermal baths connecting a port to an old town.
4. A cultural center in Tangier dedicated to studying the artist Matisse.
5. A reimagining of the concept of a university residence as a space connecting students.
This document is an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Business Immigration program. It requests information from the principal applicant such as personal details, family information, education/work history, language ability, financial details, and a declaration of truthfulness. The form must be completed by the principal applicant only for their family members to be considered under the application.
5. factores series uniformes (p a) (a p) (f a) y (af)tatyanasaltos
1) El documento explica los factores para series uniformes, incluyendo factores para valor presente (P/A) y recuperaci¨®n de capital (A/P), as¨ª como factores para fondo de amortizaci¨®n (A/F) y cantidad compuesta (F/A).
2) Estos factores permiten calcular el valor presente P de una serie uniforme A, o viceversa, as¨ª como el fondo de amortizaci¨®n A de un valor futuro F, o viceversa.
3) Las f¨®rmulas para los factores se derivan considerando cada flujo de efectivo como un valor futuro
The document provides information about exploring career possibilities in the emerging green economy. It discusses what a green economy and green jobs are, as well as sustainability and emerging markets. The document then outlines a career certification program called Transitioning to Green Careers that helps participants develop green career plans, enhance skills, and find green jobs or start green businesses.
Form is one of the seven art elements and refers to a three-dimensional geometrical figure. It differs from shape in that it encloses volume with width, height, and depth, whereas a shape only has width and height as it is two-dimensional. The document provides biographical details of the influential American photographer Edward Weston, noting his early interest in photography, portrait work, move to California, and shift in later years to photographing close-up images of natural forms and textures like shells and vegetables in high detail. Weston is credited with making the commonplace unusual through his artistic photography.
Authors: Lune Gene YEO, Christian HEINE, Dietmar M?LLER Contact: LUNE.YEO@SYDNEY.EDU.AU
Institution: EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney:2006 NSW, Australia
Abstract 90Ma Terrestrial paleoenvironment biota Model G1 paleoshorelines
The topography of the Earth¡¯s surface is subject to constant change due to tectonic, surface processes and Marine paleoenvironment biota Model G1 possible paleoshorelines
mantle-driven vertical motions. While the effects of mantle convection can be approximated via Model B2 paleoshorelines
convection models, there is a lack of temporally and spatially consistent resolution data at global scale to
ground-truth these models. We reverse-engineered data from independent sets of paleogeographic maps
using the GPlates software to construct a set of time-dependent, global and reconstructable Outside scope of study
paleoshorelines for most of the Cretaceous (76-140Ma). Within this framework, we then verify the
paleoshorelines against a community fossil database, and comparisons with published literature. Using
this unified dataset, we compute the amount of change in the lateral shoreline position between individual
time-steps to derive spatio-temporal patterns of relative subsidence and uplift. By taking stable cratonic
blocks as our geographic base reference, we derive the tilting of these blocks and compare changes in
land area for throughout the Cretaceous with published paleoshoreline models. Any given set of
paleoshorelines can be reconstructed using alternative relative and/or absolute plate kinematic models.
We aim to construct a data model and workflow framework which allows for future ground-truthing of
surface dynamic topography models. Ultimately these models may include mantle convection-driven
effects on topography as well as lithospheric extension/compression and eustatic sea level effects.
Notes Figure 1. 90Ma global paleoshorelines rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
? We obtained our main paleoshoreline dataset (Model G ) by reverse engineering published from Model G1 and Model B2, with well data from an community fossil database3
paleogeographic maps1 which was compared mainly with Model B2
? Our study is currently focused on relatively stable continental interiors (which better record deep earth
signals than deforming regions) including Australia, Africa, Antarctica and the Americas
Between 90Ma and 105Ma
Methodology Example data in map view
Reverse-engineering published
paleogeographic maps1 to obtain Model G1 90Ma
Outside scope of study paleoshorelines
paleoshorelines (Model G) and relative
uplift/subsidence maps Model G1 90Ma
possible paleoshorelines
Paleogeographic Maps
Model G1 105Ma
Delayer and
georeference maps, Model G1 105Ma
then extract paleoshorelines
Figure 2. Global distribution of relative uplift and Subsidence
¡°Cookie-cut¡± subsidence between 90 and 105Ma . Paleoshorelines are
paleoshorelines and rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
assign to tectonic plates;
then rotate to present day
140Ma ¨C Model G rotation file 140Ma ¨C Model SUB (Subduction
Reverse-engineered paleoshorelines reference frame) rotation file
in present day coordinates
Present day closed plate
Difference maps
(relative uplift/subsidence) 140Ma paleoshorelines from
model G1
Between 76 and 90Ma
Figure 1. Present day Model G closed plate polygons1 reconstructed to 140Ma (top figures)
Figure 4. Comparison of land area by continent and 140Ma paleo-shorelines1 assigned to different tectonic plates, reconstructed using
throughout time between our extracted different rotation files: Model G for figures on the left, Model SUB for figures at right. The
paleoshorelines (model G1) and model B2 different colours denote areas covered by different tectonic plates
Australia paleoshorelines
30000000 West Gondwana = Africa and South America Model G1 81-58Ma paleoshorelines Geoscience Australia : Frake5:
white-blue ¨C marine;
Area (km sq)
25000000 Model G 1 present day shorelines shaded - land
yellow-brown - land
Australia- Australia 20000000
Antarctica- 15000000
150 130 110 90 70
Shale (65Ma)
North America South America
Sandstone (65-80Ma)
40000000 20000000 Carbonates (65-74Ma)
Area (km sq)
Area (km sq)
30000000 15000000 Figure 5. Australian paleoshorelines at 81-58Ma from model G1 (left) with well data (source
20000000 10000000 classified), Geoscience Australia4 at 66-76Ma (middle) and Frake5 at 65.5-89.3Ma (right).
Paleoshorelines are rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
10000000 5000000
0 0
Variations in Paleoshorelines
150 130 110 90 70 110 100 90 80 70 ? Paleoshoreline models examined cover a time range of a 2nd order sea level change (>5Ma6)
? Geographic variation in timing of transgressions and regressions, the accuracy of biostratigraphic
Age Age
correlations, post depositional erosion and the fact that marine rocks often grade through marginal
marine to non-marine rocks are also considerations
? Different interpretations of paleoshorelines and tectonic plate movements also exist (e.g. Different
Africa West Gondwana timings for Africa-South America divergence between Model G1 and B2 (Figure 4) and Different timings
40,000,000 47000000 for Africa-South America divergence between Model G and Frake¡¯s model (Figure 5)
Area (km sq)
Area (km sq)
30,000,000 References
45500000 1. Golonka, J., Krobicki, M., Paj?k, J., Van Giang, N. & Zuchiewicz, W. Global Plate Tectonics and
10,000,000 Paleogeography of Southeast Asia. (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection,
AGH University of Science and Technology, Arkadia, 2006).
0 44500000 2. Smith, A. G., Smith, D.G., Funnell, B.M. Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. (Cambridge
110 100 90 80 70 160 140 120 100 University Press, 1994).
Age Age 3. Paleobiology Database (ed Paleobiology Database group) (2011).
4. Yeung, M. J. B., M. (ed Geoscience Australia) (Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 2009).
Africa diverges from South Africa diverges from South 5. Frakes, L. et al. Australian Cretaceous shorelines, stage by stage. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology,
America after 105Ma (Model B) America after 126Ma (Model G) palaeoecology 59, 31-48 (1987).
6. Haq, B. U. & Schutter, S. R. A chronology of Paleozoic sea-level changes. Science 322, 64 (2008).
Authors: Lune Gene YEO, Christian HEINE, Dietmar M?LLER Contact: LUNE.YEO@SYDNEY.EDU.AU
Institution: EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney:2006 NSW, Australia
Abstract 140Ma ¨C Model G rotation file 140Ma ¨C Model SUB (Subduction
The topography of the Earth's surface is subject to constant change due to tectonic, surface processes and reference frame) rotation file
mantle-driven vertical motions. However, determining the individual contributions of different
mechanisms for vertical motion change through geological history from the sedimentary record is
Present day closed plate
extremely difficult due to a missing absolute reference base level. We reverse-engineered data from
independent sets of paleogeographic maps using the GPlates software to construct a set of time-dependent,
global paleoshorelines from the for most of the Cretaceous (76-140Ma). Within this framework, we then
verify the paleoshorelines against a community fossil database, and comparisons with published literature.
We compute the amount of change in the lateral shoreline position between individual time-steps to derive
spatio-temporal patterns of relative subsidence and uplift. By taking stable cratonic blocks as our
geographic base reference, we derive the tilting of these blocks and compare changes in land area for
throughout the Cretaceous with published paleoshoreline models. Based on the amount of change, we 140Ma paleoshorelines from
identify potential basins in Australia to be queried in greater detail using additional data in further studies. model G
Any given set of paleoshorelines can be reconstructed using alternative relative and/or absolute plate
kinematic models. We aim to construct a data model and workflow framework which allows for future
ground-truthing of surface dynamic topography models. Ultimately these models may include mantle Figure 1. Present day Model G closed plate polygons1 reconstructed to 140Ma (top figures)
convection-driven effects on topography as well as lithospheric extension/compression and eustatic sea and 140Ma paleo-shorelines1 assigned to different tectonic plates, reconstructed using
level effects. different rotation files: Model G for figures on the left, Model SUB for figures at right. The
different colours denote areas covered by different tectonic plates
? We obtained our main paleoshoreline dataset (Model G ) by reverse engineering published Between 76Ma and 90Ma
paleogeographic maps1 which was compared mainly with Model B2
? Our study is currently focused on relatively stable continental interiors (which better record deep earth
signals than deforming regions) including Australia, Africa, Antarctica and the Americas Outside scope
of study
Methodology Example data in map view
Reverse-engineering published
paleogeographic maps1 to obtain
paleoshorelines (Model G) and relative
uplift/subsidence maps
Sandstone (65-83Ma)
Paleogeographic Maps Carbonates (65-74Ma)
Shale (65Ma)
Delayer and
georeference maps, Between 90Ma and 105Ma
then extract
Reverse-engineered Outside scope
paleoshorelines of study
paleoshorelines and
assign to tectonic plates;
then rotate to present day
Sandstone (97Ma)
Reverse-engineered paleoshorelines Shale (97Ma)
in present day coordinates Extrusive igneous (97Ma)
Mudstone (95Ma)
Between 105Ma and 126Ma
Outside scope
Difference maps of study
(relative uplift/subsidence)
Between 76 and 90Ma Is attached as
one landmass
(126Ma only)
Figure 4. Comparison of land area by continent Is attached as
throughout time between our extracted Sandstone (112-125Ma)
one landmass
paleoshorelines (model G1) and model B2
Australia paleoshorelines
30000000 West Gondwana = Africa and South America
Area (km sq)
25000000 Between 126Ma and 140Ma
Australia- Australia 20000000
Antarctica- 15000000
10000000 Outside scope
5000000 of study
150 130 110 90 70
Age Is attached
as one
Is attached as Sandstone (132-135Ma)
North America South America one landmass
40000000 20000000
Area (km sq)
Area (km sq)
30000000 15000000
Model G later paleoshorelines Model G earlier paleoshorelines
20000000 10000000 Model G later possible paleoshorelines Model G earlier paleoshorelines
10000000 5000000 Uplift Subsidence
0 0 Figure 2. Global distribution of relative uplift and subsidence throughout the Cretaceous.
150 130 110 90 70 110 100 90 80 70 Paleoshorelines are rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
Age Age
Potential for more detailed examination (from Figure 2)
? Basin histories may be queried in further detail at basin level using more data
Africa West Gondwana (e.g.: well, seismic) for comparison with uplift/subsidence distributions
47000000 above. Some potential study areas in Australia (see inset figures of Australia
in Figure 2 and map of basins in Northwest Australia on right) include:
Area (km sq)
Area (km sq)
30,000,000 o Browse basin ¨C is the uplift between 105 and 90Ma due to higher sediment
46000000 deposition rates or tectonic inversion?
45500000 o Bonaparte basin ¨C does the subsidence between 140 and 126Ma and the
10,000,000 45000000 subsequent uplift from 105Ma correspond to tectonic or sedimentary
44500000 influence?
o Are any of these vertical changes in topography due to deep earth influences?
110 100 90 80 70 160 140 120 100
Age Age References
1 Golonka, J., Krobicki, M., Paj?k, J., Van Giang, N. & Zuchiewicz, W. Global Plate Tectonics and
Africa diverges from South Africa diverges from South Paleogeography of Southeast Asia. (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental
America after 105Ma (Model B) America after 126Ma (Model G) Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Arkadia, 2006).
2 Smith, A. G., Smith, D.G., Funnell, B.M. Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. (Cambridge
University Press, 1994).