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Portfolio Exclusives
Table Of Contents
About the Designer.......................................... 4
Resume........................................................... 5
1. 3
The Vision...
About the Designer
Pamela Pipkins is a yooung aspiring designer who wants to
specialize in menswear. She is currently studying at Stephens
College in Columbia, Missouri. She is majoring in Apparel
Studies with an emphasis in Fashion Designand a minor in
1. 5
Pamela Pipkins
1200 E. Broadway Columbia, Mo 65215 Email : pamiepipkins08@gmail.com Phone: (918)-850-8086
Where: Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri
Major: Bachelors of Fine Arts Apparel Studies
Minor: Business
Worked 25 hours per week while being a full time
Expected Graduation: May 2018
Michaels Craft Store Columbia, Missouri
Replenishment Associate October 2016- Present
 Setting the display per season
 Restocking the shelves when items get low
 Changing the price on varios products
 Keeping Track of Inventory
 Ensuring that customers are greeted and assisted

Walmart Columbia, Missouri
Cashier August2015-August 2016
 Took money in the form of cash, credit card, or check
 Scanned items and ensured pricing is correct
 Answered customer questions and asked for a manager
if answer didnt resolve issue
 Returned unwanted items to shelves
OvernightStock Associate Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
May 2015- August 2015
 Gathered shoping carts and baskets and ensured they are
 Assisted customers that shopped during the night hours
 Stocked shelves with items and made sure items were brought
 Ensured that any excess materials are placed in storage rooms
 Followed Company Rules and protocols that reguarded
product placement

Stephens College Fitness Center Columbia , Missouri
Assistant September 2014-May 2016
 Wiped down Equipment
 Made sure everyone signed in and out
Made sure the electronics were unplugged
Stephens College Leadership and Activities
B. E. A.U. T. I. F. U. L. Publicity Officer Fall 2015- Present
Stephens College Modeling Group Fall 2014-May 2015
Innovative Fashion Association Fall 2014- May 2015
Illustrator Sewing
Photoshop Draping
Indesign Patternmaking
1. 7
1. 9
I did these Illustrations inspired by John
Ferrigamo. He does customs suits that
often have designs on them.
1. 11
Pamela's Mini Portfolio
1. 13
Pamela's Mini Portfolio
1. 15
The Get Fresh Company is locarted in Toronto, Canada. It offers a variety of high end
clothes to men. I chose this comany because I am interested in menswear.
Get Fres
1. 17
sh Company
Get Fresh Com
1. 19
mpany New Collection
Phone: (918)-850-8086
Email: pamiepipkins08@gmail.com

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Pamela's Mini Portfolio

  • 2. Table Of Contents About the Designer.......................................... 4 Resume........................................................... 5 Designs.........................................................6 About............................................................15
  • 4. About the Designer Pamela Pipkins is a yooung aspiring designer who wants to specialize in menswear. She is currently studying at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. She is majoring in Apparel Studies with an emphasis in Fashion Designand a minor in business.
  • 5. 1. 5 Pamela Pipkins Contact: 1200 E. Broadway Columbia, Mo 65215 Email : pamiepipkins08@gmail.com Phone: (918)-850-8086 Education: Where: Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri Major: Bachelors of Fine Arts Apparel Studies Minor: Business Worked 25 hours per week while being a full time student. Expected Graduation: May 2018 Experience: Michaels Craft Store Columbia, Missouri Replenishment Associate October 2016- Present Setting the display per season Restocking the shelves when items get low Changing the price on varios products Keeping Track of Inventory Ensuring that customers are greeted and assisted Walmart Columbia, Missouri Cashier August2015-August 2016 Took money in the form of cash, credit card, or check Scanned items and ensured pricing is correct Answered customer questions and asked for a manager if answer didnt resolve issue Returned unwanted items to shelves OvernightStock Associate Broken Arrow, Oklahoma May 2015- August 2015 Gathered shoping carts and baskets and ensured they are working Assisted customers that shopped during the night hours Stocked shelves with items and made sure items were brought forward Ensured that any excess materials are placed in storage rooms Followed Company Rules and protocols that reguarded product placement Stephens College Fitness Center Columbia , Missouri Assistant September 2014-May 2016 Wiped down Equipment Made sure everyone signed in and out Made sure the electronics were unplugged Stephens College Leadership and Activities B. E. A.U. T. I. F. U. L. Publicity Officer Fall 2015- Present Stephens College Modeling Group Fall 2014-May 2015 Innovative Fashion Association Fall 2014- May 2015 Skills: Illustrator Sewing Photoshop Draping Indesign Patternmaking Drawing
  • 8. Ins
  • 10. I did these Illustrations inspired by John Ferrigamo. He does customs suits that often have designs on them.
  • 11. 1. 11
  • 13. 1. 13
  • 15. 1. 15 About The Get Fresh Company is locarted in Toronto, Canada. It offers a variety of high end clothes to men. I chose this comany because I am interested in menswear.
  • 18. Get Fresh Com WEST END IS THE BEST END
  • 19. 1. 19 mpany New Collection W. QUEENS