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                             Authors: Lune Gene YEO, Christian HEINE, Dietmar M?LLER              Contact: LUNE.YEO@SYDNEY.EDU.AU
                             Institution: EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney:2006 NSW, Australia

Abstract                                                                                                                                90Ma        Terrestrial paleoenvironment biota                   Model G1 paleoshorelines
The topography of the Earth¡¯s surface is subject to constant change due to tectonic, surface processes and                                           Marine paleoenvironment biota                       Model G1 possible paleoshorelines
mantle-driven vertical motions. While the effects of mantle convection can be approximated via                                                                                                           Model B2 paleoshorelines
convection models, there is a lack of temporally and spatially consistent resolution data at global scale to
ground-truth these models. We reverse-engineered data from independent sets of paleogeographic maps
using the GPlates software to construct a set of time-dependent, global and reconstructable                                                                                   Outside scope of study
paleoshorelines for most of the Cretaceous (76-140Ma). Within this framework, we then verify the
paleoshorelines against a community fossil database, and comparisons with published literature. Using
this unified dataset, we compute the amount of change in the lateral shoreline position between individual
time-steps to derive spatio-temporal patterns of relative subsidence and uplift. By taking stable cratonic
blocks as our geographic base reference, we derive the tilting of these blocks and compare changes in
land area for throughout the Cretaceous with published paleoshoreline models. Any given set of
paleoshorelines can be reconstructed using alternative relative and/or absolute plate kinematic models.
We aim to construct a data model and workflow framework which allows for future ground-truthing of
surface dynamic topography models. Ultimately these models may include mantle convection-driven
effects on topography as well as lithospheric extension/compression and eustatic sea level effects.

Notes                                                                                                                                    Figure 1. 90Ma global paleoshorelines rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
? We obtained our main paleoshoreline dataset (Model G ) by reverse engineering published                                                from Model G1 and Model B2, with well data from an community fossil database3
  paleogeographic maps1 which was compared mainly with Model B2
? Our study is currently focused on relatively stable continental interiors (which better record deep earth
  signals than deforming regions) including Australia, Africa, Antarctica and the Americas
                                                                                                                                         Between 90Ma and 105Ma
                  Methodology                                                   Example data in map view
         Reverse-engineering published
        paleogeographic maps1 to obtain                                                                                                                                                                               Model G1 90Ma
                                                                                                                                                                              Outside scope of study                  paleoshorelines
     paleoshorelines (Model G) and relative
             uplift/subsidence maps                                                                                                                                                                                   Model G1 90Ma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      possible paleoshorelines
                Paleogeographic Maps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Model G1 105Ma
                              Delayer and
                              georeference maps,                                                                                                                                                                       Model G1 105Ma
                              then extract                                                                                                                                                                             paleoshorelines
                                                                                                                                          Figure 2. Global distribution of relative uplift and                            Subsidence
                             ¡°Cookie-cut¡±                                                                                                 subsidence between 90 and 105Ma . Paleoshorelines are
                             paleoshorelines and                                                                                          rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
                             assign to tectonic plates;
                             then rotate to present day
                                                                                                                                         140Ma ¨C Model G rotation file      140Ma ¨C Model SUB (Subduction
      Reverse-engineered paleoshorelines                                                                                                                                    reference frame) rotation file
          in present day coordinates

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Present day closed plate

                  Difference maps
            (relative uplift/subsidence)                                                                                                                                                                        140Ma paleoshorelines from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                model G1
                                                                                        Between 76 and 90Ma

                                                                                                                                        Figure 1. Present day Model G closed plate polygons1 reconstructed to 140Ma (top figures)
                                                                         Figure 4. Comparison of land area by continent                 and 140Ma paleo-shorelines1 assigned to different tectonic plates, reconstructed using
                                                                         throughout time between our extracted                          different rotation files: Model G for figures on the left, Model SUB for figures at right. The
                                                                         paleoshorelines (model G1) and model B2                        different colours denote areas covered by different tectonic plates
                       Australia                                         paleoshorelines
                                        30000000                         West Gondwana = Africa and South America                          Model G1 81-58Ma paleoshorelines Geoscience Australia :                      Frake5:
                                                                                                                                                                            white-blue ¨C marine;
                                                         Area (km sq)

                                        25000000                                                                                           Model G 1 present day shorelines                                             shaded - land
                                                                                                                                                                            yellow-brown - land
                Australia-    Australia 20000000
    Antarctica-                         15000000
 150      130      110        90     70

                                                                                                                                          Shale (65Ma)
                   North America                                                        South America
                                                                                                                                          Sandstone (65-80Ma)
                                           40000000                                                          20000000                     Carbonates (65-74Ma)
                                                                                                                         Area (km sq)
                                                        Area (km sq)

                                           30000000                                                          15000000                   Figure 5. Australian paleoshorelines at 81-58Ma from model G1 (left) with well data (source
                                           20000000                                                          10000000                   classified), Geoscience Australia4 at 66-76Ma (middle) and Frake5 at 65.5-89.3Ma (right).
                                                                                                                                        Paleoshorelines are rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
                                           10000000                                                          5000000
                                           0                                                                 0
                                                                                                                                        Variations in Paleoshorelines
  150      130      110       90      70                                 110      100      90     80   70                               ? Paleoshoreline models examined cover a time range of a 2nd order sea level change (>5Ma6)
                                                                                                                                        ? Geographic variation in timing of transgressions and regressions, the accuracy of biostratigraphic
                    Age                                                                   Age
                                                                                                                                          correlations, post depositional erosion and the fact that marine rocks often grade through marginal
                                                                                                                                          marine to non-marine rocks are also considerations
                                                                                                                                        ? Different interpretations of paleoshorelines and tectonic plate movements also exist (e.g. Different
                             Africa                                                     West Gondwana                                     timings for Africa-South America divergence between Model G1 and B2 (Figure 4) and Different timings
                                           40,000,000                                                        47000000                     for Africa-South America divergence between Model G and Frake¡¯s model (Figure 5)
                                                                                                                        Area (km sq)
                                                          Area (km sq)

                                           30,000,000                                                                                    References
                                                                                                             45500000                    1. Golonka, J., Krobicki, M., Paj?k, J., Van Giang, N. & Zuchiewicz, W. Global Plate Tectonics and
                                           10,000,000                                                                                       Paleogeography of Southeast Asia. (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection,
                                                                                                                                            AGH University of Science and Technology, Arkadia, 2006).
                                           0                                                                 44500000                    2. Smith, A. G., Smith, D.G., Funnell, B.M. Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. (Cambridge
   110      100      90       80      70                                 160        140         120    100                                  University Press, 1994).
                    Age                                                                   Age                                            3. Paleobiology Database (ed Paleobiology Database group) (2011).
                                                                                                                                         4. Yeung, M. J. B., M. (ed Geoscience Australia) (Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 2009).
    Africa diverges from South                                                 Africa diverges from South                                5. Frakes, L. et al. Australian Cretaceous shorelines, stage by stage. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology,
    America after 105Ma (Model B)                                              America after 126Ma (Model G)                                palaeoecology 59, 31-48 (1987).
                                                                                                                                         6. Haq, B. U. & Schutter, S. R. A chronology of Paleozoic sea-level changes. Science 322, 64 (2008).
                         Authors: Lune Gene YEO, Christian HEINE, Dietmar M?LLER              Contact: LUNE.YEO@SYDNEY.EDU.AU
                         Institution: EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney:2006 NSW, Australia

Abstract                                                                                                                                 140Ma ¨C Model G rotation file       140Ma ¨C Model SUB (Subduction
The topography of the Earth's surface is subject to constant change due to tectonic, surface processes and                                                                   reference frame) rotation file
mantle-driven vertical motions. However, determining the individual contributions of different
mechanisms for vertical motion change through geological history from the sedimentary record is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Present day closed plate
extremely difficult due to a missing absolute reference base level. We reverse-engineered data from
independent sets of paleogeographic maps using the GPlates software to construct a set of time-dependent,
global paleoshorelines from the for most of the Cretaceous (76-140Ma). Within this framework, we then
verify the paleoshorelines against a community fossil database, and comparisons with published literature.
We compute the amount of change in the lateral shoreline position between individual time-steps to derive
spatio-temporal patterns of relative subsidence and uplift. By taking stable cratonic blocks as our
geographic base reference, we derive the tilting of these blocks and compare changes in land area for
throughout the Cretaceous with published paleoshoreline models. Based on the amount of change, we                                                                                                                 140Ma paleoshorelines from
identify potential basins in Australia to be queried in greater detail using additional data in further studies.                                                                                                  model G
Any given set of paleoshorelines can be reconstructed using alternative relative and/or absolute plate
kinematic models. We aim to construct a data model and workflow framework which allows for future
ground-truthing of surface dynamic topography models. Ultimately these models may include mantle                                        Figure 1. Present day Model G closed plate polygons1 reconstructed to 140Ma (top figures)
convection-driven effects on topography as well as lithospheric extension/compression and eustatic sea                                  and 140Ma paleo-shorelines1 assigned to different tectonic plates, reconstructed using
level effects.                                                                                                                          different rotation files: Model G for figures on the left, Model SUB for figures at right. The
                                                                                                                                        different colours denote areas covered by different tectonic plates
? We obtained our main paleoshoreline dataset (Model G ) by reverse engineering published                                                  Between 76Ma and 90Ma
  paleogeographic maps1 which was compared mainly with Model B2
? Our study is currently focused on relatively stable continental interiors (which better record deep earth
  signals than deforming regions) including Australia, Africa, Antarctica and the Americas                                                                                  Outside scope
                                                                                                                                                                            of study
                  Methodology                                                   Example data in map view
         Reverse-engineering published
        paleogeographic maps1 to obtain
     paleoshorelines (Model G) and relative
             uplift/subsidence maps
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sandstone (65-83Ma)
                Paleogeographic Maps                                                                                                                                                                          Carbonates (65-74Ma)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Shale (65Ma)
                              Delayer and
                              georeference maps,                                                                                             Between 90Ma and 105Ma
                              then extract
                  Reverse-engineered                                                                                                                                       Outside scope
                    paleoshorelines                                                                                                                                        of study

                             paleoshorelines and
                             assign to tectonic plates;
                             then rotate to present day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sandstone (97Ma)
      Reverse-engineered paleoshorelines                                                                                                                                                                        Shale (97Ma)
          in present day coordinates                                                                                                                                                                            Extrusive igneous (97Ma)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mudstone (95Ma)

                                                                                                                                             Between 105Ma and 126Ma

                                                                                                                                                                            Outside scope
                  Difference maps                                                                                                                                           of study
            (relative uplift/subsidence)
                                                                                        Between 76 and 90Ma                                                     Is attached as
                                                                                                                                                                one landmass
                                                                                                                                                                (126Ma only)
                                                                         Figure 4. Comparison of land area by continent                                                      Is attached as
                                                                         throughout time between our extracted                                                                                                   Sandstone (112-125Ma)
                                                                                                                                                                             one landmass
                                                                         paleoshorelines (model G1) and model B2
                       Australia                                         paleoshorelines
                                        30000000                         West Gondwana = Africa and South America
                                                         Area (km sq)

                                        25000000                                                                                              Between 126Ma and 140Ma
                Australia-    Australia 20000000
    Antarctica-                         15000000
                                        10000000                                                                                                                               Outside scope
                                        5000000                                                                                                                                of study
 150      130      110        90     70
                   Age                                                                                                                                             Is attached
                                                                                                                                                                   as one
                                                                                                                                                                              Is attached as                      Sandstone (132-135Ma)
                   North America                                                        South America                                                                         one landmass
                                           40000000                                                          20000000
                                                                                                                         Area (km sq)
                                                        Area (km sq)

                                           30000000                                                          15000000
                                                                                                                                                   Model G later paleoshorelines                          Model G earlier paleoshorelines
                                           20000000                                                          10000000                              Model G later possible paleoshorelines                 Model G earlier paleoshorelines
                                           10000000                                                          5000000                            Uplift           Subsidence
                                           0                                                                 0                           Figure 2. Global distribution of relative uplift and subsidence throughout the Cretaceous.
  150      130      110       90      70                                 110      100      90     80   70                                Paleoshorelines are rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions
                    Age                                                                   Age
                                                                                                                                        Potential for more detailed examination (from Figure 2)
                                                                                                                                        ? Basin histories may be queried in further detail at basin level using more data
                             Africa                                                     West Gondwana                                     (e.g.: well, seismic) for comparison with uplift/subsidence distributions
                                                                                                             47000000                     above. Some potential study areas in Australia (see inset figures of Australia
                                                                                                                                          in Figure 2 and map of basins in Northwest Australia on right) include:
                                                                                                                        Area (km sq)
                                                          Area (km sq)

                                           30,000,000                                                                                   o Browse basin ¨C is the uplift between 105 and 90Ma due to higher sediment
                                                                                                             46000000                     deposition rates or tectonic inversion?
                                                                                                             45500000                   o Bonaparte basin ¨C does the subsidence between 140 and 126Ma and the
                                           10,000,000                                                        45000000                     subsequent uplift from 105Ma correspond to tectonic or sedimentary
                                                                                                             44500000                     influence?
                                                                                                                                        o Are any of these vertical changes in topography due to deep earth influences?
   110      100      90       80      70                                 160        140         120    100
                    Age                                                                   Age                                           References
                                                                                                                                         1 Golonka, J., Krobicki, M., Paj?k, J., Van Giang, N. & Zuchiewicz, W. Global Plate Tectonics and
    Africa diverges from South                                                 Africa diverges from South                                  Paleogeography of Southeast Asia. (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental
    America after 105Ma (Model B)                                              America after 126Ma (Model G)                               Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Arkadia, 2006).
                                                                                                                                         2 Smith, A. G., Smith, D.G., Funnell, B.M. Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. (Cambridge
                                                                                                                                           University Press, 1994).

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Paleoshoreline Posters

  • 1. Title: GLOBAL PALEOGEOGRAPHIC DATASETS TO GROUND-TRUTH DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHY MODELS Authors: Lune Gene YEO, Christian HEINE, Dietmar M?LLER Contact: LUNE.YEO@SYDNEY.EDU.AU Institution: EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney:2006 NSW, Australia Abstract 90Ma Terrestrial paleoenvironment biota Model G1 paleoshorelines The topography of the Earth¡¯s surface is subject to constant change due to tectonic, surface processes and Marine paleoenvironment biota Model G1 possible paleoshorelines mantle-driven vertical motions. While the effects of mantle convection can be approximated via Model B2 paleoshorelines convection models, there is a lack of temporally and spatially consistent resolution data at global scale to ground-truth these models. We reverse-engineered data from independent sets of paleogeographic maps using the GPlates software to construct a set of time-dependent, global and reconstructable Outside scope of study paleoshorelines for most of the Cretaceous (76-140Ma). Within this framework, we then verify the paleoshorelines against a community fossil database, and comparisons with published literature. Using this unified dataset, we compute the amount of change in the lateral shoreline position between individual time-steps to derive spatio-temporal patterns of relative subsidence and uplift. By taking stable cratonic blocks as our geographic base reference, we derive the tilting of these blocks and compare changes in land area for throughout the Cretaceous with published paleoshoreline models. Any given set of paleoshorelines can be reconstructed using alternative relative and/or absolute plate kinematic models. We aim to construct a data model and workflow framework which allows for future ground-truthing of surface dynamic topography models. Ultimately these models may include mantle convection-driven effects on topography as well as lithospheric extension/compression and eustatic sea level effects. Notes Figure 1. 90Ma global paleoshorelines rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions ? We obtained our main paleoshoreline dataset (Model G ) by reverse engineering published from Model G1 and Model B2, with well data from an community fossil database3 paleogeographic maps1 which was compared mainly with Model B2 ? Our study is currently focused on relatively stable continental interiors (which better record deep earth signals than deforming regions) including Australia, Africa, Antarctica and the Americas Between 90Ma and 105Ma Methodology Example data in map view Reverse-engineering published paleogeographic maps1 to obtain Model G1 90Ma Outside scope of study paleoshorelines paleoshorelines (Model G) and relative uplift/subsidence maps Model G1 90Ma possible paleoshorelines Paleogeographic Maps Model G1 105Ma paleoshorelines Delayer and georeference maps, Model G1 105Ma then extract paleoshorelines paleoshorelines Reverse-engineered Uplift paleoshorelines Figure 2. Global distribution of relative uplift and Subsidence ¡°Cookie-cut¡± subsidence between 90 and 105Ma . Paleoshorelines are paleoshorelines and rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions assign to tectonic plates; then rotate to present day 140Ma ¨C Model G rotation file 140Ma ¨C Model SUB (Subduction Reverse-engineered paleoshorelines reference frame) rotation file in present day coordinates Present day closed plate polygons Difference maps (relative uplift/subsidence) 140Ma paleoshorelines from model G1 Between 76 and 90Ma Figure 1. Present day Model G closed plate polygons1 reconstructed to 140Ma (top figures) Figure 4. Comparison of land area by continent and 140Ma paleo-shorelines1 assigned to different tectonic plates, reconstructed using throughout time between our extracted different rotation files: Model G for figures on the left, Model SUB for figures at right. The paleoshorelines (model G1) and model B2 different colours denote areas covered by different tectonic plates Australia paleoshorelines 4 30000000 West Gondwana = Africa and South America Model G1 81-58Ma paleoshorelines Geoscience Australia : Frake5: white-blue ¨C marine; Area (km sq) 25000000 Model G 1 present day shorelines shaded - land yellow-brown - land Australia- Australia- Australia 20000000 Antarctica- 15000000 Antarctica India 10000000 5000000 0 150 130 110 90 70 Age Shale (65Ma) North America South America Sandstone (65-80Ma) 40000000 20000000 Carbonates (65-74Ma) Area (km sq) Area (km sq) 30000000 15000000 Figure 5. Australian paleoshorelines at 81-58Ma from model G1 (left) with well data (source 20000000 10000000 classified), Geoscience Australia4 at 66-76Ma (middle) and Frake5 at 65.5-89.3Ma (right). Paleoshorelines are rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions 10000000 5000000 0 0 Variations in Paleoshorelines 150 130 110 90 70 110 100 90 80 70 ? Paleoshoreline models examined cover a time range of a 2nd order sea level change (>5Ma6) ? Geographic variation in timing of transgressions and regressions, the accuracy of biostratigraphic Age Age correlations, post depositional erosion and the fact that marine rocks often grade through marginal marine to non-marine rocks are also considerations ? Different interpretations of paleoshorelines and tectonic plate movements also exist (e.g. Different Africa West Gondwana timings for Africa-South America divergence between Model G1 and B2 (Figure 4) and Different timings 40,000,000 47000000 for Africa-South America divergence between Model G and Frake¡¯s model (Figure 5) Area (km sq) Area (km sq) 46500000 30,000,000 References 46000000 20,000,000 45500000 1. Golonka, J., Krobicki, M., Paj?k, J., Van Giang, N. & Zuchiewicz, W. Global Plate Tectonics and 10,000,000 Paleogeography of Southeast Asia. (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, 45000000 AGH University of Science and Technology, Arkadia, 2006). 0 44500000 2. Smith, A. G., Smith, D.G., Funnell, B.M. Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. (Cambridge 110 100 90 80 70 160 140 120 100 University Press, 1994). Age Age 3. Paleobiology Database (ed Paleobiology Database group) (2011). 4. Yeung, M. J. B., M. (ed Geoscience Australia) (Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 2009). Africa diverges from South Africa diverges from South 5. Frakes, L. et al. Australian Cretaceous shorelines, stage by stage. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, America after 105Ma (Model B) America after 126Ma (Model G) palaeoecology 59, 31-48 (1987). 6. Haq, B. U. & Schutter, S. R. A chronology of Paleozoic sea-level changes. Science 322, 64 (2008).
  • 2. Abstract No.:189852 Title: ESTIMATING VERTICAL MOTIONS THROUGH TIME USING PALEOGEOGRAPHIES Authors: Lune Gene YEO, Christian HEINE, Dietmar M?LLER Contact: LUNE.YEO@SYDNEY.EDU.AU Institution: EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney:2006 NSW, Australia Abstract 140Ma ¨C Model G rotation file 140Ma ¨C Model SUB (Subduction The topography of the Earth's surface is subject to constant change due to tectonic, surface processes and reference frame) rotation file mantle-driven vertical motions. However, determining the individual contributions of different mechanisms for vertical motion change through geological history from the sedimentary record is Present day closed plate extremely difficult due to a missing absolute reference base level. We reverse-engineered data from polygons independent sets of paleogeographic maps using the GPlates software to construct a set of time-dependent, global paleoshorelines from the for most of the Cretaceous (76-140Ma). Within this framework, we then verify the paleoshorelines against a community fossil database, and comparisons with published literature. We compute the amount of change in the lateral shoreline position between individual time-steps to derive spatio-temporal patterns of relative subsidence and uplift. By taking stable cratonic blocks as our geographic base reference, we derive the tilting of these blocks and compare changes in land area for throughout the Cretaceous with published paleoshoreline models. Based on the amount of change, we 140Ma paleoshorelines from identify potential basins in Australia to be queried in greater detail using additional data in further studies. model G Any given set of paleoshorelines can be reconstructed using alternative relative and/or absolute plate kinematic models. We aim to construct a data model and workflow framework which allows for future ground-truthing of surface dynamic topography models. Ultimately these models may include mantle Figure 1. Present day Model G closed plate polygons1 reconstructed to 140Ma (top figures) convection-driven effects on topography as well as lithospheric extension/compression and eustatic sea and 140Ma paleo-shorelines1 assigned to different tectonic plates, reconstructed using level effects. different rotation files: Model G for figures on the left, Model SUB for figures at right. The different colours denote areas covered by different tectonic plates Notes ? We obtained our main paleoshoreline dataset (Model G ) by reverse engineering published Between 76Ma and 90Ma paleogeographic maps1 which was compared mainly with Model B2 ? Our study is currently focused on relatively stable continental interiors (which better record deep earth signals than deforming regions) including Australia, Africa, Antarctica and the Americas Outside scope of study Methodology Example data in map view Reverse-engineering published paleogeographic maps1 to obtain paleoshorelines (Model G) and relative uplift/subsidence maps Sandstone (65-83Ma) Paleogeographic Maps Carbonates (65-74Ma) Shale (65Ma) Delayer and georeference maps, Between 90Ma and 105Ma then extract paleoshorelines Reverse-engineered Outside scope paleoshorelines of study ¡°Cookie-cut¡± paleoshorelines and assign to tectonic plates; then rotate to present day Sandstone (97Ma) Reverse-engineered paleoshorelines Shale (97Ma) in present day coordinates Extrusive igneous (97Ma) Mudstone (95Ma) Between 105Ma and 126Ma Outside scope Difference maps of study (relative uplift/subsidence) Between 76 and 90Ma Is attached as one landmass (126Ma only) Figure 4. Comparison of land area by continent Is attached as throughout time between our extracted Sandstone (112-125Ma) one landmass paleoshorelines (model G1) and model B2 Australia paleoshorelines 30000000 West Gondwana = Africa and South America Area (km sq) 25000000 Between 126Ma and 140Ma Australia- Australia- Australia 20000000 Antarctica- 15000000 Antarctica India 10000000 Outside scope 5000000 of study 0 150 130 110 90 70 Age Is attached as one landmass Is attached as Sandstone (132-135Ma) North America South America one landmass 40000000 20000000 Area (km sq) Area (km sq) 30000000 15000000 Model G later paleoshorelines Model G earlier paleoshorelines 20000000 10000000 Model G later possible paleoshorelines Model G earlier paleoshorelines 10000000 5000000 Uplift Subsidence 0 0 Figure 2. Global distribution of relative uplift and subsidence throughout the Cretaceous. 150 130 110 90 70 110 100 90 80 70 Paleoshorelines are rotated to match present day tectonic plate positions Age Age Potential for more detailed examination (from Figure 2) ? Basin histories may be queried in further detail at basin level using more data Africa West Gondwana (e.g.: well, seismic) for comparison with uplift/subsidence distributions 47000000 above. Some potential study areas in Australia (see inset figures of Australia 40,000,000 in Figure 2 and map of basins in Northwest Australia on right) include: Area (km sq) Area (km sq) 46500000 30,000,000 o Browse basin ¨C is the uplift between 105 and 90Ma due to higher sediment 46000000 deposition rates or tectonic inversion? 20,000,000 45500000 o Bonaparte basin ¨C does the subsidence between 140 and 126Ma and the 10,000,000 45000000 subsequent uplift from 105Ma correspond to tectonic or sedimentary 44500000 influence? 0 o Are any of these vertical changes in topography due to deep earth influences? 110 100 90 80 70 160 140 120 100 Age Age References 1 Golonka, J., Krobicki, M., Paj?k, J., Van Giang, N. & Zuchiewicz, W. Global Plate Tectonics and Africa diverges from South Africa diverges from South Paleogeography of Southeast Asia. (Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental America after 105Ma (Model B) America after 126Ma (Model G) Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Arkadia, 2006). 2 Smith, A. G., Smith, D.G., Funnell, B.M. Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. (Cambridge University Press, 1994).