Most Sicilian traditions revolve around the Roman Catholic church. Sicilians are very devout and superstitious, often praying for the sick, dying, and dead. Though Catholicism is now dominant, remnants of pagan religions can still be seen, such as the Trinacria symbol used in temples to ward off invaders. Major celebrations include carnivals with floats and food, as well as festivals honoring saints like Santa Rosalia in Palermo marked by religious processions.
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Palermo and religion
2. Sicilian TraditionsSicilian Traditions
Practically all Sicily traditions revolve around orPractically all Sicily traditions revolve around or
are in some way related to the church.are in some way related to the church.
Superstitions and celebrations are as much aSuperstitions and celebrations are as much a
part of the Sicily culture as are the language,part of the Sicily culture as are the language,
cuisine and art.cuisine and art.
Most Sicilians are devout Roman Catholics andMost Sicilians are devout Roman Catholics and
very superstitious.very superstitious.
Going to the church and lighting a candle is aGoing to the church and lighting a candle is a
big part of Sicily culture. Prayers are always saidbig part of Sicily culture. Prayers are always said
for the sick and the dying, as well as the dead.for the sick and the dying, as well as the dead.
3. The TrinacriaThe Trinacria
Even though Catholicism is theEven though Catholicism is the
major religion today, there are stillmajor religion today, there are still
remnants of the old paganremnants of the old pagan
The Trinacria, a symbol that is seenThe Trinacria, a symbol that is seen
on many buildings and now graceson many buildings and now graces
the official Sicilian banner, is athe official Sicilian banner, is a
symbol that was originally put onsymbol that was originally put on
pagan temples, to scare offpagan temples, to scare off
invading armies.invading armies.
4. The main feastsThe main feasts
Carnivals are a famous partCarnivals are a famous part
of Sicily culture. Floats areof Sicily culture. Floats are
large and decorative.large and decorative.
Booths line the city squaresBooths line the city squares
during carnival.during carnival.
Fireworks are popular andFireworks are popular and
food is is everywhere.
Other than the religiousOther than the religious
festivals of Easter,festivals of Easter,
Christmas and otherChristmas and other
holidays, carnivals areholidays, carnivals are
considered the mostconsidered the most
important events of the year.important events of the year.
5. Santa RosaliaSanta Rosalia
Among local religious cults, theAmong local religious cults, the
celebrations in honour of thecelebrations in honour of the
patron saint.patron saint.
The most famous of theseThe most famous of these
is the so-called FESTINOis the so-called FESTINO
in Palermo (13-15 July),in Palermo (13-15 July),
characterised by thecharacterised by the
processions of theprocessions of the
"Triumphal Chariot" and"Triumphal Chariot" and
of the silver urn of theof the silver urn of the
"Santuzza", as the people"Santuzza", as the people
of Palermo call theirof Palermo call their
patron Saint.patron Saint.