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Your Guide to
Haze-Free Cooking Oil
an initiative by
Peoples Movement to Stop Haze
We surveyed some popular restaurant chains along Orchard Road
and were using cooking oil containing palm oil.32 out of 33
Is my cooking oil causing the haze?
Cooking oil labelled with terms such as frying oil or
vegetable oil often contains palm oil upon closer
inspection of the ingredients list.
Palm oil is widely used as a cooking oil in Singapore.
Wait, whats palm oil?
Palm oil and palm kernel oil
are derived from the fruits
of the Oil Palm.
Malaysia and Indonesia
produce 85% of the worlds palm oil
as of August 2016.
When we asked them what type of
oil they were using, many of the
restaurant staff themselves were not
even aware that they were using
palm oil and would refer to it with
generic terms such as vegetable oil
or tempura oil.
So what?
Uncontrolled expansion of oil palm
plantations has contributed to many
environmental and social problems,
including the haze.
In response to consumer demand, many
global companies have made strong
commitments to buy only palm oil that is
grown responsibly.
Consumer awareness about the link
between haze and consumer products is
also growing in Singapore, as exemplified
by the boycott of APP products in 2015.
Why dont we just switch to other types of oil?
 Oil palm yields about 5  8 times more oil than other oil crops1, so
less land is needed to produce the same amount of oil.
 Other oil crops may also be problematic. Soybeans, for example,
have been linked to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
1 Calculated using 2014 yields from FAO <faostat3.fao.org> and conversion ratio from Johnston, et al., 2009. Resetting global expectations from agricultural biofuels. Environmental Research Letters.
Is my cooking oil causing the haze?
Fires raging in Tripa peatland, Indonesia, caused by a palm oil company.
Image source: Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme.
Protestors successfully urged Dunkin Donuts to
commit to 100% sustainable, zero deforestation palm
oil for frying their donuts.
Image source: Forest Heroes.
Choose palm oil that is sourced
from haze-free plantations.
Haze-causing plantations Haze-free plantations
Use fire to clear land
(use machinery
to clear land)
Snatch land from locals,
with fire being used
as a weapon
Respect land rights
and work with local
communities to
minimise use of fire
Cause deforestation,
resulting in
fire-prone area
Protect forests,
keeping area humid
Drain peat,
resulting in
fire-prone area
Avoid new planting
on peat and manage
water level in existing
plantations on peat
Lack manpower and
equipment to fight fires
Sufficient manpower
and equipment to detect
and stop fires early
What is the difference between haze-
free and haze-causing plantations?
Plantations are required to adhere to RSPOs Principles and Criteria in
order to be certified. Here are the criteria relevant to haze:
 Restrictions on use of fire for land clearance
 Respect for land rights of local communities and indigenous people
 Protection of primary and high-conservation-value forests
 No new planting on extensive peatland and management of water
levels for existing plantations on peat
How do I ensure that my palm oil is
sourced from haze-free plantations?
A good place to start is by making sure your palm oil
is certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
RSPO is a non-profit organisation launched in 2004
that unites non-governmental organisations and
companies to make sustainable (socially and
environmentally-friendly) palm oil the norm.
The RSPO certifies 17% of global palm oil
as of August 2016.
What are the different types of
RSPO-certified palm oil?
Identity Preserved (IP)
Palm oil from certified plantations is kept separate from non-certified palm oil throughout the supply
chain AND the palm oil in the end product can be traced back to a single mill.
Look out for these claims labels!
What are the different types of
RSPO-certified palm oil?
Segregated (SG)
Palm oil from certified plantations is kept separate from non-certified palm oil
throughout the supply chain.
Look out for these claims labels!
Mass Balance (MB)
Allows for mixing of certified and non-certified palm oil.
e-Trace system ensures that the amount of palm oil sold as certified palm oil
in end product is equivalent to the amount of certified palm oil produced.
Mass Balance and Book and Claim options
incentivize the production of certified sustainable palm oil,
but you may still be buying from haze-causing plantations.
Palm oil buyers should opt for at least Segregated (SG) RSPO-certified palm oil,
although the Mass Balance and Book and Claim options may be used as an
interim measure if IP and SG are unavailable.
What are the different types of
RSPO-certified palm oil?
Book and Claim (BC)
Does not involve physical transfer of any palm oil.
Palm oil buyers buy a certificate from growers.
Is anyone already using RSPO-certified
cooking oil in Singapore?
RSPO-certified (Segregated) palm oil is currently being used in Singapore as cooking oil.
Although at the moment it costs slightly more (about 6-10%), with time and with greater
demand, the price of RSPO-certified palm oil will fall to match current prices.
The following FAQ is based on RSPOs Market Communications and Claims rules (2015), which is the latest set of rules
as of August 2016. Refer to www.rspo.org for updated rules, if any.
Need audits and certification
Product manufacturers or repackagers (including supermarkets with in-house brands)
To claim that the product is RSPO-certified, the RSPO-certification trademark must be
displayed on the product packaging.
These are the steps to obtain the Trademark license: Step 1:Apply to be a RSPO member
Step 2: Undergo Audit
Step 3: Obtain the Trademark license
Do not need audits and certification
Restaurants,caterers and other food providers which buy cooking oil but do not repackage
Currently, such businesses need not undergo audits. However, RSPO is reviewing this in
September 2016.
The business would currently only need to check that:
 Their supplier is an RSPO trademark licensee (list is available on www.rspo.org)
 The product packaging carries the RSPO-certification trademark
Do I need audits and certification?
Company name Supply chain option
Unitata Berhad
(Parent Company:United Plantations Bhd)
IP / SG / MB
Cargill Palm Products Sdn Bhd
(Parent Company:Cargill Incorporated)
Ngo Chew Hong Edible Oil Pte Ltd
(Parent Company:Mewah Group)
Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd SG / MB
Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn Bhd SG / MB
Lam Soon Edible Oils Sdn Bhd MB
Hap Seng Edible Oils Pte Ltd MB
Fuji Oil (Singapore) Pte, Ltd
(Parent Company:Fuji Oil Group)
Which suppliers can supply RSPO-
certified cooking oil to Singapore?
Most of these suppliers can
provide a blend of cooking
oil types in order to meet
the Health Promotion
Board (HPB) healthier oil
criteria as well.
You can contact us at
contact@pmhaze.org if you
need the sales contacts for
these companies.
How do I make my brand haze-free?
Switching to RSPO-certified palm oil cooking oil is a good starting point due to its availability.
However, to be a haze-free hero, the business must ensure that palm oil used in any form across
its global operations is truly haze-free.
It takes time to source RSPO-certified palm oil across all global operations and in
all forms. Businesses can first send a clear message to stakeholders including
customers, shareholders and suppliers, by making a public time-bound
commitment to source haze-free palm oil.
To support this commitment, businesses can develop a palm oil policy which
includes a supplier code of conduct that ensures suppliers commit to certain
standards of transparency and traceability and allows the buyer to take measures
if violations are discovered. A palm oil policy template is available on
Follow through with the commitment to source RSPO-certified palm oil.
While switching to RSPO-certified palm oil, progressive businesses can also look
out for palm oil which is produced according to the stricter standard: zero-fire,
zero-deforestation, zero-peat and zero-exploitation. RSPO-Next is one example
of an emerging certification that meets this higher standard.
Finally, businesses can demonstrate their social responsibility by directly
supporting haze-prevention efforts such as peat restoration.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil: www.rspo.org
Peoples Movement to Stop Haze: www.pmhaze.org
If you are involved in buying palm oil and would like to find out more,
please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@pmhaze.org.
We are ready to support you in your haze-free journey!
Developed by Leia Jones, Gauri Shukla, Tan Yi Han, Tessa Thai, Jen Tan
August 2016

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  • 1. Your Guide to Haze-Free Cooking Oil an initiative by Peoples Movement to Stop Haze
  • 2. We surveyed some popular restaurant chains along Orchard Road and were using cooking oil containing palm oil.32 out of 33 Is my cooking oil causing the haze? Cooking oil labelled with terms such as frying oil or vegetable oil often contains palm oil upon closer inspection of the ingredients list. Palm oil is widely used as a cooking oil in Singapore. Wait, whats palm oil? Palm oil and palm kernel oil are derived from the fruits of the Oil Palm. Malaysia and Indonesia produce 85% of the worlds palm oil as of August 2016. When we asked them what type of oil they were using, many of the restaurant staff themselves were not even aware that they were using palm oil and would refer to it with generic terms such as vegetable oil or tempura oil.
  • 3. So what? Well Uncontrolled expansion of oil palm plantations has contributed to many environmental and social problems, including the haze. In response to consumer demand, many global companies have made strong commitments to buy only palm oil that is grown responsibly. Consumer awareness about the link between haze and consumer products is also growing in Singapore, as exemplified by the boycott of APP products in 2015. Why dont we just switch to other types of oil? Oil palm yields about 5 8 times more oil than other oil crops1, so less land is needed to produce the same amount of oil. Other oil crops may also be problematic. Soybeans, for example, have been linked to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. 1 Calculated using 2014 yields from FAO <faostat3.fao.org> and conversion ratio from Johnston, et al., 2009. Resetting global expectations from agricultural biofuels. Environmental Research Letters. Is my cooking oil causing the haze? Fires raging in Tripa peatland, Indonesia, caused by a palm oil company. Image source: Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme. Protestors successfully urged Dunkin Donuts to commit to 100% sustainable, zero deforestation palm oil for frying their donuts. Image source: Forest Heroes. Choose palm oil that is sourced from haze-free plantations.
  • 4. Haze-causing plantations Haze-free plantations Use fire to clear land Zero-burning (use machinery to clear land) Snatch land from locals, with fire being used as a weapon Respect land rights and work with local communities to minimise use of fire Cause deforestation, resulting in fire-prone area Protect forests, keeping area humid Drain peat, resulting in fire-prone area Avoid new planting on peat and manage water level in existing plantations on peat Lack manpower and equipment to fight fires Sufficient manpower and equipment to detect and stop fires early What is the difference between haze- free and haze-causing plantations?
  • 5. Plantations are required to adhere to RSPOs Principles and Criteria in order to be certified. Here are the criteria relevant to haze: Restrictions on use of fire for land clearance Respect for land rights of local communities and indigenous people Protection of primary and high-conservation-value forests No new planting on extensive peatland and management of water levels for existing plantations on peat How do I ensure that my palm oil is sourced from haze-free plantations? A good place to start is by making sure your palm oil is certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. RSPO is a non-profit organisation launched in 2004 that unites non-governmental organisations and companies to make sustainable (socially and environmentally-friendly) palm oil the norm. The RSPO certifies 17% of global palm oil as of August 2016.
  • 6. What are the different types of RSPO-certified palm oil? Identity Preserved (IP) Palm oil from certified plantations is kept separate from non-certified palm oil throughout the supply chain AND the palm oil in the end product can be traced back to a single mill. Look out for these claims labels!
  • 7. What are the different types of RSPO-certified palm oil? Segregated (SG) Palm oil from certified plantations is kept separate from non-certified palm oil throughout the supply chain. Look out for these claims labels!
  • 8. Mass Balance (MB) Allows for mixing of certified and non-certified palm oil. e-Trace system ensures that the amount of palm oil sold as certified palm oil in end product is equivalent to the amount of certified palm oil produced. Mass Balance and Book and Claim options incentivize the production of certified sustainable palm oil, but you may still be buying from haze-causing plantations. Palm oil buyers should opt for at least Segregated (SG) RSPO-certified palm oil, although the Mass Balance and Book and Claim options may be used as an interim measure if IP and SG are unavailable. What are the different types of RSPO-certified palm oil? Book and Claim (BC) Does not involve physical transfer of any palm oil. Palm oil buyers buy a certificate from growers. Is anyone already using RSPO-certified cooking oil in Singapore? YES! RSPO-certified (Segregated) palm oil is currently being used in Singapore as cooking oil. Although at the moment it costs slightly more (about 6-10%), with time and with greater demand, the price of RSPO-certified palm oil will fall to match current prices.
  • 9. The following FAQ is based on RSPOs Market Communications and Claims rules (2015), which is the latest set of rules as of August 2016. Refer to www.rspo.org for updated rules, if any. Need audits and certification Product manufacturers or repackagers (including supermarkets with in-house brands) To claim that the product is RSPO-certified, the RSPO-certification trademark must be displayed on the product packaging. These are the steps to obtain the Trademark license: Step 1:Apply to be a RSPO member Step 2: Undergo Audit Step 3: Obtain the Trademark license Do not need audits and certification Restaurants,caterers and other food providers which buy cooking oil but do not repackage Currently, such businesses need not undergo audits. However, RSPO is reviewing this in September 2016. The business would currently only need to check that: Their supplier is an RSPO trademark licensee (list is available on www.rspo.org) The product packaging carries the RSPO-certification trademark Do I need audits and certification? Company name Supply chain option Unitata Berhad (Parent Company:United Plantations Bhd) IP / SG / MB Cargill Palm Products Sdn Bhd (Parent Company:Cargill Incorporated) SG / MB Ngo Chew Hong Edible Oil Pte Ltd (Parent Company:Mewah Group) SG / MB Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd SG / MB Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn Bhd SG / MB Lam Soon Edible Oils Sdn Bhd MB Hap Seng Edible Oils Pte Ltd MB Fuji Oil (Singapore) Pte, Ltd (Parent Company:Fuji Oil Group) MB Which suppliers can supply RSPO- certified cooking oil to Singapore? Most of these suppliers can provide a blend of cooking oil types in order to meet the Health Promotion Board (HPB) healthier oil criteria as well. You can contact us at contact@pmhaze.org if you need the sales contacts for these companies.
  • 10. How do I make my brand haze-free? Switching to RSPO-certified palm oil cooking oil is a good starting point due to its availability. However, to be a haze-free hero, the business must ensure that palm oil used in any form across its global operations is truly haze-free. It takes time to source RSPO-certified palm oil across all global operations and in all forms. Businesses can first send a clear message to stakeholders including customers, shareholders and suppliers, by making a public time-bound commitment to source haze-free palm oil. To support this commitment, businesses can develop a palm oil policy which includes a supplier code of conduct that ensures suppliers commit to certain standards of transparency and traceability and allows the buyer to take measures if violations are discovered. A palm oil policy template is available on www.pmhaze.org Follow through with the commitment to source RSPO-certified palm oil. While switching to RSPO-certified palm oil, progressive businesses can also look out for palm oil which is produced according to the stricter standard: zero-fire, zero-deforestation, zero-peat and zero-exploitation. RSPO-Next is one example of an emerging certification that meets this higher standard. Finally, businesses can demonstrate their social responsibility by directly supporting haze-prevention efforts such as peat restoration.
  • 11. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil: www.rspo.org Peoples Movement to Stop Haze: www.pmhaze.org If you are involved in buying palm oil and would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@pmhaze.org. We are ready to support you in your haze-free journey! Developed by Leia Jones, Gauri Shukla, Tan Yi Han, Tessa Thai, Jen Tan August 2016